A 833-post collection

Saturday, Day 6, Mor Bread

So one loaf made on Wednesday turned out to be a sod [bum!] but we turned it into bruchetta-esque [bruchettesque?] and now there's a slight need for more bread because there's still only one loaf in the freezer.

I'm working with Ingrid today, and since I had a sod out of the batch, I'm going back to the four-hour proof in the hope that that works. Still going for the double breadpan thing. Eliminate the variables one at a time. Even if I still get a sod, there's (a) more bruchettesque, (b) still one loaf for the freezer. Yay?

There's still six active cases and it's day six of this nonsense... if a third six turns up, I am hiding in the bathtub.

I'm going to make bread, eat carbs, and slob around in my PJ's. Somewhere in that, I shall be creating fiction. Huzzah.

In the news:

  • ScoMo's shameful texts make the headline
  • Everyone hates Facebook
  • Driver tapes receipt to car, avoids parking tickets
  • Musk and Bezos in a dick-measuring contest about who has the most imaginary counters we call 'money'
  • JB HiFi flips the bird to Amazon, stays alive despite Lockdown

Ingrid's still growing, so I shall attempt some fiction.

Friday, Day 5, No Bread

I have the bikkie cooking, there's six active cases, and the bread I made on Wednesday has remained untouched. Possibly to teach me a lesson. "See? You did not need to rush to be sure we had bread. Calm down! Relaaaax.

My peeps. My dear darling peeps. I make bread because I care about you. Don't let it sit out and get mouldy or I will do murders... Because I spent time and effort on the bread and money on the flour.

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Thursday, Day 4, Anxiety...

I've been online in one form or another since the 90's and I still don't know how to handle making someone angry on the internet. Which is why I'm awake at 1AM with no inclination to work on the journal because random shakes are a thing.

Fun times [/sarcasm].

Not planning to play the victim card, that's not a good look. I shall carry on in my beliefs, and work to be a better person by learning about things. It's the only

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Tuesday, Day 2, PLNs

I'm seeing my shrink today. Guaranteed that I'm going to bitch about the spineless jellies in the Repugnican party. And entheuse about the new bread flour because it's pretty awesome.

There's still seven active cases in the quarantine hotels, and a whole lot of nonsense going on. All over the firkin world.

Speaking of:

  • Deadlier pandemic "inevitable" say experts. We wouldn't be here if you wore your fucking mask KAREN
  • Our shy and retiring wildlife want to play some tennis, apparently. From
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Saturday, Day 1, PLNs

Today's the day I usually have a good old slob-off and a carb feast. Not this time. Tomorrow being heart-shaped chocolate day, and MeMum needing some technical assistance and a new phone. Involving the new phone. And sundry other errands in the process.

I'm doing my utmost to get a story done for you as soon as possible. The forces of distraction and procrastination are strong.

In the news:

  • Rats abandoning the Muppet's sinking ship. Some Repugnicans are starting a "word of
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Friday, Day 0, Bread

If I hadn't been irrevocably awake at 1AM, I would not be trying this. But yes, I am making bread with my new stoneground Lauke brand flour which is like the second-healthiest bread I could possibly make. Yay.

The fam wants white bread. I can make it today, thanks to the head start involved in being awake at F-off AM. It's already at the autolysis stage, so I should be baking by the evening. Yay.

How I'll fare at my 1K goal

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Wednesday, Day 1, Shenanigans

We're finally doing our tax nonsense so we can fill out the paperwork so Mayhem can get the help he needs to get a job and finally pay for things. [That lay in the house that Jack built] Puffpuff... Pantpant... I'm making sure I have my financial statements prepped. I don't believe anything's been overlooked.

I got up early, so that's two more pages in the journal transcribed. For my next trick, I shall post my wordpress nonsense before the alarm goes

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Tuesday, Day 0, PLNs & possibilities

Two new cases send the total of actives to seven. Dangit. They're from overseas and detected in quarantine, so all is going moderately well. Yay?

I did manage some arts, yesterday, messing around with brush types in ProCreate to create a portrait version of my Tiefling. Because of course I'm going to learn about shading and creating the illusion of life with a guy who's blue.

I am keeping into the habit, which is a good thing. The more I do, the

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Monday, Day 0, Around and round we go

We're back up to six active cases. Bleh. Once again a foreign import and in quarantine. The system we have is working.

Today's plns are all about unfuckening the house and getting Miss Chaos pointed in the right direction with the right stuff. Yay. Also aiming for 500 words as per my previous normal.

I'm getting more of my old creative energy back. That's a good thing. Dealing with quarantine has taken a toll. I actually made an art yesterday. Something I've

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Sunday, Day 0, SLOTH 2

Another case from outside, but the active case count holds stable at 5. Sigh. The sooner the vaccine stops the disease from being a hazard, the better. Fingers crossed it works against the UK, African, and Californian variants.

Otherwise we will have MORE years of living under rocks and whatnot. BLARGH.

Nothing big planned for today. I might put aside global domination to terrify villagers today. Depends on what sleep I can capture.

I am operating on four hours' slumber and I

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Saturday, Day 0, SLOTH AHOY

I hit my 3K this week with words to spare. Yay. So I am rewarding myself with at least one entire day with carbs and farting about. I spent my irresponsibility money [Yule gift] on (1) A weird pillow, and (2) A Steam Gift Card.

I have already bought the Untitled Goose Game. I'm going to give some blobby humanoid figures a very fowl day at some point in the future. MHUAHAHAHAA...

My majority plns include global and perhaps stellar domination in

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Friday, Day 2, A PLN

There's things I need to do and stuff I need to arrange, and places I need to shop at. Funsies.

Starting with the search for decent kibble for the cats. Some more apple varieties for Miss Chaos. Some ice cream for tomorrow's feast. All of which is going to have to happen post-unfuckening.

I've fed my Starters, I've added more pages into Kosh's journal, and I have made some temporary PLNs to deal with the day.

Today is my ultimate test of

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Wednesday, Day 0, FLAKK

I woke up at Fuckoff AM again. Bleh. So I tried the brushes I got yesterday. I did practice on the paper towel like I said earlier. On the paper towel - lovely fine line and legible text. On the artisinal paper - BLOB MONSTER.


I'm getting a super fineliner today. Fuck this. All future ink blots will be artistic. Firkin artisinal paper mumblegrumble...

Today, there is one more case of the plague, taking the total of active cases to seven.

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Tuesday, Day 3, PLNs Forthcoming

I have Patreon nonse happening today. I have PLNs to go out and acquire brushes. I have further shenanigans involving tax nonsense because nothing is ever, ever easy around here.

It went like this:

  1. Attempt to get Mayhem's paperwork in order so that he can get job with help
  2. Realise we need tax BS done
  3. Wait a while for Beloved to get that sorted
  4. Ask politely if they've got it sorted
  5. B: "No, you have to make the appointment."
    Me: "Me? With
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Monday, Day Two, Let's GO!

Today, I have a lot on my plate. Today, I am putting more words into KOSTSS. Today, I am unfuckening the house. Also today, I am getting hold of our financial moguls to attempt a tax sortening. On the PHONE.

I'm going to be blasted by four PM for sure.

IF I have the energy to do any arting, I will, but... I probably won't have the energy to art.

Tomorrow, I may make an expedition into a dollar shop for art

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