
A 58-post collection

Saturday, Parkrun and Upgrades

Thanks to a chain of shenanigans involving Adorable, a dodgy compy part, and attempts to repair her compy... I am about to get a new compy made out of all the replacement parts that were never needed.

It's a complicated pile of shenanigans and I can't remember the name of the bit that initially went wrong. Suffice to say that Beloved and Adorable bought a new one that was broken in the box, and subsequently attempted to fix said compy by replacing literally everything else.

And now I'm getting that everything else. Which is a ridiculous upgrade from my old rig. I'm also getting an OS swap from Linux Mint Cinnamon to Something Else I Forget The Name Of, which Adorable is infinitely more familiar with.

Which, in turn, means that I should be back to streaming sometime real soon now. As soon as everything is harvested off my old rig, installed in the new one, and all the kinks are ironed out.

Which is not happening this week, methinks.

This week is another week overloaded with 2-hour road trips for Mayhem and my good self being a very tired bean.

Today's offerings will be happening after I finally return home. And maybe catch a nap.

Time will tell.


There's been an embuggerance. Several, in fact, but I can enlighten you about a few of them here.

  • Initial Adorable's compy problem was some busted RAM chips, which have been replaced in both versions
  • New compy made out of replacement bits will be mine in the fullness of time, BUT...
  • New compy case has a slight curse issue
  • Old-school case curses were due to a flaw in the metal of the case
  • THIS variant of case curse is due to a chip/board that controls the cool lights in the case. Connecting the lights makes the whole thing go plooey
  • The good news is that the whole thing can work without the cool lights
  • BUT because hot&cold running customers, it couldn't be fixed today
  • They're still ordering a replacement chip/board thing so I can have cool lights in my new compy rig
  • Coming real soon now I promise

It's been a heck of a day.

I've made some comfort food and I'm watching some nonsense. If any of my offerings happen today, it's because the mood has struck.

I am a very, very tired bean.

Saturday, Parkrun, and Hair

In a few short minutes, I'm offski to get my green refreshed and my undercut redone. I have more than enough nonsense to keep me warm in the wintertime now.

Tomorrow, the QPP is off to Renfaire[aka Abbey Medieval Festival], and I will be pre-occupied with possible cosplay acquisition. IF my offerings come out tomorrow, consider it a minor miracle.

Wish me the very best of luck. I'll need it.

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Saturday, Parkrun and Solar PLNs

I had to slow down because my ankles decided to hate me for walking fast. It matters not how speedy I am, it matters that I make it.

In other news: I have a new thing that someone has called me.

Anime Samurai Ninja.

Yes, folks. They guy at the coffee place remembers me as "the anime samurai ninja" which amuses me greatly.

Anime: Dyed hair
Samurai: The walking stick hanging like a katana off my belt
Ninja: my nigh permanent mask

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Saturday, Parkrun and Technical Issues

I'm still setting things up in the new Linux setup. The problem is, I can't quite get TaleSpire to work yet. Consulting with my fixer-upperer is difficult because she's incommunicado.

And also my internet is dodgy. Huzzah.

Fun times ahead.

With very good luck, I shall have it all up and running before game time. If not, I'll warn my players that TaleSpire currently doesn't like me.

Given that they've done zero offscreen shopping, the chances are good for another stream of

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Saturday, Parkrun and Stream PLNs

My right leg hated me, today, so I wasn't as fast as I could have been. I made it anyway.

I now have a system running entirely on Linux, but setting up is still an issue that needs resolution.

I´ll be running tomorrow's stream from the old Linux setup until I have this one properly set up for all my shenanigans.

Once I have that all lined up, I can wipe the drive with the original setup on it and then

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Saturday, Parkrun and Compy Repair

Miss Chaos has her PC back! It was just the power supply that went boom. With a new one installed, Chaos is back to her usual shenanigans with gaming and youtube and more gaming.

I'm about to dive into my offerings and otherwise prep for the VTTRPG that's on early-early tomorrow morning.

