Realm of the InterNutter

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

Sunday, Embuggerances and Attempts Made

So my internet dips out after two hours of computer use and the only way to get it back is to reboot the tower. You can imagine how much of a pain in the arse this is.

I'm working with my lovelies to try and unriddle this nonsense on a permanent basis. Two hours at a time is better than nothing, but having the entire 24 would be much better.

Doing the best I can with the little I've got.

Offerings as soon as I can wrangle them. I do have to use other means for backups when I reboot.

Three bronx cheers for whatever nonsense I've got happening with my connection.

Challenge #04381-K363: Throwing the Book at Them

Knowledge is very powerful, especially when it's dropped on an enemy from two stories up. -- Anon Guest

The library of Teregoss was a labyrinth of shelves. Some holding scrolls, most holding books, and the filing system was so complicated that it took years of study to learn it.

And somehow, despite many traps to prevent it, Nemmios the Vile had managed to take a tome of otherwise forgotten lore. Something that was bound to cause a tidal wave of pain and

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Saturday, Parkrun and Sadim Syndrome

Sadim, for those not in the know, is "Midas" spelled backwards. King Midas famously turned everything he touched into gold. The reverse of that is... well...

Everything's been going to shit. At least technology-wise.

First - the cable to charge my headphones decided it wasn't going to do its one job any more.
Next - my car didn't want to lock at parkrun for reasons unknown. Locked and unlocked literally everywhere else though.
Now - The connection betwixt my tower and my

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Challenge #04380-K362: Not a Nice Kitty

They think the creature is just another earth cat. They should have listened to the warnings about the black creatures with the white stripes down their backs. The invaders need a lot of care and decontamination! -- Anon Guest

"Uh, Byox? Don't pet that one!"

"It's a harmless cat. Look, it has it's tail up, and what a floof!"

"No don't--" too late. Human Dez winced in pure sympathy as Byox got the full treatment from a neighbourhood skunk. "Ooohhhh... Ouch."


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Friday, Shopping Trip and Healing

Toe news: The antibiotics I'm on are working. The injury site is no longer reddened nor warm. Even the scabs are flaking off. My lung issues are also waning, and tomorrow evening is the time I take the last pill. Yay.

Today's PLNs include a trip to the DFO where they sell the best possible shoes at the best possible price. Thus leaving a little extra mad money.

I'm also making a start on bread, today. Baking it tomorrow.

I might even

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Challenge #04379-K361: It's Just Like Home

A troop of Marines land on a planet they considered "a bit warm". Their enemies never stopped to realize what "a bit warm" meant to humans. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I'm from a country where it regularly gets above fifty celcius during summer. High forties are "a bit warm"... but that kind of depends how thick the air soup gets]

Space Marines have what you might call a... Reputation. Always with the ellipsus and the capital. If you want a polity or

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Challenge #04378-K360: Arrogance and Entitlement

An intergalactic empire finds out what happens when you double-cross humans and try to enslave them. It's not pretty. But, for the record, they were warned. -- Anon Guest

There is no longer a Drasfrangian Empire. What happened to it is a lesson to all who think they have the power and the right to ignore the Cogniscent Rights Committee. Their chief mistake was holding all non-Dasfrangians in slavery. Their territory was large and always growing. Their armies large and fueled by

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Thursday, A Day of Rest

I got MeMum home and helped her with a quirk of her laptop. We might have to do some jiggery-pokery down the line. It's looking like enshittification has made its slimy little had reach towards Mum's bank account.

Lucky for us that we can attach a new monitor and keyboard to the same processing power of the compy. That'll work for a while, I should hope.

I'll get cracking on the twoferfest overdue today. And then take it exceedingly easy into the

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Challenge #04377-K359: A Second Chance Blooms

Los dientes de león son mis flores favoritas.

¿Por qué?

Porque fueron la primera planta que aprendí a cultivar y comer, y porque salvaron a nuestra gente. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Translated - Dandelions are my favorite flowers./Why?/Because they were the first plant I learned to grow and eat, and because they saved our people.]

The tumbledowns are called that because it's easy for everything to -well- tumble down. The only things that grow there are babies and misery. Everybody's

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Tuesday, Streamlined PLNs

Beloved took the thing from here while she was up to deliver Chaos and collect a few bits and bobs for stuff and things. So that's one thing off my checklist for today.

Said checklist in no particular order:

  • Foot maintenance routine
  • Wrist maintenance routine
  • Doc's visit to see to the toe situation
  • ...and possibly gain an addition to the foot maintenance routine
  • Collect MeMum and her stuff and things
  • Offerings unto the Temple of notes
  • Chillax

Further bulletins as events warrant.

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Challenge #04376-K358: Accurate Descriptions

What's one of the best exercise to keep me cheerful? I love to dance! -- Anon Guest

"That's what you call dancing?" boggled Sparky Tae. "That's... uhm... novel."

Scrubber Naev came to a safe and stable halt, shutting off the music with a tap to their datareader vambrace. "Okay. So what would you call it?"

"Advanced parkour acrobatics whilst impersonating a Muppet on fire," said Tae.

Naev almost fell off the horizontal bar, she was laughing so hard. As it was, she

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Monday, Luncheon Expedition

Word of warning: I have no idea if or when today's offerings will be out. I am BUSY until at least Boxing Day.

Today: Driving out to collect MeMum for a lunch with other relatives pre-crimbo. I also have to organise the kids into being presentable. Fun.
Tomorrow: Going to the doctor about my toes [more on this later] then dropping off a thing at Adorable's, then picking up MeMum for convenience purposes for the day after.
Christmas Day: Familial nonsense including

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Challenge #04375-K357: Medically Approved Distraction

The poor havenworlder was eggbound. And the humans were only working with the most basic of medical as that was all that was available in this emergency. They were asked... please sing? It helped the pain of a difficult delivery. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Knowing a little about what to do for eggbound birds, the usual solution is to very carefully break the egg]

It should have been easy. It should have been an hour or two of relatively difficult work, and

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Sunday, Sesh Done and Shopping PLNs

Beloved has a fridge in her rental car, so there will be Crimbo prawns. Huzzah.

I do love Crimbo prawns :D

As soon as I finish this blog entry, I'm offski again to acquire more last-minute things. The good news is that my hand-baked presents are wrapped and ready for delivery. Secure from assault from local predators and cat hair. Hooray.

I shall get to today's offerings when I'm done with the last-minute shuffle.

As for the session... My players were all

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