
Indie writer seeks audience with an audience. Paying customers welcome. [pronouns: ze/hir] Daily free stories happen because it is an excellent counter to Writers' Block.

Burpengary East 11503 posts

Tuesday, Absent Love & Shopping PLNs

Rain and rail closures prevented my love and I uniting last night. So I made a lazy meal and hauled off to bed.

Today, I have the opportunity to make sure we have supplies. Stuff for the kids. Things for my good self. That kind of business.

So I got to strap on my knees, check my list, and set forth on a grand tour of assorted shops to go get things.


After I return and have my post-shopping treato, that's when the offerings shall issue forth.

But first, I have to finish my stretchies, feed the cats, and torture my feet.

Rattling ever onwards with that noise.

Challenge #04201-K183: Help Unwanted

They were a traveling merchant, a human and hir family. Any place they went, they were always kind, without asking anything in return, to those that were considered unwelcome or unwanted. They did not follow any gods, nor were part of any temple. It's just been their family's tradition for many generations. And it helped in times when they, themselves, needed aid. -- Anon Guest

The wagon went from place to place. Selling medicine. Selling cures. Selling a certain amount of curiosities.

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Monday, Backup Reads

I cut my stretchies short for the reads and have not tormented my feet. I have the offerings to make and then... I must get brave and work out the jiggery-pokery that may indeed make Stencyl work.

If it does, then I shall record some potential sound assets for Pseuducku and add them to the files that will eventually make the program go.

If not... I will seek out help regarding what to do to make it work.

When it does, I

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Challenge #04200-K182: Essential Skills for Found Family

The Hellkin traveler met an unwanted human child. Left in the woodlands to die. The child was very thin, blisters on bare feet from walking, thin, exhausted, young, and frightened. The Hellkin had a new child to raise, and some to give lessons to, the hard way. -- Anon Guest

Horizon never expected to become a parent, but life has its way of delivering little surprises. Ze'd been foraging for dinner and almost loosed hir arrow at a Human toddler.

Filthy. Starving.

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Sunday, Day off?

It's almost July, my lovelies. And that means I've had to prep to publish the trailer for this year's All Hallow's Read story. I figure on asking one author on Tumblr per week to help me plug the dang thing... but I'll start with my sweet followers.

That's happening after a few days.

Today... I will get my offerings launched, and spend a few free hours farting around and enjoying myself.

Work/life balance. Or, in my case, work/get-a-life balance ;)


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Challenge #04199-K181: Wish Upon Star

It is called the Temple of Dreams and Wishes. Yet here, the only Dreams and Wishes that are granted, are those meant to truly help others, for the gods of this temple have one irrevocable law. DO NO HARM. -- Lessons

There's a local god on the rise. Guardian of a small island chain off the coast from Vingate, word has it that they grant wishes and make dreams come true.

Word like that gets around. People come with hope. They come

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Saturday, Parkrun and Solar PLNs

I had to slow down because my ankles decided to hate me for walking fast. It matters not how speedy I am, it matters that I make it.

In other news: I have a new thing that someone has called me.

Anime Samurai Ninja.

Yes, folks. They guy at the coffee place remembers me as "the anime samurai ninja" which amuses me greatly.

Anime: Dyed hair
Samurai: The walking stick hanging like a katana off my belt
Ninja: my nigh permanent mask

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Challenge #04198-K180: To Know the Name of a God

They followed a god that was considered an "evil god". A god of darkness and shade. And yet, their entire lives, they helped those in need. Those stuck in a cycle of pain and torment were given gentle hands so that they may be guided into more peaceful, more fulfilling, lives. -- Anon Guest

Do not utter the name of the goddess of death, lest you gain her attention. So many call her Mistress Dark, the Last Host, She With Many Guests,

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Friday, Recording and PLNs

I have five chapters ready for recording. I have a fresh idea burning through my skull, so I'm kind of compelled to get that one to a point of stasis. I've got some jiggery-pokery to do to make progress towards Pseuducku.

I'll focus on the offerings first. Then do the voice recordings and, if there's some time between that and bread, fiddle about with the jiggery-pokery.

And oh yes, it's a baking day. I have the first loaf rising in the incubator

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Challenge #04197-K179: Caveat Emptor Abundant

The ship was up for sale, cheap. I went aboard and was rather shocked it had a gravy drive, though it looked old. I spoke to a close friend of mine who is Nae'hyn to help restore it. It actually had been given a voice! Sorta. Either way, it didn't take long before we became best friends. At least my travels won't be lonely anymore. -- The New Guy

This was a rare find in more ways than one. I know. The

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Thursday: Bread Prep

I have half an hour before it's time to autolyse my dough. I need to wash some bowls in preparation for tomorrow, when the actual baking happens.

In the meantime, I have a story ready to roll out. Just a few key details like... detailing my PLNs for the day.

I've sought advice on Reddit. I'm seeking advice for my Stencyl issues in a little bit of time.

And at some point, Beloved is coming up for shared time over a small

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Challenge #04196-K178: Contractually Obligated Self-Maintenance

You asked for the harshest training I can give you so you can grow stronger? Are you sure about this? I would say it'll be hell, but I'd be lying. You'll have to look UP if you want to see hell. -- Anon Guest

Part One: Sleep Schedule.

Up at four in the morning no matter the season. Bullied into bathroom, bathing, and breakfast in that order. Then off to a brisk run over a set obstacle course as fast as possible.

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Wednesday: Complicated PLNs

The problem: I need to go shopping and start into bread.

I have a four-hour window during the starter rise to do that. Sourdough is time sensitive. The rest of my nonsense is not.

So my itinerary is thus:

  • finish getting dressed [I'm still in the midst of my stretchies]
  • feed cats [THE most important part of my day - ask the cats]
  • torture feet
  • weigh and prep bread stuff
  • Feed the starter, but put the starter harvest in the fridge while
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Challenge #04195-K177: Perilous Choices

Bolvoth decides to teach the young woman the lessons she seems to be refusing to learn. Lest she be the one he is called against to truly harm one day. -- Anon Guest

Love is very many things, none of them logical. So too is the determination of a rebellious teenager. When those combine, someone is going to come to some very bad damage. Whether or not there was a 'splash zone' involved was generally a

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Tuesday, Announcement Incoming!

I am biting the bullet and committing to making Pseuducku exist. So... between my daily offerings, working on my WIP, and some essential relaxation activities - I will be learning and doing.

Learning: How to make a game on Stencyl.

Doing: Making a game based on the lessons I've absorbed so far.

Hacking one's own brain is an essential skill, and I've figured out I don't keep information about new skills very well.

The good news is that I've figured out how

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