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Burpengary East 11507 posts

Monday, Backup Reads and Shenanigans

I need space on my compy, so part of today's mission is getting rid of stuff I no longer need on Windoze and hoping for the best. Bit by little bit.

...and then seeing if that works.

Fingers crossed.

I'll get on with my offerings and stream before messing around.

And hope I don't have another fatal freeze like the one I had last night. My entire set-up froze to the point where even the on/off switch didn't work.

...that made me ragequit consciousness, last night.

I'm getting on with my next entry for the Archive. The prompt this time is "Tragedy Bringing Out the Best in Us". When disaster strikes, look for the helpers.

Getting on with getting on as of now.

Challenge #04158-K140: In the Nick of Time

They were surrounded by attackers. Before Wraithvine, hir pet Lilbit, Bibrid, and Gikka could do much more, a warrior leapt down from the cliffside to fight, willing to die, to protect the wizard and hir friends. -- Anon Guest

Wraithvine remembered thinking, I guess this is how I find out, and readying one last spell to put Lilbit somewhere far away from the strife. Bibrid was technically deathless. He would continue to exist afterwards. It might hurt, but he would continue to

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Sunday, We've Experienced Technical Difficulties

We had some admin issues that's resulted in me effectively twiddling my thumbs all firkin day, waiting for my Beloved to fix the issue.

I used to have instructions to make it go. Instructions that worked.

They don't work any more.

Either things have changed or the interface instructions need to change according to the OS. OR I just need to wait until Beloved deigns to glance at my messages.

This time it took half a day. I have waited days on

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Challenge #04157-K139: Gifts of Justice

I'm not afraid of getting hurt, but I admit, I'm also well aware I'm not strong. Nevertheless, I refuse to stand here and do nothing. -- DaniAndShali

Bravery is not the lack of fear. It is being afraid and acting anyway. It is facing down injustice knowing that it could hurt to stand up for the downtrodden.

She was an outcast, eking out an existence on the sketchier side of the village. He was meant to be fetching medicine for his auntie.

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Saturday, Parkrun and Compy Repair

Miss Chaos has her PC back! It was just the power supply that went boom. With a new one installed, Chaos is back to her usual shenanigans with gaming and youtube and more gaming.

I'm about to dive into my offerings and otherwise prep for the VTTRPG that's on early-early tomorrow morning.

I did get some good sleep so that I was able to wake up before the alarm this morning. I might be able to do it again tonight.

I'm already

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Challenge #04156-K138: Scarab, Elevated

You claim that I have everything and you have nothing. No, my friend, that is far from the truth.

You have close friends, you have loved ones you can truly trust, you have people who you know for a fact would be there for you no matter what.

All I have is money, and people constantly seeking it. My dearest dream is to just have one true friend who wants to be at my side as yours are. You can take all

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Friday, Fuckups and Folderol

We accidentally broke Miss Chaos' computer. A simple birthday gift of extra storage space resulted in the thing catching fire.

We think it's only the Power Supply Unit, but Beloved it taking it away to be certain that it's all in perfect working order before it's back on Chaos' desk.

The rest of her gifts - a game from her brother and some Steam Gift Cards from the fam - are currently moot. Fingers crossed, it is just the Power Supply Unit,

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Challenge #04155-K137: A Double-edged Blade

Some believe that swords have souls and lives of their own, and thus deserve their own names. Those who love their blades will be acknowledged by them in turn. But those who see their swords as friends or even lovers should be warned that this relationship is built on death and bloodshed. The passions of those who dance with their blade amid crimson showers must surely be cooled someday by fickle steel. -- Anon Guest

There are legends about that kind of

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Thursday, Nebulous PLNs

I'm monitoring my food again. Mostly because I'm worried that I'm not eating right. Pretty certain the QPP will have my back and helpful hints as to how to improve.

Looking after myself is difficult. I have limited hours and so much to do. Getting up late and staying up later, then getting up even later.... It's a vicious cycle. Almost as bad as irrevocably waking up at fuckoff in the morning.

At least with the latter, it feels like I have

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Challenge #04154-K136: Made to Care

I was built by the B'Nari to be extremely versatile. I care for those who are no longer able to care for themselves, or, due to birth or accident, have never been able to do so. It can be difficult, sometimes, I admit. But seeing my human smile as I help them through their day, and make their life so much easier, is very rewarding. -- Anon Guest

Life is not limited to the organic. Just ask the AI Alliance if you

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Wednesday, Rant Day and Running Around

I have two... "interesting" loaves of bread on the rack, today. After the shenanigans, I shall wrap them up in paper and pop them in the fridge.

I have just enough bread for today. Tomorrow, I can open a loaf and wrap the both of them in plastic.

Loaf tax:

[Shown here: Two photographs of homebaked bread, each loaf is made of two sections. Each loaf has split along the side, instead of splitting along the scores made in the top. The

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Challenge #04153-K135: To Breathe Clouds of Joy

Wraithvine, Bibrid, and Lilbit enter a town that is cursed, or blessed, however one may view it, to have an hour each day where everyone, from oldest to youngest, suddenly feels great joy and laughs. Once that moment fades, it leaves a lingering feel of contentment and whatever injuries or illnesses the citizenry has, has healed just that much faster. Though severe illnesses or injuries still take a while, it doesn't hurt as much. -- Anon Guest

The bells rang before a

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Tuesday, Optometrist and Expensive

I just finished the furforal for today. Stretchies, foot torture, and an appointment at the optometrist. Followed by fetching some meds and then retreating home.

Because new glasses cost four figures. Ooof.

The good news is that I can pay them off at our own speed. Starting tomorrow. By the time they're made, we should have enough to pay the rest.

[Should is not is, and I quietly fret]

I have a loaf proofing in the incubator and the ovens preheating. If

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Challenge #04152-K134: Postgraduate Course

They "graduated" from being "taught" by a Pax Humanis member, to being in a cell on a prison station run by the Alliance and going through therapy. They still screamed in their sleep and woke up gasping, while clinging to their pillow and wanting the lights left on. -- Anon Guest

How far is too far? How ethical is it to torture someone who once spent people like people spent tissue paper, before the Shattering. How

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Monday, Backup Reads and Considering Bread

I am almost out of my artisinal bread. I also have an appointment tomorrow. It takes absolute hours to do bread. But I am also about due to run out of bread.

I think I can wrangle stage one - mixing and proofing - today? I might have to spend two days baking later on.

Time, as always, will tell.

I'll figure it all out in the end. If I start the starter incubating close to now it won't be ready for

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