
A 14-post collection

Saturday, First Parkrun of the Year

I've packed my pills, my headphones are fully charged, I have my knees on and I remembered to cool my heels before I tied my shoelaces.

I think I'm doing pretty good so far. Despite feeling very, very tired.

I will for sure need a cold pack when I return home to make my offerings. All the better to make sure I can shamble around the house for my varied needs.

I don't know why, but my heel is protesting this morning. I'll see how things go.

Almost time to launch. Wish me luck.

Saturday, Parkrun in the Rain

Wet weather. Such fun. Even more fun is having a foot that absolutely hates you with a passion. I had to bust out my cane just to make it the whole five kilometers.

And then it was a question of which hurt more - my foot or my wrist because of firkin course my entire dang body is falling the flakk apart.

At least I'm seeing someone about the nonsense in my feet this coming Tuesday. Thereafter I should at least have

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Saturday, Parkrun, Sore Feet, and Stream PLNs

I had a good parkrun, it was afterwards that nonsense went sideways. The original pln was to pull in, drop off the tower, and scoot off before the delivery people arrived so there'd be room to bring in the new freezer.

At no point was I told that Beloved and Adorable wanted to come with me to my beta destination - the New Farm Confectionary Company.

There, my lovely readers, you can get Espresso Caramels. AKA "Coffee Toffee" to Miss Chaos and

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Saturday, Parkrun Tardiness

My Beloved woke me up with a firkin movie night with the girls. Hudson Hawk, which is good taste, but I wanted to SLEEP. Ow...

I did a deliberate run last week and I should not have tried to do it again this time. Ow.

Also, there's a severe low pressure system off of Vanuatu and my face can feel it. OW!

So I shall now commence an attempt at the daily tale before my love and I are offski towards another

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Challenge #02869-G312: Tolerance Levels

Human A: "Try this!"

Human B: "Is it hot?"

Human A: "No."

Human B: "Your not hot, or my not hot?"

Human A: "'s not hot."

Human B: "..." takes a bite

Nonhuman Cremember: "Why is Human B crying while guzzling milk?"

Human A: "It's not hot!"

Human B: (takes a moment to stop guzzling milk)(snot and tears running down face) "I'm sensitive to capsaicin, and you eat raw ghost peppers for fun! Your 'not hot' is not my 'not hot'!" (goes

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Challenge #01848-E024: Walk it Off...

Human broke his arm and is upset when he saw that he lose his watch.

Human stub his toe and is crying on the floor. -- Anon Guest

In the early days of their acceptance into the Greater Galactic Alliance, there was a code. HID. Human In Distress. The greater population had yet to understand humans and, to state a point of fact, still don't. Therefore, a human in any kind of physical or mental pain was a cause for viral concern

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Dawn breaks...

Not literally. No. This is a metaphorical dawn. A dawn in the mind.

Followers of my ramblings - the ones who aren’t bots - will know I recently discovered the anti-joy of having a spur in my heel.

It’s painful to walk, most of the time. So I have gained a new appreciation of being able to walk without pain.

And last night… I cooked a meal for the first time in four fargnaxing weeks.

It was

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As the Drama Flies...

I usually name my mythical soap operas _All My [NOUN]s_, mad-lib style. But my life is definitely As the Drama Flies. And believe me, it’s flying pretty damn low, right now.

Got some expensive and some not-so-expensive stuff to try and train the hound not to chew shit he shouldn’t chew. Neither of said stuff is waterproof.

Gave selfsame stuff to Hubby and Mostly Shiftless. It hasn’t been seen since.

It rained.

Dog decided to

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That’s my weight, this morning. I’m finally down to sniffing distance of my target weight.

After my personal disaster cascade [see earlier posts about me tripping on a chair], I honestly believed I would be battling weight problems and increasing weight until such time as I could actually walk again.

What I forgot is that I would also be less inclined to get up and grab another snack.

Here’s my regime - or what passes for

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Two more days...

It’s Wednesday. I promised myself that if my heel showed no signs of improvement by Friday, I would drag it and my sorry fat arse down to the local quack to see what they can do.

Besides, I’m running low on Seratide and I need a new scrip.

I also plan on checking what other rheumatism remedies there are. I was given some quinine-derived stuff last time by a specialist who wasn’t sure if it was

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Disaster Cascade

I tripped on a chair, stubbed my toe, and completely bolloxed the heel of the same foot in the space of a few seconds.

In the process of hobbling to bed, I did something horrible to the opposite knee.

I need crutches just to get around, but before I got them, the rheumatism in both my wrists flared up and I needed to put my bracers on.

24 hours later, I’m not that much better.

My heel still hurts like

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Farging roadblocks!

No, this is not about traffic.

I seem to be cursed to stay at or above 91.9 kilos.

I bounced back up into solid 92kilo turf, today. Grrr.

I’m so mad at myself and frustrated and tired and, to add insult to injury, my right knee has decided to join my wrists in the Painful Rheumatism Club.

Which means I more or less have to rely on diet alone on the days when it’s painful to move.

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That’s my weight, today[2nd Feb].

That’s my stumbling block.

Three times, I’ve got down to 91.9 only to yo-yo back up to the next kilo bracket. since I spend a week working off roughly a kilo, I watch those decimals like a hawk. Getting down into the next “kilo zone” is fast becoming an obsession.

Better make certain it’s not a dangerous one, then.

And in the Antiprogress side of

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