Amalgam Universe

A 2101-post collection

Challenge #04223-K205: After the Crash

A DeRegger CEO's ship went down. Most of the crew survived, but few were without injury. The CEO and his sons were unhurt.

Shockingly, despite how poorly the people were treated aboard ship, as literally unseen servants, the CEO and his sons began to take care of the injured to avoid infections and help pain. Why? They actually DID appreciate the work, they.. just were not good at showing it. -- Anon Guest

Of course the executive suite survived, all occupants relatively unscathed. It was in the corporate's best interest to be certain the important people would make it. The unimportant people - better known as everyone else - were replacable and therefore expendable, according to what passed for regulations within their polity.

That is, until the ship made a "cheese grater" landing across half a continent of an unsettled world, far from communications and help. That was when the unimportant people suddenly became very important indeed.

CEO's didn't know how to cook, they could only hunt with help, and generally claimed a proficiency with golf. Not the best life skill when trapped on a planet with little if anything to spare.

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Challenge #04221-K203: Good For What Ails You

Deregger escapees in a stolen ship nearly crash into the station due to lack of power to steer. Once rescued, the Gyiik in the station realize these Dereggers are badly starved, and kick into action to help them. -- Anon Guest

It had come in drifting, leaking, and clearly out of control. The comms were down, the lights were off, and scans recognised the atmosphere content inside it as 'terrible'. In the end of all things, it was a mercy that the

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Challenge #04220-K202: DIY Scene

Welcome to Vege-Inn. A restaurant that ONLY serves synthetic foods that are plant-based. Catering to those with specific diets, or dietary choices.

A knomira stomping in demands a steak, and then throws a temper tantrum to realize even the "meat" here is plant-based. -- Anon Guest

There were pictures of smiling fruits and vegetables in the kiddies' section. The menu boards were bordered with artistic plants and plant byproducts. The sign at the entrance blared VEGAN ONLY FOOD SOLD HERE in friendly

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Challenge #04218-K200: Unexpected Encounters

A: You used several anti-matter bombs to decimate the planet to the core?

screen shows a sunny afternoon of a lush forest with bright purple fauna

A: You destroyed a beautiful habitable world

B: Sir... this isn’t a recording... this is a live feed... -- Anon Guest

There's nothing like an anomaly to fascinate anyone who encounters it. When the world refuses to work according to expectations, the questions instantly arrive. Why? How? What can be done to break this back

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Challenge #04215-K197: Counter-Measure Up

"DON'T attack the Fairy Good-Parent's planets. You won't like what happens."

They named themselves after a damn children's story, how strong can they be??

"Ok, but remember, I did warn you, sir."

Just shut up, you still owe me decades in debt!

"Yes sir." -- Anon Guest

Planetary Respite, a wholly owned subsidiary of Fairy Goodparent Corporation, seemed to be on its eternal dance in the cosmos, unprotected. Like a luxurious gem waiting to be plucked

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Challenge #04214-K196: Consequences? On My Planet?

The Dereggers sending the lawsuit letters learn the hard way the CRC does NOT like it when they try to harm Alliance citizenry. -- Anon Guest

Most citizens of Mashandar had no idea why the gigantic CRC ships appeared in the sky, large as the moon, and hanging in the sky in precisely the way that moon-sized eggs don't[1]. They were largely concerned with trying to get through their day.

They were so used to

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Challenge #04213-K195: Cordially Invited

A Deregger family with very few funds secretly sends a message to a Gyiik they met once while out on a job for their polity. They ask them to please cater a wedding for their only daughter. -- Anon Guest

Understanding in these situations is key. After all, there is no point in rescuing anyone who doesn't want to be rescued. As far as Deregger polities were concerned, this one was startlingly mild. Most residents within were relatively happy to live there.

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Challenge #04210-K192: Important Lesson to Learn...

"Please, I don't want to die painfully so... make it quick?"

"Why would I kill you?"

"Isn't that what you people do?"

"No, surrender quietly, and I won't even slap you."


"Besides you didn't know what you were doing was wrong. The ones I'm actually going to slap are your teachers." -- Lessons

News like Pax Humanis coming after one is especially alarming when one has no idea why they're coming.

Executive Oin was young, and technically in charge. Since he

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Challenge #04205-K187: Cut Out

NEVER mess with a human who's got nothing left to lose. You'll be lucky if it's just your life they take from you to get everything back. -- Anon Guest

[AN: This work contains copious references to domestic abuse, as well as violence and murder]

Their god told them that vengeance belonged to the divine. If they had faith, then the deity would see to it that terrible people got what they deserved. Unfortunately for the divine, the Humans that worship it

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Challenge #04202-K184: F(r)actions

Parasites are not always a bad thing, it is found in areas where people end up with SOME parasites in their systems, allergic reactions to things reduces. But parasites also means a body can be damaged, starved of vital nutrients. So now it becomes, are these microscopic creatures vital to the survival of the species, or should it be systematically removed from their biology, vaccinated into oblivion, and therefore freeing them from constant, voracious, hunger? --

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Challenge #04197-K179: Caveat Emptor Abundant

The ship was up for sale, cheap. I went aboard and was rather shocked it had a gravy drive, though it looked old. I spoke to a close friend of mine who is Nae'hyn to help restore it. It actually had been given a voice! Sorta. Either way, it didn't take long before we became best friends. At least my travels won't be lonely anymore. -- The New Guy

This was a rare find in more ways than one. I know. The

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Challenge #04196-K178: Contractually Obligated Self-Maintenance

You asked for the harshest training I can give you so you can grow stronger? Are you sure about this? I would say it'll be hell, but I'd be lying. You'll have to look UP if you want to see hell. -- Anon Guest

Part One: Sleep Schedule.

Up at four in the morning no matter the season. Bullied into bathroom, bathing, and breakfast in that order. Then off to a brisk run over a set obstacle course as fast as possible.

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Challenge #04192-K174: Downtime Invention

A: Happy Family!

B: Royal Straight Flush!



E: I activate my credit card. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Changed one part of the prompt to be a completely different game. Pretty sure Nonny gave me two poker wins]

Boredom and captivity does strange things to Humans. As evidenced by Silly Season outbreaks. When it's a salvage vessel crewed by Humans, beset by twists of luck, it can get even stranger.

None on board had

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Challenge #04190-K172: Balanced Out

A person with a really strong good luck gene keeps asking questions like "How bad could it possibly be?". And saying things like "Things could never get any worse" just to try to tempt fate. -- Fighting Fit

There is balance in the universe. For every death, there is life. For every darkness, there is a light. For every fortune, there is poverty. And for every good, there is something bad.

The forces of nature are said to dislike certain things, like

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Challenge #04188-K170: Kill List

The lucker who was a killer meets again with their allies, Sunshine and Jay. The two invited the individual because they did need a third pair of hands. This case was going to take a while. -- Anon Guest

Poetry. Art. Culture. Always held away from the more common throng. Always used as a means by which to point and laugh at those artificially held apart from the more valued media. Ridiculous, considering how often those

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