Thursday, Catching Up

I didn't get as far as my weekly rant, yesterday. At least I got the regular offerings out. So alongside catching up with that, I have a fellow author to mentor, some bloggage to shift, and maybe one of my other side projects if I can summon the energy.

I have a huge case of the dunwannas, today. I don't want push that boulder up the hill today. I don't want to do any work.

I want to curl up somewhere comfy with garbage food and worse television or be a blob all day.

I'm tired.

BUT I'm also the only person who wants to see my side-projects done. Maybe I should take a week off from doing things I don't want to do. Take some mental health time and enjoy my conscious hours for a bit.

The trick will be combatting inertia and getting back to it after that.

I might have a discuss with Beloved about that stuff. I may have hit a hump on a lot of my side projects. I'll unriddle what that's about, but I suspect the fact that pitching my books at the agents is going to take WAY longer than I thought it might.

I'll start with my usual offerings, and hope for the best. Rant soonish after that.