
A 49-post collection

Last week off my feet

It’s Wednesday of the last week I’m supposed to stay off my sore foot. Come Monday, the crutches go back to the chemist’s and I pretty much have to clean up after all of the slobs who left everything to the forces of entropy.

I’m already gnashing my teeth.

Right now, whenever I put weight on to my sore foot, it hurts like there’s something sharp stuck in the heel. It probably won’t be much better come Monday.

And of course the whole house expects me to be a whirlwind of cleaning activity. I’ll be a limping near-disaster of activity within my limits and it seems like I’m the only one who knows it.

At least it does, here and now.

Powerhouse is still extra busy learning nursing and the only other people who really want to help me out are in Perth [Hi!] and that’s pretty much it for my social network.

I’m sick with worry about whether or not I can get back on top of the housework before it’s time to leave on a holiday we possibly can’t afford and I have no money this week.


At least the passport paperwork’s finished - if not filed. That’ll happen when the express post parcel arrives from scenic Coominya and I can personally haul it off to the post office and finally get it on the way. Urf.

And since it’s the 29th of February, we have a fine tradition of Topsy Turvy day. Where the kids get to boss me and Hubby around - within reason. The kids’ll have fun with that, at least.

I have fun, too. I play up like the kids do when I ask them to do something.

Drama Llama is moving in....

The dog somehow got into my car. He chewed the back seat. He chewed the driver’s seat belt. He didn’t get into anything else, thank goodness, but I’ve been packing death.

It could have put the kibosh on my travel plans.

Thanks to the blithe spirits, the insurance mob told me they’d spring for everything shy of $500. Ouch. But not so much ouch as total replacement would have cost sans insurance.

I need

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Baby shower’s been cancelled, because the baby in question’s been born.

The Mum will still need my unpatented first Mum’s survival kit, so we’ll have to arrange to visit sometime RSN.

With, or without the frikkin’ sarong.

So now Mum-in-law has to rattle up here to get the paperwork to get it back to the friend so she can initial it and get it back to me so I can submit it and

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It's all shaping up.

It looks like everything’s coming together. Things are moving in the right direction.

So of course, I’m reacting to this good fortune by acting like a paranoiac under Damocles’ sword.

Waiting for the shoe to drop. Waiting for the next big disaster.

Waiting for, in this case, my birth certificate to turn up in the mail so I can complete my passport application and file that fucker.

…waiting for Godot.

No, not really. Just… living

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All's quiet...

TOO quiet, as they are won’t to say.

I haven’t had any dramas dropping into my lap, nor Drama Llama’s coming to stay. So far.

I reckon they’re saving themselves up for tomorrow.

What’s happening tomorrow, you may ask? Well, I plan on going out to get a passport photo taken. So I can take it to a friend on Sunday and get myself verified. I hope.

That’s when the

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As the Drama Flies: episode 2

As you may be aware from the previous episode, I have been invited to Thailand for a few weeks, and also begun the process towards getting a passport.

This involves getting hold of a registrar’s office official copy of my birth certificate and my marriage licence. Which means getting hold of the department of births, deaths and marriages.

Sure, you can get lots of information online, but you can’t order a copy of your own ID papers.


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As the Drama Flies...

I usually name my mythical soap operas _All My [NOUN]s_, mad-lib style. But my life is definitely As the Drama Flies. And believe me, it’s flying pretty damn low, right now.

Got some expensive and some not-so-expensive stuff to try and train the hound not to chew shit he shouldn’t chew. Neither of said stuff is waterproof.

Gave selfsame stuff to Hubby and Mostly Shiftless. It hasn’t been seen since.

It rained.

Dog decided to

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That’s my weight, this morning. I’m finally down to sniffing distance of my target weight.

After my personal disaster cascade [see earlier posts about me tripping on a chair], I honestly believed I would be battling weight problems and increasing weight until such time as I could actually walk again.

What I forgot is that I would also be less inclined to get up and grab another snack.

Here’s my regime - or what passes for

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Feckin' entropy

It’s Friday. Five days into Sore Footsville. The sink is full of dirty dishes. The countertop is full of dirty dishes and filthy pots and pans.

Laundry is piling up again. Debris is starting to gather on the floor.

I am physically incapable of doing a damn thing about it.

Hubby and Shiftless are working late every night. The only person I can rely on to do anything is Mayhem.

Mayhem’s 10. He’d much rather be

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Two more days...

It’s Wednesday. I promised myself that if my heel showed no signs of improvement by Friday, I would drag it and my sorry fat arse down to the local quack to see what they can do.

Besides, I’m running low on Seratide and I need a new scrip.

I also plan on checking what other rheumatism remedies there are. I was given some quinine-derived stuff last time by a specialist who wasn’t sure if it was

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48 hours

That’s how long it took me to clear the sullage water hose so that it could be shifted for mowing. And I broke a part. Phooey.

It’s also how long I haven’t been able to do housework, because I’m red-faced and gasping for air. As well as rat-faced tired.

It is also how long it takes for my house to go to shit.

There are objects blocking the sink.

There are objects clogging the

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That’s my weight, today[2nd Feb].

That’s my stumbling block.

Three times, I’ve got down to 91.9 only to yo-yo back up to the next kilo bracket. since I spend a week working off roughly a kilo, I watch those decimals like a hawk. Getting down into the next “kilo zone” is fast becoming an obsession.

Better make certain it’s not a dangerous one, then.

And in the Antiprogress side of

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The Drops

MeMum used to call it “dropsy” when she was feeling whimsical. On other days, it was the “sadim"s [Midas spelled backwards]. Those days when everything around you seems destined to ricochet off the floor.

I prefer to call it "the drops” so people don’t look at me funny.

Mayhem has it this morning. He’s spilled seven different things towards the floor - including my morning beverage and the cat’s

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The hazards of dog-walking

Before the weeks of deluge, I alternated blocks to walk the hound around. Let’s call them Clockwise and Anticlockwise.

And a couple of times, I even managed to do both.

That was before we evicted the Carpet From Hell [it wasn’t paying rent], the subsequent stint of bad asthma, and a rainstorm just short of another effing flood.

Now I’m back to one block until I’m absolutely, positively certain that my health is up

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