
A 3-post collection

Challenge #04256-K238: Eyes That do Not See

Illness had rendered them blind. They had been told, after escaping their polity, the mediks here would make sure they could see again. But in the meantime.... "I wish I could still fight. That way, no one could hurt me again."

A soft voice nearby said. "That's not a problem, even unable to see, you can still learn to defend. Don't worry, I'll help you." -- The New Guy

I had learned how to use a stick to get around, in association with really listening to my surrounds. That had usually been enough, even against the kind of people who liked to pick on cripples. Not always great, mind, but enough to get through the day. It's enough to say that I learned some pretty toxic coping strategies.

Boiled down - I was mostly a shut-in until a local caseworker had me shipped out to the Alliance "for the greater good".

They just don't want to admit that endorsing vaccines could have saved me and a lot of others like me from blindness, deafness, or nerve damage caused by catching things like measles as an adult. Shipping people like me away lets them fudge the numbers and look great in the propaganda. And it saves the normal citizens from seeing disabled people like me. It's win-win for them. But, again, not so great for me. I don't matter, though. I've been casting a bad look on the empire.

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Challenge #03928-J276: It's Teamwork

There was a child who was stricken with a rare disease. As they mature their mind degrades losing any sense of emotion or feeling. Doctors and engineers created an artificial intelligence that is able to compensate and amplify the faded emotions. The brain and the AI work as one being, giving the child the life they deserve. But the doctors didn’t know as the child sleep the mind split into two beings. One as the emotion deprived human, the other being

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Challenge #03894-J242: Visibly Strange

An elf ended up with a health problem that, after they recovered, made them unable to grow back their hair. It was intensely rare, but not completely unheard of. People remind their children not to stare, it's rude. And the kind elf doesn't deserve people to be rude. -- DaniAndShali

The common name was Nahripox, and it doesn't kill. People therefore believe that it is harmless. What it can do, especially to Elves, is scar. Some lose the whole or part of

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