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Challenge #04422-L038: Not That Harmless

Not all havenworlds are harmless. Some, for the natives, it's paradise. But for those not native to it? A deathtrap. -- Anon Guest

The mistake everyone makes is believing that Havenworlders are weak because they were basically coddled for their entire evolution. What they miss is that the Havenworlder-Deathworlder scales are calibrated according to how much or how little the planetary system is amenable to the lives of its natives.

Flora, fauna, mycotta, weather, geology, microbiota, and other orbiting bodies within the stellar system. These either have it 'for' the life on the inhabited planet, or 'against' it. Coddling, in the case of Havenworlders, or challenging the Deathworlders. As a result, Deathworlders are tougher and more adaptable to unexpected than most, and Havenworlders are more likely to fit very well into their home environment and very little else.

In this case, this particular Havenworld is largely based on mycotta. Fungi are the dominant form of technically-vegetation and the atmosphere is periodically spore soup.

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Friday, Still Unfucking My Feet

I'm getting weird stabbing pains in the back of my right heel when I bend over to pick up things from floor level. My physio recommended extra padding on the relevant shoe and keeping up with the cold soaks. As well as all the stretchies, of course.

...I keep forgetting my wrist stretchies and I should be making myself get back onto that. I just have to catastrophise not doing it like I did for the foot stretchies.

If it's silly and

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Challenge #04421-L037: But Why Though?

They enter the galactic universities the first time. And the Alliance learns how brilliant, and how unorthodox, humans can be. -- Anon Guest

The concept of higher education is older than many might think. Basic learning covers the essentials everyone needs to know. Life skills, manners, standards of cleanliness and dress. As a civilisation gets more complicated, the basics expand.

So to do the levels of education.

Some use this to hold themselves above others. Hence the term "higher education'. A polity

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Thursday, Forgotten Blog and Shopping

I need to be positive. I need to share the love. With that in mind, I will make some time to talk about my favourite Pratchett book - Nation.

Everything output-related is delayed today because Firefox obliterated my tab hoard. I have the barest necessities back, and that's a start. But damnit, it hurts every time.

And it still firkin crashes my compy when I try to upload a pic using Firefox -_-

Everything I post that wants an image is

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Challenge #04420-L036: Sore-ting Systems

This library is enchanted. It will always provide you with the knowledge you need. However, it may not be the knowledge you want. You have been warned. -- Fighting Fit

If knowledge is power, and power corrupts, it therefore follows that knowledge must be restricted. Such is the logic of dictators everywhere. Despite this, people still need knowledge, like they need sustenance, or medicine. Even the knowledge of which medicines work is needed. Even the dictators step back from restricting all knowledge.

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Physio

I will probably get to the rant after my physio appointment, today. Which rescheduled three times yesterday. No word of a lie.

And speaking of alterations to things, I had to remove the brackets from the title of this year's anthology because they want the cover and the words in the title to match. Fucking. Hell.

Also, Smashwords and Draft2Digital are doing affiliate links for profit reasons and they were the LAST non-evil self-publishing venue I had. Powers damn it.

The sooner

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Challenge #04419-L035: Easy Mistakes to Make

They didn't listen, and now they were covered in red welts and bumps. The human warned them that there were few, even among humans, who didn't react when harvesting this plant. And now they itched all over. They called them cattails, but they didn't realize those edible things were also irritants!

((Note, cattail plants contain an irritant on that lovely pod of theirs. While highly edible, it's advised to wear gloves when harvesting them.)) -- Anon Guest

[AN: Cattails are fascinating]


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Tuesday, Patreon, Feet, and Shopping

I have enough stability in my feet to actually go out for supplies. Which is a good thing, because we need them. I just need to put on my other knee before I take off, and have ice prepped for the return. We have a stock, so in theory I should be fine.

In theory.

BUT the cats need food and I need a few things here and there and yes, I will probably suffer for it. Needs must be done and

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Challenge #04418-L034: The Necessity of Wandering

The family asks Wraithvine to be the god-parental to the quadruplets, and they visit from time to time to help teach magic, and just to enjoy the company of family. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Had to make a correction in the prompt over a minor detail]

"A goodparent," Wraithvine repeated. "I am a wandering thorn in various evils' sides. We've done what we can to protect them while they're vulnerable, but... there's reasons why I wander.

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Monday, Continuing Nonsense

Miss Chaos' first mission was a clusterfuck. She got to the 7-11 all right but had issues bringing the ice back. Someone there offered to help, but she misunderstood, handed him the milk crate, the ice, and the bungee cords and then took off for home.


We're going to have to get that kid a definite basket for her bike.

7-11 doesn't want to get involved, the police won't care. So my last hope is an appeal on Facebook.

I'm honestly

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Challenge #04417-L033: Subject of Attention

It's been nearly six months since they found hir student. When she realized just how badly she'd been mangling things, she almost got upset, until Wraithvine sat her down to explain that, that had been a GOOD thing, fate had been kind. Now, the young woman was showing real progress, but needed to learn moderation. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I can plausibly fit this between the first story and this one:

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Sunday, Game Cancelled Because Feet

I did get the branches away from the fenceline. The downside of this is that I ruined my feet in the process. Following parkrun, I could not walk very far, very well. It hurt a LOT. So I had to cancel the international VTTRPG sesh so I could spend some extra hours off those feet in the hopes that rest would help a little.

I plan on using my foot-friendly sandshoes as slippers today, as well as doing everything I can to

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Challenge #04416-L032: Undeserving Expectations

The massive house had a large group of Brauniin living within it. Those who stayed there, either as owners or guests, were always required to read the plaques that was by all entrances. "Do not act with greed or entitlement here. Be polite, and always thank the unseen for all that has been done for you. To do otherwise, is to invite misfortune." -- Anon Guest

Every place tells a story, if you know how to listen. It may be in the

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Saturday, Parkrun and Publishing PLNs

I have everything together, I am going to make myself put out last year's anthology today. I have the technology.

I just need to remember everything I need.

I should be fine.

I have to soak my feet in cooled water because swelling issues and I also have to keep off my feet for as long as humanly possible until further notice.

Fun stuff.

Not so much time for handicrafty projects with power tools. OTOH more time for messing around with GameMaker.

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Challenge #04415-L031: Maybe Overreacting

The galactics aboard the station were freaking out. The human was coughing, a lot, and wore a mask to cover their face. When asked what was wrong, they simply said "It's just a cold. I'm wearing this for your protection." Unfortunately, the medics were... overreacting a bit. -- Fighting Fit

It was a small station in the middle of nowhere, relatively speaking. There was only one Human on board as part of the regular staff. Most of life on the station was

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