Realm of the InterNutter

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

Tuesday, Pitchathon and Patreon

There's an event on Bluesky called #2025Pit in which authors give their elevator pitch to the app in the hopes of picking up representation.

I pitched: Adapting, B'Nar, Clockwork Souls, Beauties and the Beastly, and ADT because why not?

I have found a video tutorial for pop-up text windows for GameMaker, and I will be using that for a default error message first.

Then putting that into each and every function call so that the WIP will not have any errors for testing.

I've been scanning Bluesky for fellow writers to boost. Pitches that sound interesting. Books I'd like to have in my TBR pile. Tropes I can't resist. There's a LOT of creative people on Bluesky. It takes a while.

And it's worked? I found a couple of agents and publishers who liked my mini pitches. Now I have to throw a book at them and hope for the best.

Meanwhile... I have fonts to buy, offerings to create, more branches to trim, and Patreon posts to put up. Yay.

I am a busy, busy bean, today.

Challenge #04411-L027: Bedtime For the Deathworlder

I can't sleep well no matter what I do. Even medicine doesn't help half the time. Can you please help me think of a way to get some rest? -- Anon Guest

Companion Throk could clearly see the shadows under Human Zyr's eyes. She could detect the slump in Zyr's shoulders and the slowness of their movements. She was worried. "Human Zyr... are you suffering another sickness?"

"No, I just had a rough night. I'm having trouble getting settled down, and when

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Monday, Public Holiday and Procrastination

There's only one thing standing in the way of me publishing last year's anthology - and that's getting Lunacy to open the old *.sketch files. Which no other app can open.

So far, I just have the spinny wheel of doom.

I will eventually figure out SOMETHING. Same with my efforts to get things to happen in GameMaker.

I am rapidly oscillating between, "I've got this," and "I am a clueless, talentless blob of glorp."

Today's a 'glorp' day but I'm going

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Challenge #04410-L026: Palliative Care

The human was sick and running a high fever. The Alliance had never dealt with a very sick human like this before. -- Anon Guest

If you want to survive the Edge Territories, you need a friendly Human. Unfortunately, Deathworlders are largely forbidden from the Alliance and finding a Human is a trial. Some find Humans before they were lost. Which resulted in the ever-growing manual of Human care and maintenance.

It also resulted in a lot of posts starting with the

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Sunday, Game Night and Exhaustion Points

Lots of laughs in the game tonight. The adopted Goblin became a level one barbarian with some adjusted statistics because toddler Goblin. All toddlers are barbarians. Fight me.

Despite having a post-game nap, I'm still bloody tired, today. I'll see how I feel by 5PM, when the heat allegedly starts to wane from the day and we'll theoretically be able to do more strategic pruning.

I'm still studying how to make pop-up windows in GameMaker, and I might try a couple of

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Challenge #04409-L025: Lies vs Bent Truths

Healing spells also known as holy spells can be sorted into 3 tiers: low, moderate, High. The higher the tier the more complex the Magic will be, therefore consuming more Mana. For example if some individual was heavily poisoned and on the verge of death, a high tier healing is needed. The healing spell herstel although low tier can alleviate the symptoms and eventually cure the poison. But that will take days to weeks to fully cure.

With that information and on

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Saturday, No Parkrun and Mor Pruning

Since the Christmas chainsaw has the exact sound profile of a toy, we're relatively free to go out pruning at the crack of dawn as well as the afternoon.

We were doing quite well this morning, until the battery ran flat.

We will get more branches cut down this afternoon. I've signed up the spawn to help out and spell me on the pruning work. Theoretically, we can get the branches away from the fence a lot faster than if it was

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Challenge #04408-L024: Kharmic Realignment Well Overdue

The child keeps playing pranks on people despite being scolded. Then a very scary, but kind, individual helps them realize, that they can't keep doing that. -- Anon Guest

Don't pull on a horse's tail and act surprised when it kicks. Don't taunt a hungry dog and act surprised when it bites. But most especially, do not cross a Hellkin and act surprised when you get exactly what you deserve.

None of this entered Bili's head as they went into the markets

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Friday, Fun New 'Hobby'

I waited until the afternoon when it was allegedly cooler. That was when the neighbour emerged and asked me to prune all the trees away from the fence line. And I can do that because Christmas chainsaw.

Beloved gives me the best toys :D

But, because firkin heat wave, including some of the worst weather Australia has seen, I can only use it in the afternoon. When it cools off a bit.

I will be getting help from Mayhem because there's a

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Challenge #04407-L023: Celebration to Share

It's the Festival of Food. Everyone is invited to this world to try recipes from around the known universe. Needless to say, the Gyiik are the hosts. -- Anon Guest

Space, as a wise philosopher once said, is big. Really, really big. In a shared society like the Galactic Alliance, it spans dimensions that would boggle an ordinary mind. The number of civilisations and polities within it are also in numbers so high that they also boggle the mind.

Therefore it's no

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Thursday, Brave Enough to Pitch

I'm a day late in doing Weird Writer Wednesday, about to commence my other offerings, and I'm expecting periodic loss of power and cooling because I'm finally getting the AC fixed.

So I'll be doing what I can as fast as I can. Until things are done and payment is settled.

I am going to force myself to at least pitch Adapting to PS Literary while I get things ready to pitch my other novels to two more agencies.

I am going

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Challenge #04406-L022: Familiar Circumstances

This world is so cold our equipment fails often. The human is SO not built for this, with skin instead of fur, muscles instead of blubber. True their equipment never fails, but how is it, even with their suit, they never seem to feel the cold? -- Anon Guest

Every cogniscent species puts their home planet into what the Humans know as a "Goldilocks Zone" where everything is "just right" for life. It's almost natural for most cogniscents to go through an

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Challenge #04405-L021: Where You Learn the Most

My teacher is THE Ancient Elf. I thought the lessons would be exciting, and, sometimes they are, but they're pretty mundane, too. I'm working hard, want to make hir proud. But now they're having me help another beginner, too. Wow, didn't know teaching was this hard. -- Anon Guest

What nobody tells you about learning magic is how boring the practice can be. How humbling it is to know how difficult everything actually was. Including re-learning

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Wednesday, Technical Difficulties and So On

The internet is fixed!

I have my first physio happening in an hour. In half an hour, I take off to meet that appointment.

I need to remember to ask about cooling my heel on the evening stretchies cycle. And show off my new knee brace.

Fingers crossed, I get to post today's story before I launch.

After I get back, I'll work on the rant for this week. I have some worries about the state of affairs on the interwebs.


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Tuesday, Shopping PLNs

We need a few things, but I need to go to different places to get them. So I'm due for a Leyland's Tour today.

As soon as all the shops are open, of course.

My attempt to get the printer working was an outright failure. Hashtag, I tried.

But I also got all the buttons done, so my GameMaker time will be in placing them on the boards, and then learning how to make each function do what I want it to

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