
A 6-post collection

Sunday, Some Movement

It's a very Monday Sunday, mostly because I couldn't do the VTTRPG sesh, last night. Amazing what an entire night's sleep does to my temporal perception.

Or lack thereof.

I had the extreme Dunwannas this morning, spending a majority of the early hours flopping around in bed and procrastinating. Largely playing games on my phone rather than acknowledge my duties for the diem.

Obviously I gave up on that lack of effort.

I've bitten the bullet and signed up to Reddit, with the exclusive goal of finding a pack of nerds who might like my brand of nonsense. I've found a Facebook group for writers, and I have to swing an invitation to participate in that one.

I shall be fuckin' around and findin' out. Very soon.

I think... this coming week... I'm going to have a try at working out Stencyl again. The first two exercises, and then apply what I've learned to the prototypes of Pseuducku. I may even make a page for followers of my nonsense to test.

That's going to be fun.

I really want Pseuducku to exist as a playable thing. So that's going to be my focus when I'm not writing. I go on until I hit a frustration point or a publishable point.

All my other passion projects can await personal impetus to do that.

I only have so much passion to spare.

Let's get on with today's offerings. And, perhaps, Patreon.

Tuesday, Patreon and Workload

I have completed five more chapters of A Devil's Tale, so I'll be reading some of that rather than more of Adapting. I can only read one chapter of Adapting a day and have my throat still want to know me by nighttime. ADT has much shorter chapters so I can do five of those per diem.

I really borked the programming attempts with Stencyl, so I'll have to use screencaps to regress to the previous stage of nearly working. None of

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Sunday, Smouldering Holiday

I got that odd pre-burnout depression mixed with Asthma Brand no-air panic attack going on, so I'm going to line up the treat food and spend the rest of the day in bed and watching garbage.

I have all the post-medication signs that I should have done a nebuliser dose sooner. Including:

  • Pins and needles in the extremities
  • Tinnitus
  • Dizzy spells that are more like the entire grimoire
  • General wibbly wobblyness that means I should probably steady myself on stable objects for
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Friday, Catching up?

Beloved is off to work. The fam does not expect much of me, so today - energy willing - I shall be doing the "normal" routine.

Starting with a chamber of dungeon, since I've not done any of that for a significant time. I shall then clean out the catio since that also needs to be done and then either filter ten more publishers (quick) or edit ten more chapters of Adapting (bloody slow).

Between those two writing processes, I shall make

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I Need a Day

The cyclone headache isn't going anywhere.

I've actually had a guilt cry over the things I can and cannot contribute to my Patreon content.

I've had an emotional blow-up over things that, from a certain perspective, are inconsequential. To the people involved, they're consequential as hell, but in the grand scheme of everything... I don't even know any more.

I'm burned out.

I need a day.

So... I am disconnecting from online activity for all of Wednesday. Therefore, Wordpress Wednesday will be

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I was doing so well. Then I forgot to write my alloted words yesterday. I'm feeling a little frayed around the edges and maybe taking a relaxed week might fix things in my head.

If this were Normal Output Mode, I would have five weeks left to finish this book of mine. Part one of a trilogy. This year has been the WORST year to start new projects with high ambitions because all my energy has been expended on anxiety about the

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