Realm of the InterNutter

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

Challenge #04179-K161: Rest and Refuge

Wraithvine, hir cat, Gikka, and the little gnome that was a dragon in disguise came upon a hotel that was a hot spring resort. The very kind family offered a free vacation for all of them. Why? Because the family believed that all travelers should find relaxation on their travels, and it made them happy to help people. -- Anon Guest

It wasn't the first hotel and resort associated with volcanic hot springs. It was, however, one of the few that welcomed guests with no money.

"Hospitality is our pleasure," insisted the house matriarch. "Relax and revitalise. You need it."

Bibrid, especially, needed it. He was intensely nervous in most placed offering healing services. Dreading the moment he might be called in, and thereby trapped, by the need for his gifts. Very few people, after all, ask about who might heal the healers.

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Sunday, Stream Shenanigans and Technical Difficulties

I could not make TaleSpire go because New Linux Compatibility Issues(tm). I'm working on solution, but the frustration is flying high.

There's things I'm trying, things I can try, and the potential for time to settle all trouble. In the meantime, I'm working on substitute maps to use in OwlBear... but those take time.

Fortunately, DungeonDraft works.

It sucks that technical issues have interrupted the game, but I'm coping my best.

And that's the best I can do.

I did NOT

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Challenge #04178-K160: For the Love of Gravy

They ran a shipyard where old ships were completely refitted, rebuilt if need be, and sold at a price that allowed people to get their very first ones. The interesting area was where the gravy drives were repaired, cared for, and helped back into service so they could once again travel to the stars. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Gravy drives are very rarely abandoned. The Nae'hyn who care for them will go to extreme lengths to see them to an area of

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Saturday, Parkrun and Technical Issues

I'm still setting things up in the new Linux setup. The problem is, I can't quite get TaleSpire to work yet. Consulting with my fixer-upperer is difficult because she's incommunicado.

And also my internet is dodgy. Huzzah.

Fun times ahead.

With very good luck, I shall have it all up and running before game time. If not, I'll warn my players that TaleSpire currently doesn't like me.

Given that they've done zero offscreen shopping, the chances are good for another stream of

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Challenge #04177-K159: Tough to Swallow

A person was given powerful painkillers when they got hurt. Later, they were taking calming drugs, regularly, during therapy. Unfortunately, they became addicted to both. The ones that prescribed the medications now had to help the person to be weaned off of them.

(( Note - one of the big reasons there was a major addiction to drugs like oxycontin and other painkillers is due to them being over-prescribed, sadly.)) -- Anon Guest

[AN: No worries, OP, I have witnessed several "miracle drugs"

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Friday, Weary Bean

I woke up in the wee smallest hours, this morning. Pretty soon after midnight, in fact. Since I couldn't easily get back to sleep, I sat up and wrote something.

Half a chapter of A Devil's Tale and the start of a Doctor Who fanfic, in fact. Part of me wants to write it like it could be an episode. A greater part of me is absolute shit at scriptwriting.

So it's a hybrid. And messy. I have a lot of ideas

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Challenge #04176-K158: Safe in a Dangerous Place

Lothaire helped the young former captive adjust to a life of freedom. For a being of darkness, they helped bring light back to hir heart. -- Anon Guest

It was a peculiarity that persisted in my head, every time I woke and grew accustomed to this place. I was safe in the lair of a literal monster. Safer than I had ever been in the hands of my master. Four days after my first waking, I

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Thursday, Catching Up

I didn't get as far as my weekly rant, yesterday. At least I got the regular offerings out. So alongside catching up with that, I have a fellow author to mentor, some bloggage to shift, and maybe one of my other side projects if I can summon the energy.

I have a huge case of the dunwannas, today. I don't want push that boulder up the hill today. I don't want to do any work.

I want to curl up somewhere comfy

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Challenge #04175-K157: Ferocious Saviour

A severely depressed new rescue manages to slip away from hir therapists. They'd tampered with an airlock, about to harm themselves, but Jay quickly knocked them out, to get them back to their therapists. -- Anon Guest

[AN: If you're feeling like life is not worth it, please get help as I'd much prefer you'd keep existing. The world will not be as good without you]

Being sick was the worst. Mak could feel the costs piling up. The meals. The medicine.

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Wednesday: Leyland's Tour Electric Boogaloo

I'm doing a tech support run-around for MeMum today, and to add complications, this was one of those days where I've had...

Fucking Sleep Issues(tm)!

Yep. Came over all tired from shenanigans yesterday [my main compy is officially unfucked now yay] and went to bed super early.

Which means I achieved consciousness in the wee small hours of this morning. On one hand - more hours to do my stretchies. On the other... I'm guaranteed to want an early night tonight.

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Challenge #04174-K156: An Object Lesson

A drunk, razzing the elf, tries to steal hir wizard's hat. Only for the hand to be burned by an angry miniature dragon trying to protect its "lair". -- Anon Guest

"I tried to warn you," said Wraithvine, who hadn't even put down hir tankard. "A wizard's hat is always protected. You're lucky the booze in your breath didn't light. That's a horrible way to go."

The drunkard was very suddenly sober, nursing a scorch on

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Tuesday, UNFUCKED!

My PC is officially unclogged. The extraneous files have been obliterated, the old install and last traces of the old install are no longer part of the map.

...though the old install still turns up on the startup and I don't know why...

Like all desperate bargains, I paid a steep price for the fix - at least half my Firefox tabs and windows.

I can rebuild. I've done that before.

I got a couple of hours before Beloved and I go

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Challenge #04173-K155: What the Boss Makes

You do not want to go there!

"Why not?"

For every day you earn working, they only allow you to keep a few seconds of it, their taxes will take EVERYTHING from you. You make clothing, and you will have it ripped from your hands and you will only be allowed to keep a few threads. They say it's for your own good, but the truth is, if you make a dollar, you will only keep a dime, and THAT is only

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Monday, Bricked PC and Stream News

I currently can't run a stream today. My PC is bricked thanks to my own incompetence at doing a thing. I now must wait for Beloved to return and un-brick it because levels of technical difficulty.

I shall finish with the backup reads that are ongoing, and then get on with the important things. Feeding the cats. Creating my offerings. Trying to figure out what the flying flip I'm doing with myself for the remainder of today.

I may or may not

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Challenge #04172-K154: A Very Important Side Quest

A city is having its Founder's Day. The day when a party of adventurers, humans, hellkin, and a few other races, came together to found their own town. And now, it was a large, beautiful city. A person, seeing Wraithvine and friends, comes up to them and, politely but earnestly, asks them to be their dance partner in the dance competition to be held that evening. -- Anon Guest

Much can be achieved without hate as a hurdle. Proof of such is

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