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A 4351-post collection

Challenge #04060-K042: A Challenger Appears

A rare person it is that can out-stubborn a wizard, rarer still is one that can out-stubborn a cat.

But what happens when a stubborn wizard meets a stubborn feline wizard? -- Anon Guest

Some wild magic areas are more amenable to life than others. Nothing about that previous sentence means that the life is anything near ordinary. In one particular chain of islands, scars of an ancient magical war have made intelligent life from the less intelligent.

More or less.

Everyone knows that cats are more intelligent than most other creatures. So it was only natural that they were the first among many to become... well... more civilised than your average cats. They were just the first among many to create a civilisation of their own. Including all the things that went with it.

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Challenge #04059-K041: Not the Comfy Chair!

A very large iron asteroid has been hollowed out to become a very strong space station, and also heavily reinforced. This becomes a giant "court house" and also therapy center. So large sections of it become giant "Truth Booths". Knomiras and Dereggers, and others like them throw a FIT when its construction is finished. Esp. the ones assigned to that station for their court cases and therapy.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03464-i176-speak-your-truths -- Anon Guest

Welcome to Ironcore. Justice is served

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Challenge #04058-K040: Starting With Staples

I made over five centuries this time. Of that, I get to keep 5 decades and the other four and a half centuries the Alliance takes from me to pay for taxes. Yeah that does seem like a lot, that I only get to keep ten percent of what I earn, but I don't mind at all. It helps a lot of people With my 5 decades, I now, maybe, have enough to fix this old clunker of a ship. And, of

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Challenge #04057-K039: Kind and Gentle Help

A stranger stumbles out of the alleyway, tired, tear-streaked, and sore. Seeing Wraithvine, they give them a hug and begin to weep. Then they apologize for that, but they desperately needed a hug today. -- Anon Guest

Sometimes, all that two kind hands can do is wrap gently and give comfort to someone who is suffering.

The person who collapsed into Wraithvine's arms and soaked hir shoulder with tears took their time shuddering to a halt. They were still clinging to Wraithvine

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Challenge #04056-K038: Handle With Extreme Caution

This crate contain dimensional rings that bends space in a way so it acts as a nice little pocket to store our customers belongings. You two idiots put it beside our GRAVITY GENERATOR. If you don’t know how gravity works, you better be grateful that I check the cargo and didn’t turn on the engine. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Dimensionally transcendent spaces usually don't mix with scifi (Doctor Who is a documentary lol) and can be a problem for drama

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Challenge #04055-K037: Family Re-Union

Orgoloth had been traveling for almost two years with hir adopted child, Titinwee. Searching for any news of a dragon who'd lost their egg. Finally news comes, and the reunion is, at first tense, but with a lot of gratitude on both half of draconic family, and Orgoloth.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03595-i306-accidental-family -- Anon Guest

Merchants, by and large, are all about growth and change. In the case of one merchant, that growth and change is heralded by their adopted

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Challenge #04054-K036: Ordinarily Fighting Words

"Hey you old Teuf!"

"Hey yourself, naked ape!"

The two, human and hellkin eyed each other a moment before giving each other big hugs with warm, cheerful smiles. -- Anon Guest

Some words can kill. In the remote and isolated valleys of Nohmyraa, the residents call any Hellkin 'teuf' shortly before a noose is tightened around their neck or, in the case of those hours old, a pillow is pressed to their face.

The polite say, "Harukh," or, "D'varuv." Those less inclined

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Challenge #04053-K035: Help Where Possible

Wraithvine was deep in meditation when the humans shook hir roughly awake. Nearly dragging hir before ze could land. "Hurry, hurry, the cave-in was bad! No one's dead, but there's a lot of people badly hurt, we need you, NOW, my lord!" -- Anon Guest

"Not your lord," Wraithvine gently rubbed hir backside as the people dragged hir out and into the caverns. Where four teams of people were overwhelmed by the casualties at hand. This part of the area was stable.

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Challenge #04052-K034: Test That Theorem

A kid who used their strength and size to bully other kids was sent to Lord Kormwind, Kosh to his friends, to try to teach him, the parents were at their wits end and needed help. He refused to listen to them anymore as his parents, weakened after having gotten sick, could no longer get him to stop hanging out with .... less than pleasant crowds. -- Anon Guest

Whitekeep never kept anyone in chains. It was one of the founding principals of

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Challenge #04051-K033: Don't Touch!

A Knomira is dealing with bad cuts, a bloody nose, ripped up clothes, and a lot of humiliation. What happened? She screamed about "her rights as a human on a human-made station", and tried to force a furry Deathworlder to be her servant, and he defended himself. -- BKF DaniAndShali

[AN: Using RNG for the genders in the story]

The ERT were on the scene in seconds. Security spritzed the alleged attacker with a calming chemical and tapped hir with an immobilizing

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Challenge #04050-K032: The Downside

Dear faerie, I wish only these things. That all the food I cooked turns out tasty and fulfilling, and I always have enough to share with those in need. -- Anon Guest

Banquet had saved the Faerie from the spider by eating the latter. This would disturb many to know, but Hellkin were wont to eat whatever they could get. It was the only way to survive one more day and probably how all the nasty rumours started.

Ze had been reaching

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Challenge #04049-K031: The Dawn of Engineering

A kind human teaches Wraithvine and friends how to properly use spinning wheels. Then gifts them enchanted ones that can become pocket sized, or full sized, as needed. -- Lessons

The denizens of Nanogh had never had to make things by hand. They could weave anything they liked out of raw magic. So when the Faekindred invaded the Mortal Plane, they had some difficulty. Setting up magefonts, manafonts, moon pools, and the like had been their priority. They opened doors they should

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Challenge #04048-K030: Samples For Study

They purchase naturally discarded feathers, shed fur, and shed scales from cogniscents. Why? To study the structure and make their artwork more realistic. -- Anon Guest

Artist Xiae went to varying grooming service centres, asking for locks of fur, samples of feathers, shed skins or scales from their biotainment bins. He was willing to pay, and even brought along his own biotainment sample containers.

It was just weird enough to gain him rejection from each of those places.

He simply ticked a

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Challenge #04047-K029: Chemically Derived Architecture

"We're trying to recreate limestone chemically just so we can have concrete."

The person listening thinks for a moment then smiles. "My friend, you know, Limestone is simply hardened calcium carbonate. So, in essence, to make artificial limestone, simply get calcium, which is pretty abundant, and add salt made from carbonic acids, that is to say, acids made from carbon dioxide. Would this work for your projects?"

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03967-j315-inspiration-for-technology -- Anon Guest

"We need the ocean, and we're

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Challenge #04046-K028: A Portentious Offer

My name is Vizmo, and I am a god-king of cats. Gentle Wraithvine, I offer you a gift for your furry friend, Lilbit here. That they remain youthful and healthy for as long as you live, and breathe their last when you, yours. In this manner, even in your darkest, saddest, moments, you'll never be alone. -- The New Guy

[AN: Y'all really don't like the idea of the cat passing on, do you?]

Live long enough, they say, and you will

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