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Challenge #04261-K243: Oh Hi There

History may not remember the names of the dead, but the stars will attest to their journeys. The first glimmer of light in the prolonged night often illuminates little, as it is fleeting and the darkness too vast. But, as long as something shines in the night sky, then when the first star falls countless more are sure to follow. -- Anon Guest

The unknown is always dark or foggy, at least when imagined by creatures who see. For those who orient by echolocation, the unknown is silent. For those who sense their world by smell, it is odorless, and so forth.

The unknown is that which cogniscent life cannot easily perceive.

The unknown always requires special equipment to explore. As well as courage and determination. It's almost always why the Havenworlders never spread as far as the Deathworlders. Someone from a planet full of risks is far more likely to take on other risks just to find out what's on the other side.

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Friday, Extra Time and Distractions

Mayhem has an upset tumtum this morning, so I don't need to spend four hours on the road, dodging maniacs.

I still have to clean the catio, but I am going to focus on my offerings and work on Pseuducku. I have 64-pixel assets and 32-pixel assets. I shall be figuring out how to make the game boards at the very least.

We shall see.

I'll stop when I reach a frustration point.

And then likely get on with the habitat maintenance.

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Challenge #04260-K242: You Say That So Often...

The woman was a CEO, as brutal as they came. She was lucky, she was wanted alive. Didn't stop the Hunter from stating calmly. "Alive does not mean intact. Surrender, we do things mostly soft. Otherwise, we do things MY way." -- Anon Guest

This wasn't fair! Couldn't they tell that I was beyond the rules? Rules were made for others, not me! I'm the one who made the rules! I'm the one who rules all! Everyone below me or my peers

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Thursday, Late Start and Flexible Times

The good news is that Mayhem may have flexible hours at work henceforth. The bad news is that I have to hang around for a bit lest I have to turn around when halfway home.

The good news is that I get some work done and a breakfast whilst out and about. The bad news is that I start later and work slower as a direct result.

I forgot to do the piece, yesterday. I can hope to do something today. At

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Challenge #04259-K241: Volunteered Kitten-Sitter

Several cats and skitties leave their very small kittens right by where Lilicoon was relaxing in the park and bound off swiftly. The kittens try to play with her and each other. Over an hour later, the adult cats return with the saunter of a happy feline who'd done a good job. -- Anon Guest

She'd been reading quietly when the first of them deposited something on her skirt. There was a tiny, blind blob of a skitten snuggling into her tail

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Wednesday, Rant Day and Lack of Clues

As I write, I have very little idea of what I'm going to do for this week's Weird Writer Wednesday. I might resort to a State of the WIP if no other ideas float into my cranium.

So far, I have driven Mayhem to work, hurried back so I could be in time for a telehealth shrink appointment. Then there were technical issues that made connecting at all a problem and a half. Yay.

It's almost midday, and I only just now

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Challenge #04258-K240: Dawn of a New Day

They saw the cottage just... appear. It was rough looking, but it had a pleasant garden, and there was smoke coming from the chimney. The weather, horrific, and they were starving, tired, and cold. They went inside, napped by the fire, and surprised to be awakened by a soft voice asking them what had happened and who they were? -- Anon Guest

Cold and wet is bad in the wilderness, especially when one is also starving. It takes extra energy to get

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Tuesday, Grand Run-Around Commence!

I'm trying to be as quick as possible on the blog entry this morrow. Why? Well... there's stuff happening today. Including:

  • Trip to MeMum's to set up her TV and remote situation
  • Which includes dragging Beloved along because I have no firkin clue how to do the thing
  • And that includes dropping Beloved off at the buss stop close to noonish so she can get back to the office because all she can swing is a half day
  • Huzzah
  • So I have
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Challenge #04257-K239: The Deadly Solution

The Alliance had come together long ago because of the threat of the cognisant eaters known as Thranityr. More specifically, the Vorax. With the befriending of humans, the danger was slowly fading away. But you know what they say of "There's always a bigger fish?" On the horizon, heading fast toward them, another enemy appeared. Hard scutes, large teeth, cranky, also cognisant eaters, and were not all that interested in covo. Worst part was? Their weapons were pretty bloody advanced, they were

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Monday, Busy Bean

So here's my day, starting with last night, because sleep issues.

  • Needed white noise to fall asleep, it was super-effective
  • Woke up close to 6, got on with my PLNs to be ready for the doc
  • Fed the cats
  • Check my time versus Mayhem's work time
  • Detect conflict, shit a brick
  • Get Mayhem going for an early drop-off
  • Long drive #1
  • Head on down to inner Brisbane for special doc's
  • Long drive #2
  • Have to drive around thrice to get a park
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Challenge #04256-K238: Eyes That do Not See

Illness had rendered them blind. They had been told, after escaping their polity, the mediks here would make sure they could see again. But in the meantime.... "I wish I could still fight. That way, no one could hurt me again."

A soft voice nearby said. "That's not a problem, even unable to see, you can still learn to defend. Don't worry, I'll help you." -- The New Guy

I had learned how to use a stick to get around, in association

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Sunday, Post Stream and Sleep

It's Mayhem's birthday today, so I wished him some happy returns. The lad returns to work on the morrow and I am roaming about for medical intervention that day too. Yay.

So no stream tomorrow.

I shall not expect myself to "win" this week. I'll do what I can, but I know I'm going to miss a day or two.

That's just how things are going to go this time around.

It's RiverFire this Saturday, so no game stream next weekend. Be

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Challenge #04255-K237: Unpaid Respect

Horns looking of crystal, jewel-bright green eyes, soft pastel blue skin, the hellkin lived within a cottage surrounded by a beautiful gardens of flowers, food, and herbs. A sign over the walkway read "Those in need, please be welcomed."

Many the wealthy tried to get this living gemstone to live with them. Many have learned, sometimes the hard way, that this beauty also had the determination of a dragon, and the gifts of a wizard. -- Anon Guest

People hear the word

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Saturday, Exhaustion Points

I made it through parkrun. Yay. My heel still hates me. Boo. I needed a nap after I got home because irrevocably awake at 2AM. Fun times.

Nap done with, I am disinclined to leave my bed again, so all my offerings come from my laptop to you. Anything else deemed unnecessary will wait until tomorrow. Possibly, tomorrow afternoon.

Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season is still kicking my butt, so I may have to leave my little sanctuary just to put myself on

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Challenge #04254-K236: Cat Fishing

They were trying to reach into a vent after a lost tool. A skitty ran up and bit their arm. They pushed the skitty away and tried to reach again. The skitty attacked that arm again with teeth and claws. They backed up away from the skitty. Several sparks came from the vent. That skitty saved them from a lot worse injury. -- Anon Guest

Working on an old station has its charms. It has hazards to match, too. There's spaces that

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