
A 33-post collection

Challenge #04152-K134: Postgraduate Course

They "graduated" from being "taught" by a Pax Humanis member, to being in a cell on a prison station run by the Alliance and going through therapy. They still screamed in their sleep and woke up gasping, while clinging to their pillow and wanting the lights left on. -- Anon Guest

How far is too far? How ethical is it to torture someone who once spent people like people spent tissue paper, before the Shattering. How wise is it to keep killers and abusers on the payrolls of an organisation called the Cogniscent Rights Committee?

I don't have easy answers. I'm starting to wonder if there are any.

Don't get me wrong. Most people can be taught. Most people are willing to learn without the threat of punishment looming over their shoulder. Most people can change how they interact with others. Pax Humanis is for the people unlike most people. The people who combine willful ignorance and a casual disregard for their fellow cogniscents.

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Challenge #04124-K106: Go Touch Grass

A human built a full VR system in their quarters on the station. Their friend had to remind them that there's life outside of that world, too. -- Anon Guest

Virtuality is a hard habit to break. Rescued from a planet in which reality was too harsh for emotional health, Xae spend most of hir waking hours with a screen directly in front of hir eyes. Hir habitat was worse, with the walls showing virtual environments in the rare moments that ze

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Challenge #04099-K081: To Flourish and Grow

The real Wraithvine meets the fake, the mummer. And confronts them about the prisoner.

The real Waithvine sits with the prisoner to tell the truth of what happened, of their situation, of who their jailer was. And helps them to truly begin to heal. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I think the details of what Wraithvine did to the false one are left up to the imagination. It's way more terrifying that way.]

The water was cool

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Challenge #04023-K005: Couples Hobby Hour

Lilicoon teaches her best friend, Jay, how to crochet and some of her other hobbies. It's surprisingly useful later on. -- Anon Guest

It was, initially, a good excuse to get cozy together. And Jay would be the last person to admit that they were a little touch-starved. Snuggling in innocent ways with someone as soft and fluffy as Miss Lilicoon was a welcome balm to the wounds Jay kept giving themself.

They shared therapy sessions like that, sometimes.

This was more

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Challenge #04018-J365: Bad Habits and Good Reminders

The former deregger has trouble letting go of, well, anything. While they tolerate the cleaner animals coming in and dealing with organic debris, their quarters are getting SO full of.....stuff... that it's getting hard to move around in there. Hoarding, sadly, is common with those with severe mental trauma. -- Anon Guest

Cleaners were initially a problem. They were genetically programmed to consume debris and break it down into stable compounds. "Debris" in this case, was defined as anything below a

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Challenge #03852-J200: A Well-earned Rest

Wraithvine introduces Bibrid to hir pet cat, Lilbit, and friends. Poor individual has a lot of healing to do. Fortunately, hir friends are as soothing as Wraithvine is. -- Anon Guest

Ze had made a camp inside the abandoned house. A small fire and a kettle, and some special tea set to brewing.

"There's people suffering," pleaded Bibrid.

"There is time enough for tea," said Wraithvine. "You're dangerously close to panicking yourself into a conundrum, and

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Challenge #03785-J132: Mutually Assured Therapy

Their companion is furry, fluffy, and knows humans need occasional tactile contact. Sitting next to the human during the work day, they don't mind the occasional back - rub. Actually, that feels really nice on the stressful days. -- Anon Guest

Humans will try to pet anything. How wonderful, they say, to live in a universe full of creatures that like to be petted. In that circumstance, it's generally a good idea for the Ships' Human to have a Companion who's eminently

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Challenge #03559-I270: Unriddle Me This

They sat in the hall berating themselves with recriminations, head bowed, sometimes swearing at themselves. They did this, unfortunately, way too many times, given their poor self-esteem. The therapist, hearing of them, sits next to them to listen, and try to help. -- Anon Guest

Everyone had done what they could. That was clear to those mopping up the mess. Nevertheless, there were those determined to blame themselves.

Human Yeong had been ordered to sit still. This was evidently a difficult task

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Challenge #03553-I264: Therapy Augments

They had been through something so immensely horrific they stopped talking altogether. Except, they would speak to animals. They barely looked up, often freezing and curling up into a ball of terror at even the slightest noise over a soft spoken voice. The therapist was broken-hearted, this was going to take a lot of work. -- Anon Guest

Humans were not meant to shut down like this. In and of itself, the spectacle was terrifying. Human Teal was nonresponsive to all but

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Challenge #03547-I258: Any Way You Want

I read your newest story and the conversation you guys had in the prompts. I know you don't want more prompts right now, so please forgive me, this one popped into my head and I wanted to get it out before forgetting.

It's from this one

A person who, despite a lot of therapy, hates their biological body. They've taken to hurting themselves because of it. They beg the B'Nari to please, give them

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Challenge #03522-I234: Empathic Disability

The CRC and Alliance eventually deports the knomira back to Alliance space for the rest of their prison term, they're pretty beat up, but very much alive, since killing them wasn't allowed. They keep screaming lawsuit. They learn the hard way all that they're going to pay, time and service, for their crimes. -- The New Guy

Throw enough violent tantrums, and someone somewhere will figure out a way to stop you. On pre-Shattering

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Challenge #03482-I194: The Time-Out Chamber

A Knomira is locked up for throwing a very violent temper tantrum in a shop which caused a large amount of damage to property and some injuries to various cogniscents. Now they're throwing another violent tantrum, because they're still locked up, and being required to go to therapy. -- Anon Guest

The habitat was a pale and inoffensive grey. Every possible surface was padded with cellulose fabric and cellulose stuffing. It did not help Marciatrude's general mood to know that any surface

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Challenge #03479-I191: Ring the End of Melancholy

See the comments on this link for the prompt? Long story short, he's been sent by the gods into the elf's life because Wraithvine NEEDS him. -- DaniAndShali

[AN: The comment in question is, "The more I read of Amatu the more I really think his quest is to help WRAITHVINE bring the light back into hir life. I'm starting to think the poor immortal elf has endured so much pain hir heart is starting to

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Challenge #03452-I164: Apply Therapeutic Felines

A human was sitting in the park softly weeping, they'd had a very bad day. But it's hard to stay sad when kitties and Skitties crawl in one's lap and start purring. -- Anon Guest

The straw often gets the blame for the breaking of the camel's back. Metaphorically speaking. It is not the straw, but rather its addition to weights already in excess of what the camel can handle. One last drop of rain does not cause the dam to burst.

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Challenge #03406-I118: Cracks Before a Breakthrough

The man who once "owned" his wife with an iron fist now finds himself in jail for violating no-contact. He HAD been warned, and now, much to the frustration of the therapists trying to work with him, is resisting the idea of change. -- DaniAndShali

"It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair!" Maazdon Brandon was throwing his umpteenth tantrum of the day. It was nothing new. He'd been doing the same thing

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