Amalgam Universe

A 2196-post collection

Challenge #03817-J165: Uniquely Deathworlder Fare

"Popcorn! It's been so long!"

"You heat the seeds until they...explode? This is a treat-food? Humans." -- Anon Guest

"Empty calories. Bland and harmless on its own. They take up the flavour of whatever you put with them." Human Meis grinned, still fondling the seemingly harmless orange-yellow seeds in their care package. "The process of making it might be bad for you little squishies, but the finished product? You might like it. I'll do you some caramel corn an I'll have the butter."

Companion Fraith boggled at hir Human. "You are certain this Deathworlder food does no harm?"

"I'll maximise food hygeine for you. It'll be basic starch and sugars, but you might want to spit out the shells. Or cut them off. Nobody's invented shell-less popcorn yet. I might make a robot to sort out the easy ones for you. Actually, I should start on that now."

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Challenge #03813-J161: Where They Never Look

The Dereggers INSIST on inspecting my ship every single time I state I'm ready to take off. I don't mind. My cargo I get there is always strapped in properly. My living cargo? Well, heh, there's a reason that domicile-sized crate hasn't moved from Cargo Hold B ever since I started making my run. That reminds me, it's my turn to do laundry, gotta run! -- DaniAndShali

"Hello and good morning, Officer Croupki," cheered Trader Xiik, smile wide on their face. "How's

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Challenge #03812-J160: That One Place

Fights constantly broke out at this bar, but the man in the red, yellow, and black chevron tattoos down his arms was left strictly alone. -- Anon Guest

The sign out front named the establishment the Brawl Inn. The mandatory Standard Language prefixes for food, drink, and rest stood in front, declaring that all three were available within.

There's always a fight going on in there. It's one of the reasons why the plates and drinking vessels were metal. It's among the

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Challenge #03811-J159: Phenomena (do do do do do)

The rules said, do not contact those not ready for space flight. This culture was quite primitive, and religious. So the humans had to make a choice. Possibly risk interrupting the culture, and the religion, and rush in with their advanced tech to save the civilians before that huge quake they detected caused a tsunami that would wipe out almost the only large city on the entire planet, or sit back, do nothing as the rules dictated, and watch tens of thousands

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Challenge #03810-J158: Keep the Light Burning

Yet again, their human was finally located... asleep at their work desk. Ah, poor human. They needed to learn to stop pushing themselves so hard. Well, the young adult had quite a bit to learn. -- Anon Guest

As a Companion, it is crucial to be aware of the needs as well as the wants of your Ship's Human. Making a study of, and contributing to the Manual of Human Behaviour is vital. Not all Humans operate according to the extant rules.

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Challenge #03809-J157: Tactilely Rewarding

There was a small, human child staring at them. The small child shuffled closer then said, in a soft voice, "your fur looks soft. May I touch you? I washed my hands."

The child's hands were still slightly damp. -- Anon Guest

Humans are deadly, they leave a trail of blood in pursuit of conquest. Humans are insane, but there is method in their madness. They want to pet, tame, or ride any creature that they find. And if all else is

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Challenge #03808-J156: Around the Roadblock

Several Deregger rescues bemoan themselves, constantly claiming they are stupid and useless. The therapist tries an interesting tactic, and teaches them a puzzle game, Sudoku. -- Lessons

Dereggers were, as the Alliance liked to call them, Rescue Humans. Like any other creature that was rescued from a bad place, they had their issues.

"You provided Health and Caregiving with a list of your skills," said Therapist Vide, doing her best to avoid sounding reproachful. "There are several freelance jobs available that could

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Challenge #03803-J150: Handy Crafts

Work has gotten so boring lately the human has taken to knitting to alleviate it. -- Anon Guest

The best thing for a Ships' Human to have is a boring job. That's what the old hands tend to say and the younger ones tend to puzzle about. Time tells all of the truth.

Human Dee was just starting to appreciate having a dull job. On the other hand, they still needed something to do.

The scientists were as safe as they could

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Challenge #03802-J149: Whoopsie Doopsie

Some children are playing, and a ball goes flying and accidentally hits a Havenworlder child. The parents, new refugees, are terrified their children will be thrown out an airlock, but the Havenworlder parents know, as does the medics, that the injuries are not severe, and it WAS just an innocent accident. -- Lessons

It's never easy to have shared play spaces for a multitude of cogniscent species. Though children easily learn about taking care and being gentle, there are still mishaps.


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Challenge #03798-J145: Let Them Eat Cheese

The humans.. they can make friends with ANYONE. They can tame almost ANY species. For as long as we can remember, the Thranityr variant known as Vorax were a scourge. They were one of the most terrifying races out there, cognizant-eaters! How.. humans have begun to befriend and change their very culture. No more killing and eating of cognizant, fewer piracy incidents.... what else is going to happen? We're not ungrateful but we have.. concerns. -- Anon Guest

The Thranityr knew where

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Challenge #03797-J144: All Part of the Show

Humans run a MASSIVE, yet 100% Havenworlder safe event for the weakest of Havenworlders, fireworks show. How? Instead of pyrotechnics, they use several hundreds of brightly colored miniature drones that, once in the dark night skies, via remote, light up brightly to put on a brilliant show in time with the music. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I've seen some of those. They're amazing.]

Never underestimate the Human capacity for sharing a treat. Their love language is food and entertainment, and adapting their

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Challenge #03796-J143: All the Comfort You're Worth

The human keeps falling asleep at their work station. But why? -- Anon Guest

It had happened again. Human Yu was sitting at hir station, eyes gently closed, but otherwise stable in hir seat. Hir head was slowly tilting forwards and down and ze would soon jolt awake with a snort.

The crew of the Phlogiston knew that Rescue Humans had their issues, but this was one the Alliance hadn't encountered before.

Therefore, it was greatly concerning.

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Challenge #03795-J142: Curses, Fooled Again

A transport arrives with a large number of young teens, and some as young as 10. Almost no adults to be found. Why? The colony's new CEO decided to give the KIDS the right to get vaccinations and other care if they wished, but it was a trap, for those that desired so were shoved into a transport and kicked off the planet. The adults turning their backs because the kids decided to think for themselves. -- Anon Guest

It was a

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Challenge #03794-J141: The Big Mistake Hunt

When you're a pirate, there is ONE rule you should always follow, newbie.


DO NOT MAKE A HUMAN.... you did WHAT???

Ok, this is on you, ..... RUN! -- Anon Guest

Do not meddle with Humans, for they are petty and creatively vengeful. If they have seen you, if they know your name, if they know anything about you, they will track you down and extract more than you expect from you.

Mind. Body. Spirit. They will

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Challenge #03786-J133: The Trust Paradox

Their world had perfected sleep pods for those who were dying of any illness that there was, as of yet, no cure. Usually awakened in a few years once a cure is discovered, they're sent back to their families now cured. My pod.. got lost when a room caved in. Imagine my surprise when these strangers woke me up, almost 500 years later? -- Anon Guest

If one thing can be said about events, then it's this: I am glad that they

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