
Indie writer seeks audience with an audience. Paying customers welcome. [pronouns: ze/hir] Daily free stories happen because it is an excellent counter to Writers' Block.

Burpengary East 11507 posts

Sunday, Stream Shenanigans and Sleep Issues

I finally have enough sleep, yay. I also have a little bit of reflux so some vinegar is in my diet plans until it goes away. Which means I need to find some cheap fish for the interim.

It might just be a cheap week. I hope.

I'm still working out when I'm doing things. I'm going to try posting my Patreon stuff next Sunday. Part so I can gather a bunch of stuff for the post, and part so I can feel out the logistics thereof.

I'm still operating on low battery, but I am operating.

Story and other offerings soon.

Challenge #04143-K125: Deadly Precedent

There is a massive meeting within the CRC, and representatives from around the Alliance are invited to either watch, or participate as they wished. This was for all the public to also be viewing.

The message was clear, when distress signal goes out, you go help. Don't you DARE dawdle just because they're Deathworlders. They can die, too! -- Anon Guest

The recording of Ret's last breaths played out in shocked silence. So many illusions were

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Saturday, Parkrun, Bug chasing, and Hair

There's been some alarm from my readers over the prospect of my moving [though I can't fathom why. I find a way to work around every impediment in my path] so let me ease some concerns with this:

It's all at least a year in the future IF things go well for us.

By that time, the kids could have lives of their own. By that time, I could have an author career. I could have a multi-bajillion-dollar deal with some megacorporation

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Challenge #04142-K124: Limited Choices

Deregger leadership mobilizes their fleet, and tries to hire mercenary fleets, to attack the planet of "evil naked perverts" who are trying to "corrupt the innocent", at least according to their propaganda.

Despite multiple attempts, and, a lot of unfortunate incidents, it does NOT go well. The dereggers scream even louder at the consequences. Esp. when their later attempted lawsuits fail, too. -- Anon Guest

Shakespeare had a phrase that heartily encapsulates the nature of angry

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Friday, Changes Inherent?

The QPP might be cohabiting at some point in a not-too-distant future. I know I said they'd have to carry me out of here feet first, but there's ways around that. The hurdle of cold-hard-folding is going to be solved RSN so the next problems of: (a) finding a place big enough for all of us, (b) that suits all of us1, (3) has room for a Catio, (d) and is close to public transit.

My brief survey of the options

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Challenge #04141-K123: Visiting Old Friends

Wraithvine visits hir friend, the young king, to see how things are doing, to introduce hir traveling companions, including the very nervous immortal healer dragon, guised as a gnome, and to relax since the winter months were lousy for travel. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Bibrid last appeared in An Unusual Affliction ]

His friends and family called him Dex. The rest of the world knew him as King Kormwind Arachis Felbourne Whitekeep, tenth of the name. As

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Thursday, All Going Well?

All going well, I shall move more entries from my Wordpress blog to the new self-hosted arena. All going well, I meet up with my Beloved this afternoon. All going well, I have her to snuggle until Monday morning.

All going well... I will not suffer from any lingering Lurgi effects.

All going well, we resume our PLNs to go parkrun on the southside of Brisbane, followed by a market crawl.

All going well, I can get my offerings and some of

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Challenge #04140-K122: You Want What Why?

A charity asks to get A LOT of the "sweetheart paper". They wish to sell it at a premium in order to fund a program that was building ships to better help smuggle deregger escapees from their polities to safe alliance harbors. -- Anon Guest

The first efforts were gifts to Thal's crewmates and friends. It did not take long for the word to get out from there. All it took was for one Companion to

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Wednesday, Busy Bean

I gotta get Mayhem to APM by 11. I gotta do some shopping. I gotta get my offerings out. I gotta do some side projects. I gotta finish calibrating OBS so I can stream from Linux-land.

I should eventually figure out how to make Stencyl work here as well. Meanwhile, I can at least work on some assets.

And I wuzgunna post my Patreon stuff today as well.

At least most of my nonsense can be wrangled. OTOH, I am managing this

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Challenge #04139-K121: Honesty Aggression

A wizard, fed up with people lying just so they can get other people humiliated, hurt, or worse, begins cursing those that habitual liars so that they lose the ability to lie, not in spoken or written word. -- Anon Guest

Wraithvine got the blame, as ze does for most magnificent acts of magic. Nobody else could have the time or motivation to do what had been done to Ymamoraal. So they said.

Never underestimate the power and devotion of a pissed-off

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Tuesday, Moving Patreon Day

I am deliberately not posting on Patreon today. Because henceforth, Tuesday is one of the days that will be shared with Beloved.

I shall try shifting it to Wednesday, that being the one day that I will have minimum time for myself. So today and tomorrow will be minimum side-project days.

I tried and failed to follow the instructions for installing the Linux version of Stencyl. Once I get that going, I'm going to attempt making Pseuducku for realsies.

I have resources.

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Challenge #04138-K120: Truth to Power

"You say this is what you want, but is it really? Or is it what others tell you that you want? You say you need this, but is it what you really need? Or what others expect of you? Look into your heart, look into this mirror, for it will read your heart, and if your heart equals the desires you say you have, then I will help you with what you wish. If it does not? Then I will help you

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Monday, Asthma Issues

Every time I catch a Lurgi, I end up with an asthma attack. As I write this, I'm going through another dose on the nebuliser. The bug I have has slowed me right down with some INTENSE lethargy.

I took a half-hour nap between stretchies this morning. I don't know how much of that is Lurgi and how much is Covid: Electric Boogaloo.

I'm not putting a number on it because nobody's tracing anything any more. And I am sincerely pissed off

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Challenge #04137-K119: The Founding of the Welcome Inn

The pickpocket no longer went by "Scram" but had chosen a new name for themselves. Thanks to the kindness of a wizard and their kobold companion, they'd opened an eatery that was very cheap, but with wonderous food, thanks to the farm, and the nearby river teeming with fish, they used to supply it rather than buying supplies elsewhere. In honor of the two, those who were poor and desperate were given food for free, shelter, and a chance to learn farming,

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Sunday, Recovery???

I've cancelled my streams today because Lurgi. And recovery time is exactly what this little bean needed.

I was awake sometime around 6 when I got an email from MeMum declaring it to be Monday. I had been intermittently napping and waking all day, so this momentarily made me believe that I'd slept through an entire day.

Fun moment.

Quick calendar check and an email exchange later, we both know what day it is. Yay.

I'm still determined to take things easy.

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