Plague Diary

A 1694-post collection

Tuesday, Patreon, Reads, and Other Tricks

Finally moved on to the next tutorial for Stencyl, and they have fucking MOVEMENT CODE for the mobs on the NEXT GORRAM PAGE.


I'll see what copying that code does for my extant Invaders game. Later today.

Once again, I woke up super early, but I at least had the sense to do my stretchies before setting to committing literature.

I still borked my wrists :P

BUT I have made some progress with Stencyl and shall be making an effort with the rest of the exercises. Huzzah.

I may yet get this game done. Fingers crossed.

Onwards to the rest of my nonsense.

Monday, Foundry Reads and Progress

Thanks to Internet Outage, I had a depresso nap and ended up writing chapter 344 of A Devil's Tale between 1 and 4 AM.

Yeah, I keep messing up my sleep cycle.

I forgot my stretchies and borked my wrists doing the story for the Foundry's next prompt. Whoops. A contributing factor may also be writing an entire chapter at BF in the morning. Double whoops.

And I have yet to engage in my normal offerings.

Let's get on with those. Starting

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Sunday, No Streams

I enjoyed most of the show, yesterday. We all went to see Spamalot and... yeah. It wouldn't be Monty Python if it didn't contain something to offend everyone. Same with taking the joke WAAAYYY too long. It's the style and I could deal with most of it.

Beloved wasn't impressed with that and I can understand it.

But a fun day was had by most and I got lots of kisses and cuddles in and that will have to do.

Not like

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Saturday, Parkrun and Celebrations

Beloved is another year older this very day, and we are going to see Spamalot this afternoon as part of the festivities.

Which leaves me very few hours to get my offerings out there and to get organised for the outing.

I still have no idea as to whether I shall be able to do the VTRRPG stream or the story stream tomorrow. Time, and my personal battery levels, will tell.

I'm already pretty washed out from the heat of parkrun this

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Friday, PLNs and Crimbo

I definitely have to round up a ham. Not a huge ham, but a nicely-sized one anyway. There's only going to be four of us. According to news so far.

Knowing us, we'll still have plenty if anyone else turns up.

Mum's "okay" with the flatbreads, but I don't think they're the winner I wanted them to be.

Ah well. Live and learn. Best tried and failed than never tried at all. Something has to win eventually.

I have stretchies yet to

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Thursday, Tech Support Run

MeMum needs a few things, which always includes shopping and tech support. So a large portion of today shall be spend going hither, thither, and yon.

Expect my offerings in the evening.

My findings from the yoghurt flatbread experiment:

  1. One household's version of "medium heat" is different to another's. Tread carefully. [In my case, each bread took fucking ages to cook and turned out medium brown instead of lightly scorched]
  2. It is far easier to transfer rolled out flatbreads to your pan
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Wednesday, Leyland's Tour, Date Night, and More

So here's my nonsense so far:

  • Dental appointment at 8AM
  • Plan to leave the house at 7:30 so I can drop off Beloved on the way to said appointment
  • Plan derailed by Beloved wanting to be at the station ASAP. An hour ahead
  • Lucky I got up early to get ready early
  • Still have to go home again before dentist
  • After dentist, return home AGAIN because waiting for the shops to open
  • [Now] Shops are open, so I am off on
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Tuesday, Patreon, Chapters, and Owwies

I borked my wrists by finishing off chapter 341, this morning. So I can't do my stretchies because the bracers prevent that mobility.

I'm still too dumb to make Stencyl do a thing. I'm going to direct copy the code from someone and untick my failcode to see if that works. Next week. This week, my lovely Patrons hear about all my efforts at failing.


I'm going to try and be gentle with myself today. Attempt to keep my offerings brief.

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Monday, Backup Reads and Wrists

Remembering my stretchies is a trial. There's so many things I would rather do than stretchies. Including working out the second half of Chapter 340 of A Devil's Tale. I would rather try bashing my head against Stencyl again.

...I would really rather lie in and play games on my phone...

I'm having another incident of Morbs, and battling through a chapter where I don't know what I'm doing is not fun.

Doing all the dailies is not fun for me today.

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Sunday, Critical Misunderstanding

I thought I had to be up an hour earlier, today. Turns out, I should have been up an hour LATER.


I'll be on track next week.

THIS week, I shall be a wreck.

Again, whoops.

Also for the fun times, one of my plot centric players has dipped out and now I must reshuffle all my ideas. Whoopsy firkin doopsy.

I did my stretchies, put in another 20 chapters for the Advance Reader Copies of A Devil's Tale Book 3

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Saturday, Parkrun, Game Night, and Time Zones

I'm getting up an hour earlier because daylight savings in Europe. I just got back from both parkrun and a Leyland's Tour.

I really need to hurry through my offerings so I can get a proper rest because waking up at 2 fucking AM to run a VTTRPG sesh for four hours.

I am going to be firkin useless tomorrow. Be warned.

My workload for the foreseeable future includes:

  • Working on the summary for Beauties
  • Collating the Advance Reader Copy for book
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Friday, Progress to Crimbo

Okay. Drove Beloved to the station and discussed some interaction issues. Apparently I'm a wee bit on the underpredictable side so I can't always get the greetings I desire.

Meh, I enjoy sneaking up on her anyway. Keep her on her toes.

It may even be possible that my knack for turning invisible effects everyone. I am the chosen ninja moo-haha.

Thinking about my Puff Titles, if I was ever an Alfarell Noble. One of them would have to be The Accidentally

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Thursday, Sundry PLNs

I get Beloved to huggle during most of next week! So partly motivated to do at least a chapter a day. But also borkable wrists and reminding myself to take it easy.

The real problem with doing my stretchies is that I have to set a 30-second timer off while holding my hands in a specific and uncomfortable position. Whee fun.

My aims today:

  • The daily tale and meme as per every day
  • Finish a chapter of A Devil's Tale [currently working
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Wednesday, Comms breakdown, Wordpress, and Shenanigans

Optus is closing for maintenance today, so there's going to be communication issues and likely some even dodgier internet. If that happens, I have vinyl sorting to fall back on while I work on my nonsense.

I just now did my stretches, and got help closing off an automatic transfer that I never set up in the first place.

Because internet outage, Beloved is working at the office today. So much for the work at home plans. Ah well.

We're pulling our

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Tuesday, Patreon and OW

I have started my day with a cyclone headache. Whee fun.

I just used the stretches page I found before I started in with typing today. See how that goes. Tomorrow, I may actually follow the stretching instructions properly instead of going with what I felt was cool.

Even done wrong, it seems to be working.

I have a lot of things for my Patrons, but I really want to finish the chapter I started before I get on with that.


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