Realm of the InterNutter

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

Challenge #04440-L056: Put Your Muscle Where Your Mouth is

They claim to be a cleric of Tyr, but they certainly don't seem to believe in the concept of justice. So how can you be a cleric of something you don't actually believe in? Simply put, you're not a true cleric. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Possibly in reference to this: ]

Powers of the Divine come from devoted worship to the god in question. The magic and how it effects the work depend not on the deity, but the worshipper who is the 'filter' of its influence. And when a god is popular enough, one worshipper doesn't stand out very much.

Unless the worshipper in question monumentally screws up.

Saying, "That's not fair," when one follows the god of justice is very dangerous when one is saying such about a situation that is, indeed, more fair than one thinks. That sort of thing gets the god's attention. It may be pitiable to lack the response of the divine, but it is even more pitiable to get the divine's focus.

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Tuesday, Grand Tech Expedition

Today, I help MeMum fight the forces of enshittification by securing her Kindle collection. And finding a way to purchase more ebooks without giving Bezos any more money. This will include instructions about how to transfer said ebooks to the Kindle.

I expect it's going to be a long day.

So I therefore suspect that I may not have time to get any of my expected offerings out onto the interwebs. If that happens, I'll have a grand catch-up session on

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Challenge #04439-L055: Strangers in the Night

The way the human was staggering, I thought they were drunk. When they passed out to sleep, tests indicated they were merely severely sleep deprived. -- Anon Guest

There is one rule that covers all the space ways. Help others, for the trouble may one day be yours. In space travel, it was to always respond to a distress call. On more stable ground, the habit carried over to helping a stranger who clearly needed help.

Planetside, this meant paying attention to

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Monday, PLNs underway

Adorable doesn't have any ideas for helping me fix LMMS, but has recommended an alternate music maker. I'll be looking into that later in the day.

I now have 89 chapters until ADT is declared finished and I can take a firkin break.

Tomorrow, I'm offski to help MeMum back up her Kindle purchases, and find somewhere she can obtain ebooks for her Kindle without giving any more money to Amazon.

It has to be possible, and a lot of authors are

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Challenge #04438-L054: Connecting the Dots

No matter how hard you try to hide it, historical truth, no matter how uncomfortable, will come to light. It's better to teach it to your young, now, than for them to resent you later. -- Lessons

There had always been a war. Which meant that everyone had to support the troops, be grateful for what they got, and buy war bonds to finance the inevitable victory against the real forces of evil.

Forces that were undermining society from every angle. Threats

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Sunday, the Internet Returns

Despite getting plenty of sleep, last night, I am still tired. Most of it is a bout of depression surrounding (a) catching up, and (b) the assorted jiggery-pokery that needs must be done. All so I can get other things done.

And, as always, it depends on other people. I try looking for the answers, but I never find the ones that I can make work.

I feel so stupid.

Also, between the advertising round for yesterday's tale and writing the one

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Challenge #04437-L053: The Buildings Left Intact

They sat along side the road, shoulders sagged, clothes ragged, all desire to even live... gone. What good is all this power, this magic, if they cannot save even a single, innocent, child from dying? There is a soft purring at their feet, a gnome next to them patting their knee, and an elf comes up, holds out their hand, and states "You did your best no matter how good you are, you cannot save everyone." -- The New Guy

Semephis glared

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Saturday, Parkrun and Shenanigans

Well. I just finished the chapter in which Kosh dies for realsies. There's aftermath to cover, and then I'm skipping ahead by centuries. Covering a few of the warped stories that become nursery tales or wild fantasy stories.

I think I might write chapter 600 in advance. Just to cheese it. When I get there, that's it. The end. Finito. Done and dusted.

And I will take an extended break before I even think of rewriting Rael or finishing off Kingdom of

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Challenge #04436-L052: To Save a Monster

As you stare into the distance you spot the dim glowing eyes of the monster. The same one that murdered your family, and slaughtered friends. Hatred seeps into your veins as you gaze into its eyes, into that pit filled with malice and hateā€¦ or is it sorrow and regret?

You should really stop looking at that damn mirror. -- Anon Guest

There was something wrong with the dark in this place. Jay liked the dark, it helped them feel safe. But

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Friday, Return of Beloved?

I can't send a message to Beloved because our chat app is having server issues. Fun. But I did get a message saying that they were getting ready to travel so I can continue hoping for a return to hugs and together time.

...and a return to working out where Book 5 ends and Book 6 begins.

I might even get Adorable over to help me wrangle things so I can continue with my PLNs to make a better advertising video.


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Challenge #04435-L051: Sure You Can Play Piano...

"Yes, we're technically dead. Yes, the [de-regger corp] has used a new process to animate our corpses to squeeze a few more years of work out of us before we decay beyond economic feasibility of repair. Still, at least we get to see our families again." -- Tor Libram

CRC Agent Tiel entered the mine and was greeted by a monster from so many games. Half their body was replaced with mechanical parts. There was something amiss with the hue of their

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Thursday, Catching Up Again

Good news: I found someone who can plausibly help me make Pseuducku be a thing. Bad news, I need to update GameMaker again so I can follow their steps properly.

Good news: I have downloaded the update. Bad news: I don't remember how to use it.

I currently have PLNs to help MeMum back up her Kindle, but that's happening tomorrow. My PLNs for today depend on what happens beforehand.

If I can install the GameMaker update successfully, I'll be working on

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Challenge #04434-L050: Acclimatisation Process

Human, you've been working non-stop for 8 of your hours straight.

Don't worry, I'm almost done.

When do you rest?

Usually after about a 12 hour day or so.

What?? -- Fighting Fit

"I said, usually after--"

"I heard you," Companion Yrin interrupted. "I am attempting to comprehend. You work for four shifts[1] in a row? Without a break?"

Human Nik looked up, but did not stop tweaking the mechanism under his hands. "It's called a work ethic. Where I'm from,

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Wednesday, Physio, Rant, and Maybe Shopping

Technical difficulties have been cleared, I have physio today, and some offerings due.

My marketing connection sent me the exact same video they sent me last time, so I sent them a clue.

As in, I know a few things about editing videos. So it could also be a callout.

Meanwhile, I'm going to be learning how to make a one-minute music piece in a GarageBand-like made specifically for Linux. I have to find my own loops, but that's okay.

I might

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Challenge #04433-L049: Ancient Aliens Realism

They read the briefings. Conquering that planet was going to be SO simple, their technology was so.. primitive! Then they went to land on the Earth, and realized that the gravity there was a lot stronger than they had been told. -- Anon Guest

What a ridiculous solar system! Only one habitable planet with macroscopic life, and that was mostly mammalian. Some were marginally intelligent, but they honestly hadn't progressed much past bashing the rocks together. They had spread further than the

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