I did get some good sleep so that I was able to wake up before the alarm this morning. I might be able to do it again tonight.

I'm already

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Saturday, Parkrun, Sore Feet, and Very Tired

I messed up parkrun by getting my wires crossed and finishing before I did the full 5K. Unfamiliar course, already sore and tired. Not inclined to remedy my mistake.

So now I have a Fake Personal Best(tm).

My bad.

We went thereafter to the West End Markets, and I'm glad to see that West End is still a melting pot despite the efforts of Yuppies and Gentrification. Lots of cultural exchange going on.

I am very footsore and very weary. So

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Saturday, Parkrun, Bug chasing, and Hair

There's been some alarm from my readers over the prospect of my moving [though I can't fathom why. I find a way to work around every impediment in my path] so let me ease some concerns with this:

It's all at least a year in the future IF things go well for us.

By that time, the kids could have lives of their own. By that time, I could have an author career. I could have a multi-bajillion-dollar deal with some megacorporation

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Saturday, Parkrun, Leyland's Tour, and Ouchy Feet

My left foot hates me. Specifically in the heel where my bone spur is. It's been acting up and I have no time to help them heal during certain days.

Our journeys today included a couple of side trips. One to pick up some new hardware, and the other to get better shoes. Both for Adorable.

And that's why I'm writing this at half-past 2PM.

I am a very tired bean and not inclined to do any more work to sorting out

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Saturday, Parkrun, B12, and Assorted Shenanigans

As I write this, my Beloved is having a nap. I am stocking up on some internal caffeine because the B-complex I'm taking only stretches a little further than 24 hours after I took it.

Translation: my energy levels are still shit.

I expect this shall be sorted out in a week or two, but in the meantime I have to deal by other means.

I've seen another image in which it's revealed that Beloved has even more hardware in her arm

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Saturday, No Parkrun, New Tech, and Game PLNs

The weather bureau promised that there would be rain today, so we called it for Parkrun and decided on social brunch with minor snuggles.

Adorable is switching her OS to Ubuntu because Mainstream Enshittification Syndrome and I'm honestly pondering the logistics of joining the protest.

During the software change, I asked about a hardware change that I have been anticipating for some months - a new mechanical keyboard with a volume control and a firkin number pad.

That was a Leyland's Tour

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Saturday, Parkrun and Health Updates

I did well on the parkrun, but my feet hate me and my knees aren't happy, either. We shared lunch, I finished another chapter [401 and counting] and got to see my poor suffering Beloved.

When I heard that they were putting pins in her arm to keep it all together during the healing process, I imagined at most a couple per bone piece, all anchored in the plate that keeps everything in line.

What she got was half an Ikea's worth

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Saturday, Parkrun and Associated Shenanigans

Beloved and I walked together while Adorable tried to break a thirty-minute run. Miss Chaos ended up dawdling along as per usual.

That done, I took the whole crew around for Brunch, then we went to some specialist shops so that Adorable could get her Mate [pronounced "mah-tay"] fix.

I tried it. Unfortunately, to my tongue, it just tastes like liquid choko. A taste that was never my favourite.

It was quite the lengthy trip. Involving driving through the city. Which is

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Saturday, Parkrun and Leyland's Tour

My side of the family has a fine tradition of "while you're up..." which used to be taking advantage of someone after they got up from a shared sedentary occupation.

"While you're up, you can take my dirty dish to the sink."

Today was a "while we're out" day. While we're out for parkrun, why not go and get Miss Chaos a decent sports bra? While we're out, why not do a little grocery shopping? While we're out, let's get the food

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Saturday, Parkrun and Snuggle PLNs

Beloved has had her meds upped and the subsequent blargies have hit her lightly this time. We did the parkrun, had a brunch, and she's watching court drama while I'm busy doing the thing.

I'm taking things VERY lightly with my WIP during the weekend. If I get a chapter finished, I get a chapter finished. That's a win.

As long as I write one sentence in the thing, I have worked on it that day.

This is how I win the

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