Amalgam Universe

A 2101-post collection

Challenge #04186-K168: Calculated Risk

They warn knomiras time and again not to touch the pretty plants. And, yet again, they get to deal with complaining and screaming while treating injured hands. -- Anon Guest

Some exhibits are a nightmare. The slow-moving cruise vessels housing them are literally made for the exhibits. Kept in excellent condition by the crew and staff. It's not the exhibits that are the problem. It's the people who pay to share the experience presented.

"I paid to see these plants," insisted the current problem. "I paid premium. In advance. You have no right to turn me away based on some... stupid word salad."

Said word salad included terms like 'toxic', 'pathogens', and 'airborne particles'. It also included terms like 'avoid physical contact' or 'stay behind the yellow line' as well as frequent uses of 'for your own safety'. There were no words in there that an Alliance citizen with an average education could not understand. The doorkeeper on the admissions desk checked the metadata with their ticket. Oh. Oh shit. They were a Deregger.

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Challenge #04185-K167: The All-Purpose Animal

Humans bring to multiple Thranityr worlds the farming of goats and cattle. How to properly raise them, how to milk them, and how to make cheeses and butter. Along with other human foodstuffs they've not grown or raised yet. -- Anon Guest

There exists a perfect machine for turning cellulose-based life into protein. It's versatile, self-powered, self-replicating, and capable of adapting to most terrains. It can flourish in deserts. The byproducts of its processes are excellent for fertilising crops. It's even autonomous.

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Challenge #04182-K164: Death By Stabby

The Roomba with a knife duct taped to it: sup -- Anon Guest

[AN: This prompt was edited for IP erasure and brevity]

Something horrible had happened here. The signs were clear. Foreboding and hurried grafitti on the walls. Signs of struggle. Signs of chaos. And an ominous trail of reddish-brown smears that had nothing to do with children's hospitals[1].

...the distinct lack of survivors...

Well. There was a reason why this station had fallen silent. There was nobody around to

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Challenge #04180-K162: Innocent Mistake

A: Human, we found an abandoned mineshaft! (cracks flare)

B: Dumb question, what were they mining down there?

A: (pulls out data pad) umm records says... they were harvesting a resource called petroleum. Why?

B: No reason. Imma go fire up the ship... -- Anon Guest

[AN: This seems very erroneous. On multiple levels]

There are reasons why graveworlds are graveworlds, and many of them do not leave the infrastructure intact. Well. Intact except for a fine layer of carbon. Everything organic

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Challenge #04178-K160: For the Love of Gravy

They ran a shipyard where old ships were completely refitted, rebuilt if need be, and sold at a price that allowed people to get their very first ones. The interesting area was where the gravy drives were repaired, cared for, and helped back into service so they could once again travel to the stars. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Gravy drives are very rarely abandoned. The Nae'hyn who care for them will go to extreme lengths to see them to an area of

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Challenge #04175-K157: Ferocious Saviour

A severely depressed new rescue manages to slip away from hir therapists. They'd tampered with an airlock, about to harm themselves, but Jay quickly knocked them out, to get them back to their therapists. -- Anon Guest

[AN: If you're feeling like life is not worth it, please get help as I'd much prefer you'd keep existing. The world will not be as good without you]

Being sick was the worst. Mak could feel the costs piling up. The meals. The medicine.

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Challenge #04173-K155: What the Boss Makes

You do not want to go there!

"Why not?"

For every day you earn working, they only allow you to keep a few seconds of it, their taxes will take EVERYTHING from you. You make clothing, and you will have it ripped from your hands and you will only be allowed to keep a few threads. They say it's for your own good, but the truth is, if you make a dollar, you will only keep a dime, and THAT is only

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Challenge #04171-K153: Against All Odds

They were running with several of their friends toward the emergency escape vehicles away from a nasty, previously unknown, hazard on the planet.

Their friend starts to mention on how slim their chances are on escaping unscathed.

"Don't tell me the odds, just keep running, I always beat the odds!" -- Fighting Fit

Inspired desperation is one heck of a drug. When the chips are down, when it's do or die, incredible feats are possible.

So when the swarm burst forth from

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Challenge #04170-K152: Do Not Disturb

A deregger grabbed one of the station cats by the fur dismissively. The cat clawed the he** out of them, and then several other cats pounced, biting and attacking.

Jay merely looked up from his tea with Lilicoon and Sunshine and stated "They did it to themselves." And pretty much ignored the chaos. -- Anon Guest

Of the many unwritten rules of the Alliance, one of the lesser-known classic blunders is: Never abuse a Skitty.

A regular cat, if seized roughly by

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Challenge #04169-K151: Foiled Escape Plans

The weather was warmer than usual, and though the CEO's and their reporters were touting how this was a good thing, and that a warmer, wetter, world was good for the people, others were taking notice. While the CEO's, subtly, not so subtly, began building sea-walls to protect their mansions, the rest of the populace of the world began to defy their masters, and work on ways to curbing emissions. Those CEO's that tried to stop them... got a sharp reminder that

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Challenge #04168-K150: Clever Move

In the Alliance Paintball League, a team of former Vorax managed to finally defeat a human team. The after-party was quite a huge feast. With the humans joking going "We'll get it next year!" It was a lot of fun! -- Anon Guest

It was a good hunt. Not always high energy, but definitely high tension as both sides had stealth and cunning aplenty. In an arena like this, Deathworlder versus Deathworlder, it was anyone's guess who'd get the final shot.


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Challenge #04167-K149: Every Time

A: Fire rescued someone called for an overdose?

B: He had edibles man.

A: Ok... How many did he have?

B: All of them

A: ... why are they always naked? -- Anon Guest

[AN: Cut down the prompt for brevity. Also content warning for drug mentions and implied nudity and body fluids in the video]

"I said they were therapeutic and that they were for the group session," said Counsellor Ash. "My mistake was trusting that he would restrain himself from ingesting

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Challenge #04164-K146: A Very Simple Lesson

B'Nari medic learns the secret of how some sea creatures eternally renew their genetic telomeres without any harm to themselves. And begin to splice this coding into new bodies which now stop aging after becoming adults because the telomeres never degrade. -- The New Guy

[AN: Pretty sure the B'Nari would be looking into that before they hared off with their gengineering colony]

Immortality can be either a blessing or a curse. It all depends on how the immortal views it. It

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Challenge #04163-K145: Wicked Gleaming Glee

An entire room of wanted CEO's. A bounty hunter who revealed herself to be Pax Humanis. Fortunately for them? They were all wanted alive. Well, most of them. -- DaniAndShali

It was amazing to watch. Not a single one of the executives present realised that Bear was outnumbered. They were all focussed on her knife and the gleam of sharpness of her blade. It would only take five of them to take her down

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Challenge #04160-K142: Delivery Completed

A: you salvaged a high priority package? In this desolate place? There’s barely any colony in 500 lights years. Surely you must be mistaken.

B: A, this is a human thing don’t worry about it.

A: I will, because this “high priority package” destination is tangentially 1200 LY of our original drop off point!

B: Look we’ll restock when we get there and you’ll listen to what I say, captain’s order.

Later in the ship A slip

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