Pain Hurts

A 18-post collection

Sunday, Footsore and Weary

I can not wait to get my foot seen to. No matter what I do, it hurts. I'm trying to maintain it and keep off it, but walking is becoming more than painful.

I might need to appeal for help from Beloved, but I'm trying to hold that off for as long as possible.

I can drive. I can sit and write. Walking around? I limp. I'm slow. It hurts. The maintenance routine doesn't do a lot to ease their symptoms.

A good sleep helped ease my asthma, thank grop. Maybe Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season has broken. Maybe not. I'll be keeping a close eye on my breathing capability.

I wish I could avoid these debuffs, but that's not a thing in reality.

I still have yet to set up my PiHole, but at least I know what to do to set it up. The main problem is that the Raspberry Pi with all the good things on it is in my bag, and my bag is at the other end of the house. Fetching it to the setup point requires walking. Ouch.

Off I go to do my offerings.

Tuesday, Shopping and PAIN

My left heel hates me and I might need an op. The bank in charge of our loans needs to talk to us about giving them more money than we can afford. I can't track down the doctor reponsible for my prescription for my special meds and my life is going... sideways.

This is temporary. We will find a way to handle it all.

I just need to brave up and tell my other partners that I think I might need to

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Saturday, Parkrun and Stream PLNs

Did Southbank parkrun properly this time, and I swear that thing is uphill in all directions. Ow.

Brisbane Geography for the win?

My feet hurt and my legs hate me and I'm having ice cream as compensation. Story very soon.

I have my starter in the incubator and, given that I fed them on Thursday, haven't bothered with the Bikkie step. I'm checking on it on the hour and hoping this helps me streamline dough.

Wish me luck on that one.


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Tuesday, OW...

Day two of my firkin cyclone headache and I am on hold with the council. About a bill notice I got on email.

Apparently, I'm liveblogging this because I have now found out this biz is genuine and I have to call the recovery agency to verify the payment plan that I'm already using independently.

Isn't red tape FUN?

I've told the recovery people I'm already doing payments on the rates to the best of my ability. So now they're checking with

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Tuesday, Patreon, Reads, and Other Tricks

Finally moved on to the next tutorial for Stencyl, and they have fucking MOVEMENT CODE for the mobs on the NEXT GORRAM PAGE.


I'll see what copying that code does for my extant Invaders game. Later today.

Once again, I woke up super early, but I at least had the sense to do my stretchies before setting to committing literature.

I still borked my wrists :P

BUT I have made some progress with Stencyl and shall be making an effort with

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Tuesday, Patreon, Chapters, and Owwies

I borked my wrists by finishing off chapter 341, this morning. So I can't do my stretchies because the bracers prevent that mobility.

I'm still too dumb to make Stencyl do a thing. I'm going to direct copy the code from someone and untick my failcode to see if that works. Next week. This week, my lovely Patrons hear about all my efforts at failing.


I'm going to try and be gentle with myself today. Attempt to keep my offerings brief.

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Monday, Backup Reads and Wrists

Remembering my stretchies is a trial. There's so many things I would rather do than stretchies. Including working out the second half of Chapter 340 of A Devil's Tale. I would rather try bashing my head against Stencyl again.

...I would really rather lie in and play games on my phone...

I'm having another incident of Morbs, and battling through a chapter where I don't know what I'm doing is not fun.

Doing all the dailies is not fun for me today.

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Tuesday, Patreon and OW

I have started my day with a cyclone headache. Whee fun.

I just used the stretches page I found before I started in with typing today. See how that goes. Tomorrow, I may actually follow the stretching instructions properly instead of going with what I felt was cool.

Even done wrong, it seems to be working.

I have a lot of things for my Patrons, but I really want to finish the chapter I started before I get on with that.


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Thursday, Game Night

I'm battling the morbs, this morning. So much is not working, including my wrists.

I'm going to be working with speech to text, today. All the better to rest my poor wrists.

I can only continue at the moment because I have my bracers on extra tight. Which is, of course, excruciating.

I have to decide what I'm doing, when I'm doing and how I'm doing it. And, of course, the quote-unquote helpful app decides to turn itself off at moments it

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Thursday, in a lot of pain

One quarter of my face is in agony. My super painkillers seem to only keep it muted but don't make it go away.

I have a gigantic mug of tea, all my meds, and no help from the rest of the QPP.

I left a message at 3AM and as far as I know, it hasn't been looked at closer to 8AM. It's easy to feel ignored and neglected when there's no feedback.

I am planning to get the daily offerings done

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Saturday, Parkrun and Inflammation

I should definitely be keeping my carbs down. I have evidence that I am not doing Keto properly. This time it's in my hands and not my lungs. Some painful knuckles in my right hand are making life difficult for me.

Nevertheless, I persist in writing. I think I'd find a way to write even if I didn't have hands any more.

Perish the thought.

We have a new friendo [gasp! A social life] who is also a writing nerd and she

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Sunday, Game Night

Where's yesterday's story and why wasn't it out like usual?


I over-extended myself on Parkrun this week (ow. It still hurts) and needed an extended nap. Added onto that is a cyclone headache thanks to a low pressure system with its centre somewhere near Vanuatu.

Fucking VANUATU!

The low extends closer to Queensland, but HOLY SHIT. Vanuatu. Deesh.

I also had a social engagement in the evening. Hurry though I may, I could not get the word out everywhere.

I'm working

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Saturday, Painful Start

I had some intestinal issues that highlight my need to self-maintain a bit more vigorously. Acquire meal schedule. Have healthier meals. Eat more fibre.

It's a little painful to sit at the moment. I shall leave it at that.

So far, my 2K summary stands at 500 words and I need to get more words in there.

I want to sleep through the day again, and that may yet happen.

Beloved is off doing a long walk for exercise and I am

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Thursday, Plague Day 3... Ow...

My head is splitting and I'm coughing up opaque stuff. I can't look at the colour because the headache makes me light sensitive.

I barely have a voice left, so calling the doctor for better painkillers and maybe antibiotics is going to be problematic at best.

Make that "definitely antibiotics". I just coughed up something very green.


I am a very sore, very tired bean. I'm waiting for the painkillers to kick in and it looks like they're not being nice

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Painkillers good

I usually mix acetaminophen [Panadol to us Aussies, Tylenol to the US] and ibuprofen to get rid of my cyclone headache. It was not cutting it, yesterday.

We have a small supply of Panafen, which has codeine in it. Codeine metabolises into morphine, which is a way more effective painkiller. This stuff is tightly controlled, so when our supply runs out, it runs OUT. I'll be screwed.

The good news is that I only need one Panafen to make the killer headache

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