Realm of the InterNutter

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

Wednesday, Rant Due and Other PLNs

We're taping and papering out windows, today. My other plns to hunker and bunker are foiled by having a dental appointment.

The day before the cyclone fucking hits us.

I have excellent fucking timing. It's a gift.

So in the middle of tape and paper [I got a bargain lot of butcher's paper from a newfound source of stuff and things] I have to extract my car from the shed, drive myself down to the dentist's [through the slings and arrows of anyone else crazy enough to be out at this time in the proceedings], get my teeth seen to and somehow get my arse safely home.

Part of this operation includes moving the wheelie bins AGAIN so I can get my car out of its safe haven. Then when I get back, shoving everything back in and shutting the door.

And then I still have to tape and paper all the fucking windows.

If no stories happen today, you'll know that I'm wrapped up in duct tape and butcher's paper. Or the power and internet died before I could sit for making up a story.

I'm trying my best, folks.

Challenge #04447-L063: Almost a Nursery Tale

They thought they were nothing, a nobody, just another face in the crowd. Then they ran and grabbed the reigns of the horses of a runaway carriage before it could end up tipping into the ravine, and their whole life changed. -- Anon Guest

They call the town Cliffbridge, after its most noticeable feature, the D'varuv-made bridge across the ravine that divided the mountains in twain. Legend said that it was the result of a giant's sword, or some demon attempting to

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Tuesday, Cyclone Shenanigans and Maybe Patreon

So. We have a cyclone about to smack into my neck of the woods. I have given yard tidying assignments to the spawn, I have a mission to go forth and acquire essentials. In this case, paper, tape, a tarp or two, and kibble for the cats.

I'll pick up some extra meat for just in case. Best to be sure than sorry.

After I return from my acquisitions, I'll be doing all the doomsday prepping I can before I settle down

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Challenge #04446-L062: Responsibility's Burden

Things go wring, any sentient being knows this. So emergency stuff is kept close. From the emergency safety pin to the list of beings who will come to your aid and make it 'go away. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I kept the typos in this prompt on purpose. I think it fits the mood]

Every cogniscent being should have a Handy Stash. That is, a stash of things that come in handy. The omnitool, the package of adhesive medical strips, gaffa tape,

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Monday, Backup Reads and Bread

Long story short - I didn't want to stay up past midnight for all of the folds.

Time management is a lack-of-skill of mine :D

Four hours plus six hours plus wandering time would have equalled me putting the dough to rest at somewhere close to two fucking AM.

I put the dough to rest after the first fold. I'm doing the the rest of the three folds today, and then the first loaf after that. We will see how I feel

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Challenge #04445-L061: Deathworlder Health and Maintenance

"Human, you said water boils at 100 degrees Fahrenheit?"


"And your fever is almost 102."


"Why are you not boiling in your on flesh?"

It feels like it, but our bodies are stronger than that, and it's what kills viruses the fastest. When it comes to kill or cure? Nothing beats our immune systems. -- Fighting Fit

Companion Kank boggled at the Ships' Human. "What did you do before advanced medical intervention?"

"Aw come on. I'm not in a lot

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Sunday, Game Night and Bread

I am going to have a long day. Because I need to make bread.

I can't put it to rest in the fridge until it's done with the fourth fold, and there's six hours after the starter's done incubating. Which takes four hours. So that's ten hours hence. More or less.

I'm getting to bed closer to midnight. Yikes.

At least I had a nap after VTTRPG.

We have a new player - who got bit by the newly werebat Kobold Rogue.

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Challenge #04444-L060: Finding Justice

They called themselves a Cleric of Tyr, but their actions toward the dungeon and the Everdark adventurers that used it for training and loot-gathering, showed this person did not actually believe in what they espoused to be their god. But Tyr doesn't like it when people use their name without following the actual tenants. And it's time the Everdark adventurers had MORE than just one full sized dungeon to explore. -- DaniandShali

[AN: Following

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Saturday, Parkrun and Shenanigans

Miss Chaos earned her coffee toffees this week. All it took was me expressing my concerns. Would that that worked on her motivation to learn how to make a game.

I might have to find her some variety of McJob in order to appreciate that learning programming is the easier thing to do.

I'll ring APM if I have to.

Then I'll look into online courses to teach me how to properly use GameMaker and how much they might firkin cost.


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Challenge #04443-L059: Imitation of Power

Making a statement - what you choose to wear can say a Lot about how you think. -- Anon Guest

Clothing has had messages behind it since one person decided to do something a little different with their garments. Or, as it may be, their decorations. Who was the first to create style, and who was the first to begin fashion. All that is certain is that the young have been using it to annoy adults since before records became available.


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Friday, IDEK

I'll be making bread this weekend. Possibly baking on Monday. I'm chasing Chaos to keep working on Stencyl to make a thing. I'm trying to find any group of professionals who could teacher.

The one place I did find operates solely in NSW and Victoria, focuses exclusively on children and mentions homeschooling a little too much for my personal comfort.

And there's literally nowhere else.

Any other searches for programming education and ASD just leads me to job offerings and education opportunities

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Challenge #04442-L058: A Very Unusual Place

This species of fae ate dreams. But only bad ones. Needless to say, it lived near the orphanage. No child there ever had a bad dream last very long at all. -- Anon Guest

It wasn't just Elves, Wudsgaad, and Brauniin that came into Mundis Mortalidae in the beginning of the world. Of course they came with magic, but there are other things native to Nanogh that found their way through. Many monsters, and things that go bump in the night.


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Thursday, Another Expedition

Today, my shopping mission includes finding a thumb drive that can be attached to a key ring, and then getting a really visible key ring to attach to it. All the better to store MeMum's backups and keep it Obvious(tm) so it doesn't get lost.

I cannot count the number of thumb drives MeMum has lost. Giving it something big and visible might help there. Might.

But I have to wait until the pay goes through before I head offski for

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Challenge #04441-L057: Do Not the Humans

This group of idiotic deathworlders did not listen when the Alliance warned them not to harass the humans. Why do some people have to learn the hard way? -- Anon Guest

"Listen," said the AI guide. "You're big tough Deathworlders, and wish to prove it. There's other Deathworlders, here, and the temptation is very strong to test how Deathworlder they all are. There's arenas for that."

The tourist group grumbled a little, but seemed to accept the limit on their usual behaviour.

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Patreon Nonsense

With the help of Beloved, I got MeMum's Kindle backed up. Since it was top priority, I left that day's story on the back-burner while the jiggery-pokery went on. It was closer to eleven at night by the time I got the basic offerings out.

So yeah, I'm a little tired today.

But I also know I can catch up on anything I missed yesterday and that includes recording some chapters for the Patreon! Woo!

I think I'm allowed to feel accomplished,

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