Leyland's Tour

A 50-post collection

Wednesday, Leyland's Tour and Rant Incoming

So here's the PLN:

  1. I do my stretchies because it's 4AM and I have the time
  2. I feed the cats [Most important!]
  3. I get dressed and strap on my knees
  4. I torture my feet
  5. I pack up my pills in a small container
  6. I haul my sorry butt off to MeMum's for an extended pickup relay and technotutorial-slash-unfucking session
  7. Haul myself home for the daily offerings.

I PLN on working on today's rant whilst out and about, thus lightening my load when I get back home.

I might do the same for the offerings. It depends on time windows, battery power, and internet availability.

Time, as always, will tell.

All the same, thank the Powers that I was able to do my shopping yesterday. Otherwise, cramming it into today or tomorrow would have made... problems for me.

I'm off to do the things! Yay!

Wednesday: Some Fun Now

Oh man oh boy howdy, I have me a LEYLAND'S TOUR!

I launch after midday to get my Rona Jab update, then take off from there to get Mayhem to APM for his thing. On the way back, there's shopping to do. I pln on hitting Golden Circle Factory Outlet, Aldi, and Woolies. Possibly in that order.

So I only have a couple of hours to get my offerings out.

I'm moving as lickety-darn-split as I can, but the rant will likely

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Wednesday: Leyland's Tour Electric Boogaloo

I'm doing a tech support run-around for MeMum today, and to add complications, this was one of those days where I've had...

Fucking Sleep Issues(tm)!

Yep. Came over all tired from shenanigans yesterday [my main compy is officially unfucked now yay] and went to bed super early.

Which means I achieved consciousness in the wee small hours of this morning. On one hand - more hours to do my stretchies. On the other... I'm guaranteed to want an early night tonight.

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Monday, No Backups and Shenanigans

The backup reads are not happening this week, so I want to go out shopping for essential things. Including my new specs. I'll be getting those first.

But before that, I have to finish my stretchies and torment my falling arches. And feed the cats in the process. The most important thing I do every day. Just ask the cats.

I remember thinking once that I had some economic freedom at long last. That I could just go and get whatever I

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Tuesday, PLNs in Motion

I have a couple of Leyland's Tours in the barrel. Today, after I finish my daily doses, I take off and get shopping done.

I also have to ring the people who service our sullage system and let them know that they can actually reach the machine.

Making phone calls. My kryptonite.

Still, I braved up and did it. Yay me.

Tomorrow, I am taking Mayhem with me to help MeMum with assorted shenanigans that also involve heavy lifting. Huzzah. Part of

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Wednesday, Leyland's Tour, Shrink, and STUFF

I need meds, I need to acquire foods and maybe a few other things. I need to check out all the White Goods PPL in my zone to help MeMum narrow down brands of washing machines she needs.

So I'll also be asking to see their dumbest washing machines with a priority on a separate spin cycle. And real buttons.

It's promising to be an expensive week, this week. My flight path today includes Costco and Petbarn and that's how you know

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Tuesday, Leyland's Tour and Patreon

Mum needs help and hand-holding. IIRC, there's furniture involved and there may or may not be a technical issue somewhere.

The SSD thing is solved at last. Beloved got back to me about my concerns and I am no longer a wet, pathetic beast.

Anyway. I went to bed early yesterday so I could do all the other nonsense this morning. I have learned that I do indeed need to do my stretchies. I also know that, despite my sleep, the B-complex

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Wednesday, Leyland's Tour PLNs

So here's the plan:

  1. I put on my knees
  2. I make certain I have the stuff for MeMum
  3. I make certain I have the wrist bracers because no time for stretchies
  4. I feed the cats [MOST important]
  5. I have some caffeine and pills to see to my ills
  6. I take off to MeMum's for egg exchange, tech support, and probable journey to several shops during the day
  7. I get home and create my offerings if I haven't already done them in transit
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Monday, Shopping and bread

The Archive [aka Moth in the Archive] has a tummy bug, so there's no backup reads today. Which means that I'm free to take care of the groceries.

I'll start on the bread after I get back and put away the haul.

And, time depending, I might have to cancel the stream today.

Time will tell.

I've already been distracted by someone trying to shill their art skills for my twitch channel so... it's not looking that great.

I have my knees

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Friday, Fish Day, and Moving Forward

It's Good Friday, so we traditionally eat fish.

I'm pulling my head in this week since I overspent last week, and thereafter only getting what we need when we need it.

At some point this afternoon, I shall take a leisurely trip to acquire fish and chips. But today... Mayhem wants to go shopping, I have a catio to clean, and five chapters to record for Adorable.

So my day's already packed.

I'm going to finish this blog and then take Mayhem

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Saturday, Parkrun and Associated Shenanigans

Beloved and I walked together while Adorable tried to break a thirty-minute run. Miss Chaos ended up dawdling along as per usual.

That done, I took the whole crew around for Brunch, then we went to some specialist shops so that Adorable could get her Mate [pronounced "mah-tay"] fix.

I tried it. Unfortunately, to my tongue, it just tastes like liquid choko. A taste that was never my favourite.

It was quite the lengthy trip. Involving driving through the city. Which is

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Friday, Shopping day, Phone calls, and Beloved Pickup

I have MONEY! Yay. It's immediately going to go on some foods and a couple of treats.

...and staying alive is getting expensive, these days.

Even my normal pinchpenny tactics aren't making the grade. Hell, it's got to the point where filling up on petrol spells a rough financial week.

I can still cope, and I can still save, but it feels like I'm just scraping by. This might be also influenced by being pushed to pitching by Beloved. It might only

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Saturday, Parkrun and Leyland's Tour

My side of the family has a fine tradition of "while you're up..." which used to be taking advantage of someone after they got up from a shared sedentary occupation.

"While you're up, you can take my dirty dish to the sink."

Today was a "while we're out" day. While we're out for parkrun, why not go and get Miss Chaos a decent sports bra? While we're out, why not do a little grocery shopping? While we're out, let's get the food

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Monday, Leyland's Tour Coffee Quest

Thunder is rolling so I'm cancelling my story stream. The power is getting unreliable so the internet may soon follow. I will find a way to write the offerings regardless.

As for my shenanigans, this morning... Read on:

  • Read Beloved a couple of chapters for a slow and lazy morning
  • Delivered Beloved to the train station [fed cats along the way]
  • Realised I could not linger by the shops for two firkin hours while I waited for them to open
  • Returned home,
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Thursday, Cheevs and Setbacks and Supplies

I have done the video I was threatening to do. Huzzah. And since it's past ten in the morning, I am technically free to do some supply shopping. Research has indicated that it is cheaper to get the cats' Fancy Feast supply at Costco. I shall be making a shopping list, checking it twice, and at least dragging Mayhem along to get everything on the list.

THEN I get on with my offerings per diem.

If I have the fortitude, I will

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