
Indie writer seeks audience with an audience. Paying customers welcome. [pronouns: ze/hir] Daily free stories happen because it is an excellent counter to Writers' Block.

Burpengary East 11499 posts

Friday, Lo Batt Issues

I gotta clean the catio today. I have to go fetch Mayhem at some point. I'm behind on my imaginary progress with Pseuducku because I didn't do jack about making a thing happen for/in it.

And you know what?

Screw it.

If I need a breather, I'm taking a breather. If I want to relax, I'm going to relax. If I need sleep, I'm taking a nap.

If I need hugs... I'll try to arrange more time with the QPP.

I'm feeling a little frayed and lonely and a lot tired and disheartened. I'll recover in due time, with appropriate self-therapy.

For example: Instead of working on Pseuducku, yesterday, I played Thank Goodness You're Here. A surreal game centred on a tiny little town that is 10000% quirks. It's weird and strange and I thoroughly recommend it.

I might even get MeMum to play it. It's literally impossible to break it, get softlocked, or otherwise mess things up. I might do next week's Reasons To Love about it.

Time will tell.

Anyway, I am offski to do the things I do to lure in an audience. Yoo-hoo, readers... pspspspspsps...

Challenge #04267-K249: Deny, Delay, Distract, Until...

The body is being examined in an autopsy bay. At a glance at the scene it was an open and shut case of [slip and slide] off a roof. But a few blood stains were darker compared to the rest, shards of glass found adjacent to the wound, even though the streets was cleaned and no windows were damaged. finally bruises around the neck indicated strangulation.

The fall was a cover up. -- Anon Guest

The body did fall. There were witnesses

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Thursday, Further Disorganisation

So here's my day so far:

  • Wake late and commence the self-care regimes
  • Foot torture and commence stretches
  • Drive Mayhem to work
  • Drive home
  • Attempt to complete stretches
  • Phone call from Mayhem
  • Drive there and back again to fetch Mayhem
  • Complete stretches and half a chapter.

and now it's 2 in the afternoon and I am just now getting to today's blog entry. Offerings very soon, I should hope.

I also hope to figure out buttons in Gamemaker, but I'll probably end

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Challenge #04266-K248: Mistaken Identity

The small child nearly crashed into Gikka and stepped on the disguised Bibrid to hide among Wraithvine's robes. When gently asked the fear, the child admitted to playing in the house despite their mother's warnings, and breaking a window.

"Mommie's gonna be SO mad!"

"Oh child, you know, if you tell her you're sorry, and admit what you did, I bet she won't be mad long." -- The New Guy

It was raining, but not heavily enough to drive people indoors or

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Shaking the Debuffs

I am smearing so many products on myself and swallowing so many others. I smear stuff on my corked calves to try and get them to firkin RELAX. I smear stuff on my hair to keep the colours looking neat. I smear stuff on my face to stop large chunks of it flaking off. And there's the more normal smearing of stuff on my teeth to keep them clean.

There's one medication I inhale, and that's my preventer.

I won't go into

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Challenge #04265-K247: A Sincere Apology

"Look we know you didn't do anything wrong. Please forgive how we treated you, you did everything you could. -- Anon Guest

They found me in my best hiding nook after Jax went to safer territories. The eldest, and quietest of the Nae'hyn engineer-priests found me being very still in the ship's equivalent of the wainscotting. Somewhere between overhead and bulkhead and something associated with crawlspace for very small crawlers.

I learned a lot later that

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Tuesday, Patreon Perhaps and Pseuducku

I have a day of minimal expectations, so of course I'm piling expectations on myself.

I have updated my Pseuducku pages. Check it out if you're interested. I encourage my user base [Hi, Mum!] to do that. It's linked in the Menu.

I think I'll be sharing a fanfic with my Patrons in order to plump out the yield this week. I don't have a lot of Archive work either and I am trying to not feel bad about this.

The time

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Challenge #04264-K246: Thanks Enough

Despite your aversions, you did this... for me?

"All life is precious, but, I knew you could not survive on plants."

And for my children.

"You were ill, I'm just glad my poor skills were enough."

Thank you. You're the first human I've ever met that has ever been this kind.

"You're welcome, my friend." -- Lessons

Many omnivores who choose a herbivorous diet seem to believe that everything can subsist on a herbivorous diet. Those

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Monday, Errands Ahoy

I don't have a story to share with the Archive today, and I need to get stuff and things at place. So therefore I am headed out to get all the things we need.

Might be a pinch, this week. Because I had to pay for my hair, because Beloved got an e-bike for the work commute. A necessary expenditure, true. But also a hecking expenditure. A needful dent in the wall of money between us and a true disaster.

I like

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Challenge #04263-K245: Small, Frail, and Scared

An adorable set of small puppies went after King Kormwind's tail, Wraithvine's clothes, Gikka's tail, and were trying to chase and play with Birbrid and Lilbit. The caretaker apologized as they were trying to care for, and find homes for, this sweet pack of little strays. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Two of these people are in different times and continents. AUGH! Quick thinking: Doesn't have to be King Kormwind IX, doesn't have to be the Gikka already established]

King Kormwind Arachis Felbourne

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Challenge #04262-K244: Just Their Luck

The labs were heavily reinforced, padded, not a hard spot anywhere. One area had a couple of bad-luckers, almost as bad as it got. Another area had good luckers. The best genes possibly to find. Would gene therapy, donations from the good luckers help the bad luckers? And would some of the bad luck gene help the good luckers find some challenge in their life? These were all volunteers duly warned. Now it was time to begin. -- Anon Guest

[AN: The

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Sunday, Catching up

I owe y'all two stories, today. Two starter sentences. And two WIP memes over on the Fediverse.

I'll be getting on with that very soon. But first - Riverfire!

Pro tip: Do not schedule a hair appointment in Caboolture on the same day you're plotting to see Riverfire. Just. Don't.

We wanted to see the jet flyover, but the traffic was INSANE. I couldn't even get to parking before sunset turned the sky dim. Poor Adorable had a fight over ill-timed alleged

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Challenge #04261-K243: Oh Hi There

History may not remember the names of the dead, but the stars will attest to their journeys. The first glimmer of light in the prolonged night often illuminates little, as it is fleeting and the darkness too vast. But, as long as something shines in the night sky, then when the first star falls countless more are sure to follow. -- Anon Guest

The unknown is always dark or foggy, at least when imagined by creatures who see. For those who orient

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Friday, Extra Time and Distractions

Mayhem has an upset tumtum this morning, so I don't need to spend four hours on the road, dodging maniacs.

I still have to clean the catio, but I am going to focus on my offerings and work on Pseuducku. I have 64-pixel assets and 32-pixel assets. I shall be figuring out how to make the game boards at the very least.

We shall see.

I'll stop when I reach a frustration point.

And then likely get on with the habitat maintenance.

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