Time Management

A 4-post collection

Friday, Extra Time and Distractions

Mayhem has an upset tumtum this morning, so I don't need to spend four hours on the road, dodging maniacs.

I still have to clean the catio, but I am going to focus on my offerings and work on Pseuducku. I have 64-pixel assets and 32-pixel assets. I shall be figuring out how to make the game boards at the very least.

We shall see.

I'll stop when I reach a frustration point.

And then likely get on with the habitat maintenance.

I am starting to get into good personal habits. Thanks to the mouthguard to stop me grinding my teeth in my sleep, I am brushing my teeth. Since I'm there, I'm also doing a skin routine and keeping up with my meds. Huzzah.

I'm feeling a little frayed from everything being sideways, but I have tomorrow's potential for sunshine and socialisation. All being well, I should feel better on Monday. Maybe.

Time, as always, will tell.

Friday, Temporal Issues

I have been a busy busy bean, lately. So much of my time has been eaten with other needs. Yesterday and today, I had a late delivery of Mayhem to Maroochydore. Yesterday, I also had a series of fetch quests. Today... I decided to take it easy.

It was nice, but I still had to reheat my breakfast.

Tomorrow is parkrun. Sunday morning is game morning. Monday's when I'm supposed to post my Patreon stuff.

This coming Tuesday is going to be

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Monday, Doctor's Appointment and Supplies

I got the quack's today because apparently you need to constantly top up your prescriptions every firkin year and I haven't done that since 2021.

Temporally challenged. As far as I'm aware, I just got a prescription a couple of months ago. What the fuck? TWO YEARS? No firkin way.

This happens more often than you may believe.

I'm not going to get better about this.

But the story will not be happening until after I've done all of that and shopping

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Spinning my wheels...

I hate wasting time.

Lots of things that need to get done depend highly on other people doing them. Because I lack the skills, the knowledge, the money or the resources to do it myself. So I end up sitting around waiting for other people to get the thumb out of their collective butts.

Time bleeds away. Hour by hour.

I’ve organized and packed the kids’ bags so they’re ready for school. I’ve matched and

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