Mental Health

A 10-post collection

Friday, Weary Bean

I woke up in the wee smallest hours, this morning. Pretty soon after midnight, in fact. Since I couldn't easily get back to sleep, I sat up and wrote something.

Half a chapter of A Devil's Tale and the start of a Doctor Who fanfic, in fact. Part of me wants to write it like it could be an episode. A greater part of me is absolute shit at scriptwriting.

So it's a hybrid. And messy. I have a lot of ideas busting to get out, but I also have to ration my time and wrists. And I really need to focus on finishing A Devil's Tale the hell off.

I'm covering a lot of time in the story, now. The ripples in time will happen later. How one life can change a world.

I've yet to clean out the catio today, and my offerings will be happening at their own pace.

Next week, I take a breather. I do my side projects according to my mood. If at all. Let myself flop around and be a lump for a while.

Just to chillax.

For now... I move on with what's gotta be done.

Challenge #03893-J241: Obscured Needs

Their friend was sent to rehab after caught, yet again, self-harming. The first time was passed as accidental. The second time was the warning that their friend needed help. They visit their friend in the rehab center and hold their friend through the tears. -- Anon Guest

Rescue Humans can have all possible quirks. Not all of them at once, that would be what is technically known as "A Mess".

Human Shae was almost wholly within the 'mess' category. He remained food

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Friday, Unfuckening and Stuff

I have so many things I have been procrastinating about, and one of them is plugging species info into Alfarell. I have a few that need elucidation.

That will give me something to show my Patrons, next week.

Bad news: No apology from the antagonist.
Good news: No revenge either.

I was having anxious conniptions about that all day yesterday. To the point where it impeded my ability to set-dress the level I just finished.

In my plans for today are cleaning

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Disorganised today...

...datorganised tomorrow. Of course, tomorrow never comes because it's today when it gets here.

I have PLNs to make some wholemeal loaves, starting tomorrow. I shall be gifting one to Chaos' teacher. What happens to the other one all depends on who puts their hands up for a loaf first.

I've asked MeMum. Next, I shall ask Capt. S. After that, Chaos' bus lady gets her chop. If all refuse, I might offer to neighbours, IDK. Or I might enjoy some toast

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Deep breaths...

Mayhem has the sniffles and a cough. He's pretty sure it's not the Plague, but he's staying home anyway. Best to keep one's virii to oneself.

If I want to make more masks, I'm going to need more cord. Mayhem's going to need his if the seasonal sniffles continues to persist.

For my mental health, today, I am not getting involved in any Covid news. I'm at my capacity. I can't look at the latest piles of idiocy without breaking my heart.

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I Dunno...

Liposomal vit C worked to lift my spirits, reset my energy levels, and otherwise make me make myself do things. BUT it tastes like arse and I really can't do my dose of that on the daily.

It's psychologically implausible.

Sugarless vit C comes in a handy "chewable" tablet that I swallow whole because I firkin hate chewable vitamins. It gets digested anyway, right? What sadistic genius invented "chewable" vitamins anyway?

I was made to suck on those intensely citrusy bastards when

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Challenge #02050-E226: Stockholm's Invisible Bars

Humanity has always fascinated a certain alien “scientist” shall we say, though in reality they were nothing more than a monster. Their newest “pets” were the result of their most recent experiments in gaslighting and the human phenomenon known as Stockholm syndrome. Never had one so cruel ever known such an horrific punishment by the hands of humanity. -- Sorry

[AN: No you're not]

Beware becoming your obsession. There are many that will eat you alive and not even spit out your

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Bit in the butt

Remember how I said my procrastination would bite me in the butt? It has.

My shrink appointment's tomorrow and I had not gone to the quack since my last one. And I need a mental health plan to continue seeing my shrink.

The thing I've been dragging my feet over is that I also need my blood checked for cholesterols. I have the kit, but I really don't want to find out the lengths I have to go to in order to

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First Sprint Day of the new workout regime and, owing to the early rain, we decided not to chance running our arses off on wet roads, but stayed home and skipped rope.

Things to remember:

  • Neither of us have skipped since our last Skipathon in Primary School.
  • That time is now literally decades ago.
  • The goal of Sprint Day is to do a fast-paced activity until you literally can't do it any more. Beloved mentioned the word "collapse".
  • I'm fighting gravity worse
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The strangeness of me

I've always known I'm not 'normal', and protest much that there's no such thing. My creativity and whims of creating, aka my Muse, takes me to strange places, sometimes.

My stories, fanfic and professional, are... odd. Just as I am odd.

As a kid, I was "weird". According to the professionals at the time, I was "brilliant but disorganised" and needed something to keep my creativity in one place. Not that that worked very well.

I did not have a wide social

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