Realm of the InterNutter

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

Challenge #04352-K334: Inherent Instability

The ones seeking to be kings wanted to outlaw schools. The people educated themselves. The ones seeking to be kings vilified those who had intelligence and compassion. The lands taught these would-be kings that it was this intelligence and compassion was the only reason they survived. -- Anon Guest

Of all the universal truths, the one most forgotten is: Those who actively seek power should never have it. Those sorts of people never seek power to do good for others. Especially beware those who dress their power-hunger in glitter and sugar.

Benevolence is a large and very pretty cloak. It covers so much.

Witness the miracle of the self-made idol of thousands. A man who lifted himself up by his bootstraps with a small investment of fifty trillion quatloos. The one who started competition against the establishment with a revolutionary pod system that brought the dream future to the public today.

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Friday, Mor Shenanigans

I have to drop off Mayhem early this AM so I can do the shrink zoom meeting happening today.

Which means hoping he remembers to launch early.

I did finally get to signal for help at the GameMaker community. Yay. I've yet to make a start on my weekly rant.


I'm just so tired and the day hasn't even begun.

Maybe I'll get everything done today. Including cleaning the Catio.

I need all the luck I can get.

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Challenge #04351-K333: Help From Nowhere

She was alone in the ramshackle hut having a difficult birth, the last survivor of a caravan. Fortunately for her, the family of Brauniin heard her cries, and came to this woman in her hour of need. -- Anon Guest

The house barely had a roof left, more weeds and leaf litter than true thatch, nevertheless, it counted as a house. The Hidden Ones lingered there. A house wants its Faekindred. Brauniin or Nisse, some waited for the ruin to be a

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Thursday, Meds Run

New script in hand, I shall be wending my way to getting more of what it takes to stay stable. Well. Relatively stable. But that can wait until the road trip to drop off Mayhem. More of a chapter will happen thanks to that wait. Yay.

Since I don't have to be anywhere else, I may actually have a chance to work on Pseuducku. Huzzah.

Miss Chaos now has two game creation programs and is in the midst of messing around and

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Challenge #04350-K332: A Preserved Year

An archivaas finds a large box from before the Shattering. In the large box are several diaries, records, and a hand-crank, antique, player. The children of the family had buried their dairies in the time capsule. The parents had added to it a player and records. Music not heard in millennia now graced ears once more, words of children still of school age, seen on the pages happily. -- Anon Guest

Time capsules were an absolute joy to the Archivaas. They were

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Wednesday, More Experts and Rant

I have a divided day because experts in the middle of the afternoon. I know what's going to wind up in my extended rant for today, but I do not know when I'll be able to finish and publish that thing.

I know I'll get at least a couple of sentences into my novel because waiting room. Yay.

Meanwhile, I'm doing what I can whilst I can. Including my stretchies.

Moving on to an attempt at my Instant Story.

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Challenge #04349-K331: Unappreciated Comparison

I feel utterly worthless.

"You're a weed waving among the brick and stone."

See? Worthless.

"You ability to thrive truly has shown."

What .. do you mean?

"Your strength, my dear, I'm so proud you've grown!"

There among the bare gravel, where there's very little that's green, a lone dandelion is visited by a butterfly. -- Anon Guest

It's easy to devalue yourself when nobody else finds you worthy. It's easy to not wish to be part of a world that hates you

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Tuesday, Tech Support and Tired Bean

It's MeMum's birthday so she got free tech support - which included making her mouse pointer way more visible, showing her how to navigate her smart TV, and figuring out how to make DVD's work with that same setup.

Mission accomplished there.

Now I'm back home, I needs must focus on my offerings for the day. For tomorrow, I am back on the bullshit.

Looking forward to free time to work on other things, but I also need a lot of sleep.

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Challenge #04348-K330: A Returning Memory

Even the smallest photo can bring back so many memories, especially when you're trying so hard to smile again. -- Anon Guest

"We've restored it to its original condition. Honestly, it was a miracle such fragile ephemera made it to this century. A miracle find, considering where it was found." The Archivaas went on and on and on about anaerobic bacteria and all the varied things that ate cellulose and assorted photographic chemicals in a landfill.

Shayde had stopped listening, staring at

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Monday, Busy Week Ahead

Today, I have Physio. Tomorrow, I'm off to see MeMum for tech nonsense. Wednesday, I'm seeing different experts and so on.

I will attempt to get my offerings out in good time, but... Time is not on my side.

And I have to get at least eggs at some point.

I also have a phone with an expanding battery [Not my current phone, my old one] that I need to take to a safe disposal point. There's expired meds I need to

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Challenge #04347-K329: First, Do No Harm

The deregger escaped their polity by fleeing onto an alliance ship. Their depression made them feel like cutting, but strangely? They couldn't find anything sharp. -- Anon Guest

I made it as far as an Alliance freighter. Hundreds did not. Every day, I heard about others who tried and died in the attempt. How many others' blood would be on my hands just because I made it? How many others would spend their value on a futile effort because less than one

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Sunday, Game Night and Heel Health

I did need my cane to make it to my desk this morning, but the need of it is waning as the day progresses. Yay. The physio is working.

I just finished a session with my international maniacs and I'm about to take a nap the instant this blog entry is done. Offerings happening when I feel less dang tired.

I may get to Patreon posts. I may get to asking the GameMaker community about an error in the thing. I will

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Challenge #04346-K328: Early Childcare

There's something to be said about need being the parental of invention. A small, sharp needle, some thin wire, and a lot of imagination can move mountains. -- Anon Guest

[AN: A little elementary research has shown me that the concept of a fastening device that doesn't hurt its wearer is older than you think it is. Look up fibula brooches. You're welcome.]

There's something to be said about loving another to the point of invention. Loving someone so much that creating

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Saturday, Parkrun and a Movie

I made it roughly a quarter of the way through parkrun before I needed my cane. And now it's my friend until I can walk without discomfort again. In the meantime, I am literally cooling my heels with an ice pack from the freezer.

It is my sincere friend when my heel feels like I have stepped on a thousand legos.

Beloved, Adorable, Miss Chaos, and I went to see The Wild Robot and... I'm not crying, you're crying.

It's interesting to

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Challenge #04345-K327: Home of Contention

They lived in a land where polygamy was common. However, this trio was ... shocking for none had seen the like. They were human, one of their loves was hellkin, the other was halloblood. And all three loved each other almost more than life itself. Now if only outsiders would stop trying to rescue them! -- Lessons

Pax, Amity, and Grace lived out of the way from most residents of Lauthiraux. They had a happy life together, not that many in Lauthiraux believed

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