
Indie writer seeks audience with an audience. Paying customers welcome. [pronouns: ze/hir] Daily free stories happen because it is an excellent counter to Writers' Block.

Burpengary East 11497 posts

Friday, Back-arseward BS

I can at least say that an attempt was made. The attempt: Hanging out in a cafe near Mayhem's work for a bit, so that I didn't spend so much fuel on the back and forth. Alas, the local gremlins heard us plotting and decided to fuck things up for us.

I had a breakfast - defending it from a local pewit (long story) and managed to doodle some good buttons while I waited. Those pictures may be up on or after Sunday.

Thoughts on having the sets on separate pages for each?

Anyway. I hung out for two hours and surrendered on the wait to go home. I almost got there when Mayhem called for retrieval. So I had to turn around and drive for another firkin hour because there were also massive traffic jams for most of the way there.

So now I'm finally back and attempting to focus on today's offerings. I need all the luck.

Challenge #04281-K263: Little Mama Bear

You're bigger than me, you've trained longer than me, but, I assure you, if you try this, you won't win. You have your strength and military training. I've lived in the streets. I'm younger than you, but you touch these two teens behind me again, and I will snap you in half. -- Anon Guest

[AN: This almost turned into a Kosh story. Gotta remember those qualifiers you put in there, Nonny!]

They call me Maw, and they don't do that because

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Thursday, A Need for Pick-Me-Ups

I have had some issues with Appointment Inertia1 when Mayhem's working. So I don't get to sit down for my offerings until the afternoon.

Tomorrow, I'm camping up at Mayhem's workplace so I theoretically have more time to do things. Meanwhile, I am soothing my current emotional issues with carbage.

It's Pride this weekend and because Adorable is volunteering at Parkrun, we're not doing the march. We are, however, turning up for the fair.

I shall be putting up my buttons-so-far

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Challenge #04280-K262: Lucky For Some

Just because you don't look alike doesn't mean you don't have a twin out there, somewhere. So, a team of researchers asked themselves, what if good luckers had bad luck counterparts, all of them? And, if that were the case, was there a way to ensure good luckers don't gain an ego, and bad luckers have a way to save them from, literally, themselves? What if good luckers... have a bad luck twin? -- Anon Guest

[AN: The actual term is "match"

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Wednesday, Rant Day and Sideways Day

I'm still on my coffee, pills, and vegemite soup. Mayhem just called for a retrieval so I'm doing what I can to get underway but I still have to finish my doses.

In an hour or so, there will be an update about my PLNs. Stay tuned.


I have returned from my journey so now I can figure out what the flying heck I'm doing with my remaining time. I'm running out of things to recommend, but I think I shall

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Challenge #04279-K261: Revenge on the Rocks

Why did you do that?

"Kill me if you must wizard, but they deserved it after what they've done to me, to my siblings."

I won't kill you, but you need a place to channel that rage appropriately.

"And where would that be?"

I will show you a better path. -- Anon Guest

Some fates are worse than death. Some crimes deserve death. I survived the first. Committed by the one who did the other one. There's a god of justice, but

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Tuesday, Errands Done and Further PLNs

I dropped Beloved off just in time for the train. I finished tormenting my feet, then hauled my butt all over everywhere to get a few necessities. Including more meds for my asthma. Huzzah.

I even have a lot of good feedback about Pseuducku.

Now I have to find and devote some time to drawing the missing buttons and, perhaps, working on some interactivity. One baby step at a time.

I am going to put my offerings out there, including the Patreon

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Challenge #04278-K260: Acid Test

Many places that cater to multiple customers deal with a knomira sooner or later. To prepare the staff, the owner hires others of many races, including humans, to come in pretending to be knomiras to help the staff train for such an eventuality. Security is, of course, informed ahead of time about the test, as are medics, just in case. The staff, however, are not. -- Anon Guest

Sooner or later, one of those customers blow in. The staff never know the

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Monday, Pseuducku Progress and Stream

I have a stream going in a handful of minutes, and I have a new entry in the Pseuducku Progress Log. Huzzah. I am now moving on to general layout questions. I might have to ask them individually.

...that's a pain in the anatomy for another day.

Today, I shall be streaming a flash fiction! Yay!

Tonight, I shall have a date night with Beloved! Also Yay!

For the rest of today, I shall attempt to de-stress from the meltdown I had

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Challenge #04277-K259: Kharmic Realignment in Progress

The good lucker learns a painful lesson about pushing their luck to the extreme. In this case, when things really hit the fan? Even they end up hurt. First time in their life. Then comes the question, if I have a bad lucker tied to my good luck, does everyone? Sad thing is, the jerk takes quite a while to learn their lesson. -- Anon Guest

Some people, they say, have all the luck. They never

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Sunday, Roadblock on Pseuducku

I have been trying to get an answer on one thing for THREE. DAYS.





I just wanted to know which background colour made the better button. Black background or white background. I got information about literally everything else but that one simple choice.

I'll try this way:

Which version makes a better button to your eye? The one with the black background or the one with the white background?

To make things easier, I used the same bird

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Challenge #04276-K258: The Pothi Carie

For their kindness, and because more people were seeking their aid, the ones that lived in that small village came together. And, in a show of solidarity, built a clinic that contained quarters for the hellkin and the kobold, and several rooms for patients. -- Anon Guest

It had to happen sooner or later. There was a new building in the village. It had a garden and a greenhouse for the herbs, and a huge workshop

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Saturday, Parkrun, Game Night, and Game Morning

I survived with my feet intact, found a very nice place to have brunch, and managed to avoid getting feedback on the Pseuducku mockup. My tester didn't read the accompanying text, methinks.

I'm sharing a game with one pack of maniacs tonight, and another very early tomorrow morning. Fun times ahoy!

I'm saving on exercise shoe money by living all summer in my new orthotic sandals. They work wonders, even if my toes get froze in air conditioning. Thus saving me from

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Challenge #04275-K257: A Little Death

There is a terrible condition some humans are born with. Slowly, over time, they lose the ability to sleep. And when their body does pass out, they do not remain that way long, and there are no dreams. A human that remains awake for more than 11 days straight, almost always dies. Desperately they seek someone, anyone, for help. Magic, or medicine, they didn't care. They didn't have long left to live. -- Anon Guest

[AN: My research shows that people don't

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Friday, Baking Day and Further Shenanigans

Mayhem's still recovering so I've got the bread underway. My scales behaved, my dough behaved, everything seems to be working out except the familial health thing.

There's another progress log entry over on Pseuducku development to see which button "reads" better for the specific purpose of knowing which ducks are used up.

When I know that, I can work on different mock-ups. Which will include finding out which ducks look better when placed in the field.

For today, I shall be cleaning

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