
A 54-post collection

Challenge #04405-L021: Where You Learn the Most

My teacher is THE Ancient Elf. I thought the lessons would be exciting, and, sometimes they are, but they're pretty mundane, too. I'm working hard, want to make hir proud. But now they're having me help another beginner, too. Wow, didn't know teaching was this hard. -- Anon Guest

What nobody tells you about learning magic is how boring the practice can be. How humbling it is to know how difficult everything actually was. Including re-learning Ancient Elven. My grammar sucks and my pronounciation is worse.

As for history, hir first lesson was why they called it the Imploded Empire. There's bryg'haduuns all over the place. Cities that pop up out of nowhere. Places you can only reach at a certain time of year. Places that come into existence for one day, and vanish again for years.

I learned all about the Singing Brick Plague, the Carnivorous Forest, or all the species of aberrations and abominations that resulted from magical experimentation gone bad. It was very alarming to learn how close I had come to turning people inside-out or making rats be the size of ploughhorses.

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Challenge #04397-L013: Let Me Help

Why are you so desperate to get rid of your magic?

"All I ever do is hurt those I love most."

Have you ever thought to find a teacher?

"Who'd teach a useless waste of life like me?"

Alright... lesson one... you're not a useless waste of life. -- Anon Guest

To make the world a better place was a bigger job than Wraithbind thought. The first thought to tackle was, Who am I making the world better for?

A world made

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Challenge #04391-L007: Lives in Her Hands

They were quite close to me. They have so much magic potential. I have no magic, no money, and no knowledge on how to help. Please kind elf, help us? -- Anon Guest

It is known, even amongst the most simple, that those with magic in their blood or bones will leak it. Happy baby Elves sparkle. Upset infant Hellkin make the shadows writhe and the walls bleed. And a neophyte Sorcerer... well. It depends entirely on the origin of their power.

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Challenge #04371-K353: Itinerant Educator

Magic done improperly by a person very new to it can go very wrong. Fortunately, a very kind wizard helps fix the mess and gently teach proper safety. -- Anon Guest

Magic is everywhere. Many find it as natural as breathing, but there are those who can learn to harness it via education and skill. Teachers find those with magic in their bones, usually before a great upset causes trouble for them. Or for anyone around them.

But for those who choose

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Challenge #04245-K227: Long Time Learning

He was heavier, had more muscle, and was taller than all the other kids. Yet even the tiniest among them had knocked him flat. This went on for, he was unsure, until the King finally called a halt. Confined to a room with a bathroom "grounded", he was fed, given bed clothes, told to sleep. Next day, again.

Now an adult, he thought of those painful lessons. Grateful for it, It wasn't might, it was the heart, that made a person strong.

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Challenge #04210-K192: Important Lesson to Learn...

"Please, I don't want to die painfully so... make it quick?"

"Why would I kill you?"

"Isn't that what you people do?"

"No, surrender quietly, and I won't even slap you."


"Besides you didn't know what you were doing was wrong. The ones I'm actually going to slap are your teachers." -- Lessons

News like Pax Humanis coming after one is especially alarming when one has no idea why they're coming.

Executive Oin was young, and technically in charge. Since he

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Challenge #04209-K191: In the Other's Shoes

The Academy has a Reverse Room. Every year the student handbook is given out, and one of the first warnings is that bullying is NOT tolerated. What happens to a bully? They are forced to sit in the heavily padded Reverse Room. There spells in there force them to see and feel everything they did to their victims, from the victims point of view. -- Anon Guest

Educational facilities have had various methods of dealing with bullies. The usual methods allow the

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Challenge #04189-K171: To Fight Another Day

A special class was being held for those who are unwanted. Not just combat with hands and feet, but also exercising the tails, making them dexterous and nimble. For those with wings, using the wings like bludgeons in combat, using horns. Using weapons.. people never figured could actually be used as weapons. Expect the unexpected. -- Anon Guest

"I cannot teach you all the same," said the teacher. Battle-scarred and bent with age, they could nevertheless still hold their own in a

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Challenge #04074-K056: Zen and the Art of Learning

Several students of Twii have opened their own dojos to help teach that which they'd learned from their sensei. Twii decides to visit to inspect the dojos, and see how lessons are coming along. -- Anon Guest

A good education is like a virus. It's pretty much designed to spread. Knowledge shared is strength that unites both teacher and student. And if the teacher is really good, they're willing to learn from the student.

Thus, Master

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Challenge #04059-K041: Not the Comfy Chair!

A very large iron asteroid has been hollowed out to become a very strong space station, and also heavily reinforced. This becomes a giant "court house" and also therapy center. So large sections of it become giant "Truth Booths". Knomiras and Dereggers, and others like them throw a FIT when its construction is finished. Esp. the ones assigned to that station for their court cases and therapy. -- Anon Guest

Welcome to Ironcore. Justice is served

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Challenge #04052-K034: Test That Theorem

A kid who used their strength and size to bully other kids was sent to Lord Kormwind, Kosh to his friends, to try to teach him, the parents were at their wits end and needed help. He refused to listen to them anymore as his parents, weakened after having gotten sick, could no longer get him to stop hanging out with .... less than pleasant crowds. -- Anon Guest

Whitekeep never kept anyone in chains. It was one of the founding principals of

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Challenge #04014-J361: Benevolent Reformations

A kingdom's literacy rate is less than 30%. The new rulers want, need, to improve that. Why? A literate, educated, population is a population that can help pull the kingdom out of the rut it's fallen into. -- Anon Guest

Pax Infernus was changing the world. Not just with a peace between realms, nor by banding together against mutual threats. This time, they were changing the world by helping within the allies' infrastructure.

Some joined just for the help that Pax Infernus

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Challenge #04010-J358: Get Comfortable

Jay and Mr. Sunshine are having lunch when some of the station's cats decide that these two individuals' laps will make good napping spots. -- Anon Guest

Mr Sunshine had been tasked with Jay's education. This included, according to Mr Sunshine, the student's introduction to the finer things in life. A sampling of everything that the cultures of the Universe could permit.

Today, it was sushi and blooming tea.

The tea steeped and performed in a glass teapot set between them, while

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Challenge #04000-J348: Scheherazade IV

They were a member of Pax Humanis, but was so elderly their days hunting down the truly evil of the universe was over. These days, they trained new assassins how to find the ones who truly deserved to be eliminated, and how to eliminate them in a way that scared the crap out of other evil people who were on that same path. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Yes I know it should be story 4004 because Scheherazade told a thousand and one

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Challenge #03954-J302: First, Do No Harm

A school has a massive garden with herbs, fruits, and vegetables almost as far as the eye can see. Here, some of the best healers in the world are taught their trade. Here, people also learn to cook, season, and care for others. -- Anon Guest

It's easy to mistake the School of Helpful Hands for a Druidic grove. The plants are abundant and bountiful. There are lush herbs from all over the world growing there. Some in hothouses. The animals there

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