Realm of the InterNutter

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

Friday, Physio and PLNs

I need to get Sillicea pills so my knees won't get worse. I also have to see my Physio today. So that gives me a chance to go place and acquire thing all in one trip.

I couldn't find a tutorial on text boxes that I could understand, so I tried to improvise one and I'll be testing that and finding out what the hell I need to do to make it work properly.

I will therefore, eventually, understand text boxes and all the things I need to do to make them go.

Seriously considering looking up if GameMaker has an extant sudoku template that I can creatively adjust. It might help me out. I'm still planning to do the tutorials but if I understand everything else, I might have an easier time.

I know that I can't do this from scratch on my own. Not in a reasonable amount of time.

So this afternoon, I will be poking around GameMaker as well as cleaning out the catio. At least I no longer have to fret about the branches near the fence. That's taken care of.

Now that I know the afternoons are reasonable for power tool work, I can set up to make Chaos' bread cutting guide next week. Yay.

Here's to getting stuff done randomly.

Challenge #04414-L030: Suddenly Learning to Teach

The other hatchling kobolds picked up their native tongue quickly. But this one, smaller than the others, struggled with the language. They had no ancestral memories of previous lives. The humans in the village that were close, dear, friends to this warren, and the kobolds elder, realized this precious life was truly new to this world, in more than one sense. -- Lessons

Some species of Alfarell are born with their language. Well, most of their language. Hellkin know how to talk

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Thursday, I Got This

I have CachyBrowser loaded up and ready for me to do the daily tale. I know where the tutorial is for GameMaker. I've done my foot stretchies and about to start my wrist stretchies.

I also have a cyclone headache and am waiting for the painkillers to kick in.

I've downloaded two fonts for the cover of the anthology, so the newest variant is going to look super cool. At least after I figure out how to add fonts to my system.

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Challenge #04413-L029: We'll Meet Again

The news of Gikka's passing due to old age filters its way to Wraithvine. The immortal dragon healer, in hir guise as a gnome, placed a gentle hand on Wraithvine's. "Never gone as long as she is remembered, and I'm not leaving your side any time soon, my friend. For I live as long as you." -- Anon Guest

Wraithvine hated goodbyes. Ze had had far too many of them in hir time if service. Outliving enemies and allies alike could easily

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Wednesday, Unfucking Journey

I currently can't upload images from my compy without borking my entire internet connection, my browser, or my compy. Apparently, it's a Firefox bug or its add-ons.

In the meantime, I'll be working on my image posts on CachyBrowser.

I have quite a few appointments upcoming, this week, and PLNs to go shopping today and get some supplies. For which I need to consult the rest of the fam.

It's been a thorough TRIAL trying to unriddle my technical issues that have

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Challenge #04412-L028: Enlightened Self-Preservation

Karma comes in strange ways, for a false healer it was that now, sometimes it worked -- Knitnan

A Traveling Apothecary was an amazing scam. Roll into town with a showy wagon and an amusing sideshow. Sell a few interesting bottles of simple solutions and coloured water. Then get out before the rubes notice that it's all smoke and mirrors. And, of course, steer clear of any place that has a disease running through it. Claim that you're out of the essential

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Tuesday, Pitchathon and Patreon

There's an event on Bluesky called #2025Pit in which authors give their elevator pitch to the app in the hopes of picking up representation.

I pitched: Adapting, B'Nar, Clockwork Souls, Beauties and the Beastly, and ADT because why not?

I have found a video tutorial for pop-up text windows for GameMaker, and I will be using that for a default error message first.

Then putting that into each and every function call so that the WIP will not have any errors for

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Challenge #04411-L027: Bedtime For the Deathworlder

I can't sleep well no matter what I do. Even medicine doesn't help half the time. Can you please help me think of a way to get some rest? -- Anon Guest

Companion Throk could clearly see the shadows under Human Zyr's eyes. She could detect the slump in Zyr's shoulders and the slowness of their movements. She was worried. "Human Zyr... are you suffering another sickness?"

"No, I just had a rough night. I'm having trouble getting settled down, and when

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Monday, Public Holiday and Procrastination

There's only one thing standing in the way of me publishing last year's anthology - and that's getting Lunacy to open the old *.sketch files. Which no other app can open.

So far, I just have the spinny wheel of doom.

I will eventually figure out SOMETHING. Same with my efforts to get things to happen in GameMaker.

I am rapidly oscillating between, "I've got this," and "I am a clueless, talentless blob of glorp."

Today's a 'glorp' day but I'm going

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Challenge #04410-L026: Palliative Care

The human was sick and running a high fever. The Alliance had never dealt with a very sick human like this before. -- Anon Guest

If you want to survive the Edge Territories, you need a friendly Human. Unfortunately, Deathworlders are largely forbidden from the Alliance and finding a Human is a trial. Some find Humans before they were lost. Which resulted in the ever-growing manual of Human care and maintenance.

It also resulted in a lot of posts starting with the

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Sunday, Game Night and Exhaustion Points

Lots of laughs in the game tonight. The adopted Goblin became a level one barbarian with some adjusted statistics because toddler Goblin. All toddlers are barbarians. Fight me.

Despite having a post-game nap, I'm still bloody tired, today. I'll see how I feel by 5PM, when the heat allegedly starts to wane from the day and we'll theoretically be able to do more strategic pruning.

I'm still studying how to make pop-up windows in GameMaker, and I might try a couple of

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Challenge #04409-L025: Lies vs Bent Truths

Healing spells also known as holy spells can be sorted into 3 tiers: low, moderate, High. The higher the tier the more complex the Magic will be, therefore consuming more Mana. For example if some individual was heavily poisoned and on the verge of death, a high tier healing is needed. The healing spell herstel although low tier can alleviate the symptoms and eventually cure the poison. But that will take days to weeks to fully cure.

With that information and on

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Saturday, No Parkrun and Mor Pruning

Since the Christmas chainsaw has the exact sound profile of a toy, we're relatively free to go out pruning at the crack of dawn as well as the afternoon.

We were doing quite well this morning, until the battery ran flat.

We will get more branches cut down this afternoon. I've signed up the spawn to help out and spell me on the pruning work. Theoretically, we can get the branches away from the fence a lot faster than if it was

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Challenge #04408-L024: Kharmic Realignment Well Overdue

The child keeps playing pranks on people despite being scolded. Then a very scary, but kind, individual helps them realize, that they can't keep doing that. -- Anon Guest

Don't pull on a horse's tail and act surprised when it kicks. Don't taunt a hungry dog and act surprised when it bites. But most especially, do not cross a Hellkin and act surprised when you get exactly what you deserve.

None of this entered Bili's head as they went into the markets

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Friday, Fun New 'Hobby'

I waited until the afternoon when it was allegedly cooler. That was when the neighbour emerged and asked me to prune all the trees away from the fence line. And I can do that because Christmas chainsaw.

Beloved gives me the best toys :D

But, because firkin heat wave, including some of the worst weather Australia has seen, I can only use it in the afternoon. When it cools off a bit.

I will be getting help from Mayhem because there's a

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