
A 14-post collection

Friday, An Attempt

I tried to change things up with The Bikkie this week. In that I was attempting to create something different, I succeeded.

In that I was trying for something tasty... I failed.

In retrospect, I should have let it rise longer and maybe punched it down more than once. Live. Learn. Maybe next time.

The result was a brick of a loaf. One heavy food item, but not a sod, thank the Powers.

I got a little over halfway through it before I reached a sufficiency.

I really want a nap today for reasons I can't quite fathom. Probably some minor depression going on. It usually self-solves. Some self-indulgences and a lot of skin time resets the horseshit. Which is why I am so very looking forward to this weekend.

Beloved is coming back to me hooray! At least for Sunday.

Let's get on with today's offerings.

Challenge #03364-I076: Disparity of Experience

A person develops an immense crush on Wraithvine and starts following hir around trying to ask them out on a date. -- Anon Guest

Love, as the Bards frequently say, is strange. Many people take it for a game. Not Wraithvine. Bernhardine Mev really should have known that. She also should have known that when a Human falls for an Elf, it never ends well for the Elf. It never ends well for the Human, either, but it generally takes them all

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Challenge #03286-BONUS012: You Have Two Choices

They were talented enough to officially be viewed as one of the best technomages in the galaxy and then some, yet, they were only 15 years old. All they had to do was barely touch a computer, and it was like the thing was absolutely brand new and functioning in as near as absolute perfection as existence could become. Around AI's, they immediately were at 100% health, no matter how broken down they were, and even the most rusted out garbage of

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Sunday, Day 1, Well Shoot

Plague news: No new cases! Twenty-one total active cases, nineteen in hospital, and one in the ICU.

I'm daring to have hope.

Meanwhile, some thousands of Knomiras had a protest in Sydney about not being allowed to go out and spread Delta all over civilised spaces their right to free movement. There's been violence.

I used to think that it was evil to wish death on fellow humans. And yet... may the Powers forgive me... I'm starting to want to wish every

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I am a Donkosaurus

I forgot to do my Patreon stuff, yesterday. I'm more than likely to skip out on that again today.

Today, my car is going in for a service because we suspect that it is leaking coolant. It needs an annual or semi-annual top-up of the stuff and that, apparently, is not normal.

So the PLN is to take it to the repair place today and hope they can squeeze my little car in and see if they can spot a leak. If

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Oh, ability to focus, where hast thou gone?

I've run through all my usual means of focussing on the task at hand, and all have... well... failed.

Let's run this through:

  • Listening to vocal podcasts about random stuff: Listening to the random stuff instead of writing
  • Listening to my music collection: Spacing out and reading stuff instead of writing
  • Spacing out and reading stuff or playing games instead of writing
  • Shutting down everything but the work at hand: Re-opening the
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The system is down

Our LAN server died of inexplicable causes. Some essential part of it just up and died without any warning. So now, I am doing all my work on my laptop, with my phone as a wifi hotspot.

You can easily guess that I'm not going to be around on the internet for much longer after I'm done with my work.

At least I have a good excuse to go back to the arting again. Once I've caught up on the stuff we've

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When Historical Dramas Fail History...

I can forgive AU’s. I have a great love for them. I can understand a writer willing to explore an alternate time stream.

But when they pretend they’re set in our history… nails down the chalkboard.

You can NOT show the Mona Lisa in-progress on a freaking canvas. She was painted on an oak board.

[You should also not make Jesus white, but that’s a whole different can of worms…]

Similarly, having era- or

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Poo bum wee

I just spent all day trying to come up with something clever and winding up with fail.

And then, to top it off, I tried to make Spore work on my Mac again.

I know there’s worse things to happen to people than spending all day on a computer, but… I was trying my hardest to be clever and the universe just kept on reminding me that I’m stupid.

I feel pretty damn worthless right now.


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Dear Moneymakers, (an open letter)

And by this, I mean all corporate “persons”, executives, super-rich and basically, everyone who is making their money by just having money.

You’re doing it wrong.

Current economic theory states that if you give enough money to the already-rich, some of it will inevitably “trickle down” to the lower classes, the world will become everyone’s oyster and we’ll all be knee deep in pearls.

Everyone not amongst the already-rich knows this theory

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Quick diets and why they fail

I’m more aware of them, now that I’m trying to lose weight. The advertisements. The shill proclaiming their new product and ONLY their product will help you reach your target weight and stay there.

It’s all bullshit.

Especially the ones where they claim you -yes, you!- can drop an extravagant number of pounds/kilos in an amazingly short time.

What they never tell you is that you -yes, you!- inevitably yo-yo back up again

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Why Bipartisan Politics Fails

Put succinctly: they spend too much time fighting and not enough getting shit done.

I don’t follow American Politics very closely. I can’t tell the difference at a glance between Republican and Democrat. All I know is one lot (generally) cheats on their spouses and the other lot (generally) embezzles from public funds.

Back in the days before corporations could buy politicians, the folks you elected were supposed to represent their electorate based on what the majority desired.

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