Realm of the InterNutter

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

Challenge #04433-L049: Ancient Aliens Realism

They read the briefings. Conquering that planet was going to be SO simple, their technology was so.. primitive! Then they went to land on the Earth, and realized that the gravity there was a lot stronger than they had been told. -- Anon Guest

What a ridiculous solar system! Only one habitable planet with macroscopic life, and that was mostly mammalian. Some were marginally intelligent, but they honestly hadn't progressed much past bashing the rocks together. They had spread further than the first survey indicated, but that was nothing to be concerned about.

It was going to be an easy world to conquer. Those balding apes would become the subjugated servants of the Y'wagi Empire, which would then claim the resources of the rest of this stellar mess.

So many heavy metal asteroids. So many exploitable gas giants.

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Challenge #04432-L048: In Living Memory

The old soldier sat on a piece of wreckage that was, once, a weapon. The large machine long have gone silent for years. Sitting with the galactic at their side they said simply, "To answer your questions, we humans don't fear war. What we fear, is what we become when we fight in one." -- Anon Guest

"I was a teenager when these were in action," said the old soldier. Ze sat overlooking the circular valleys below Muzzlend Cafe. It was quite

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Monday, Some Progress at Least

Miss Chaos is at least making an effort, so that's something. I need to figure out where she went wrong with a part of it. Get her to re-do that part and see if it works when she follows the instructions more precisely.

There's less garbage in the carport and there will be more space for her bike. In good time.

After I'm done with the backup reads, I'll supervise her practicing riding her bike up and down the road.

I have

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Challenge #04431-L047: Fifty Ways to Go No Contact

Vernita Nemec: Private Places (0:37)

An excerpt from an installation for The Second Coming, a show by Carnival Knowledge at Franklin Furnace.

Listen to track 3:

( -- Hudson

[AN: Transcript for the hard of hearing - a soft woman's voice says "I wanna talk to you about something. (pause) I found something in your drawer, and I'm very upset by it. (pause) I don't know quite what to think. (pause) But... um... I

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Sunday, Game Night and Chill

Fun was had with my international maniacs, early this AM, and I am much better for a nap afterwards. The PLN for today is to grab screencaps and seek help for the "brackets issue" in GameMaker.

After the usual offerings, of course.

I am starting to recognise that the physio is getting my painful heels to behave themselves, so now I'm invested in doing all the physio things.

The rest of my day is reserved for time to chillax. Which means that

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Challenge #04430-L046: The Romance of History

Conventions, meet beings with the same interest,, spend time together ,have fun buy merchandise, -- She Who Knits

There was a time, long lost, when every building was a work of art. When clothing was made to make the body look good no matter what shape it was. There was a time when romance meant something. There was a time when everything looked so pretty in the paintings.

People love to try recapturing those romantic times.

...though without all the messy bits

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Saturday, Parkrun and Rest

I did parkrun with little impact on my poor old feet. Huzzah. What it did make an impact on was my energy levels. I needed a nap after I got home.

So the offerings will be going out as soon as I can get them out.

I need to seek help with a bracket issue in GameMaker, but I also have personal energy issues that means it all has to wait until likely Monday.

Miss Chaos has gifted me the final straw,

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Challenge #04429-L045: Yes You Have To

What's a human to do when the researchers they're supposed to be protecting get so caught up in their work they lose all sense of danger? This is getting frustrating! Hey, all you, I know it's weird for the HUMAN to be saying this but... safety first for once?? -- Anon Guest

They say curiosity killed the cat. It also works on silly fluffy Havenworlders who are equal parts rambunctious kittens and Rikki Tikki Tavi[1]. Only without any teeth and claws

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Friday, Valentine's Day

I'm starting to wonder about the person I found to help me with market research. Everything that should be a minor tweaks turns out to be a whole new video. There's flaws that should be easily detected, errors allowed to pass. I'm starting to worry this person is using AI to put out low effort somethings.

I don't want to accuse, but I'm also thinking of transcribing the ad copy from the one that needed really minor tweaks and doing it over

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Challenge #04428-L044: You Get What You Give

For those who constantly have bad dreams, this gentle hellkin sells charms you wear that turns even the worst dreams good. But, be warned, don't be unkind to this soothing soul. Or you'll have bad dreams for a month. Don't worry, they never make the curse permanent, they're too kind for that. -- Anon Guest

Respite worked as they walked, though some of it didn't look like work at all. The spindle-spinning did indeed look like work. So too did the herb-gathering

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Thursday, Finally Some Twiddling

I'm baking today, and Mayhem has all the things he needs to make his own bread. Plus Chaos is probably going to have a share of that. I predict a lot of trips for flour and yeast.

But homemade bread is better for you than the alchemical experiments they're selling in the shops, so it's worth it.

Today, I shall be messing around with brackets in GameMaker. Fingers crossed, I get a single thing working today.

And speaking of working, I should

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Challenge #04427-L043: Army of Kind Hands

We don't say we're of the light, we don't say we're of the darkness. We won't kill, unless we are absolutely FORCED to. Each time we have to, it breaks our hearts to the core. We are an army who goes in to save lives, not take them. And we have one Mantra. What would Wraithvine do? -- Anon Guest

They carried weapons. They wore armour. They marched in time as they made their way from place to place. They had regimented

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Wednesday, I Owe Output

I owe Patreon posts, I owe a Weird Writer Wednesday. I also need to make bread and get meds.

I have the best timing [/sarcasm].

At least this time, I can walk without searing agony. That's something, I guess.

Mayhem wants to make his own bread on the same day that I'm planning my bread and this is just adding to the fun. Yay.

I am going to make myself mess around with brackets in GameMaker at some point. But I also

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Challenge #04426-L042: Not Made For You

There's only one rule in this dungeon, stay out of the places with bright light. That is an odd thing, for usually the light brings clarity. But here? It's used to fool the unwary unto danger. -- Anon Guest

One truth is known to those who build and keep dungeons: Adventurers like light. They're surface folk, they can't help it. For them, light is safety, security, and sanctuary. So there was a time that those who wished to discourage Adventurers put deadly

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