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Challenge #04274-K256: Second Time Around

I've been around for 200 years. As my old body grew weak and often ill, I saved everything I could and, with help from my mentor, got a new one. I still have a ton to learn. But the most important thing? I'm not as useless as I thought I was. -- Anon Guest

Of all the universal truths, the biggest one I had to accept is, You can't learn everything in one lifetime. After a literal lifetime of training with Master Twii, there was still more to learn, more to do. More to improve.

...all so I never felt useless...

The B'Nari are always enthusiastic about helping people live their wanted lifespans. I chose organic rather than artificial. Artificial seems... kind of like cheating. My second life was a lot better. I didn't start with the same impediments that I had in my first life.

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Thursday, Bread in Progress

Mayhem's crook, so I have time to make bread. The starter's incubating, the chia's soaking, and everything is weighed and measured out for the folding and fermenting.

Which is a good thing because I need to make bread.

I'm finishing my stretchies up, so I'll be doing my offerings soon. Then to work on a mock-up for Pseuducku. All to test what the buttons should look like.

Let's see how far I get, today.

Luck be with me, I should have a

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Challenge #04273-K255: The Unlikeliest Match

My father's was a faerie who used magic to grow to the size of a human. My mother is the sweet Hellkin who inspired him to do so. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Considering that Hellkin's origins centred around being biological weapons against Faekindred... this is going to be interesting]

Ma and Da aren't what you call a traditional love story. It's not like genetic mortal enemies get together and make a kid. There's like a thousand tawdry romances about a mortal falling

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Wednesday, Rant Soon?

I just about finished off my meds and doses, and I got the text from Mayhem to come fetch him back home. I'm still finishing off my morning soup.

I'll run and go fetch him real soon.

When I get back... It's daily offerings, the rant, and maybe even time enough to muck around with GameMaker.


I am taking chill time.

But first... a fetch quest.

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Challenge #04272-K254: Unreachable Goal

Why do you keep walking? You had every chance to take the plunge. You chose the path of self-annihilation.

“I’m sorry… I am no longer worthy to join you… ever since I met them, I can’t stop, I’ve still yet to finish writing their ending.” -- Anon Guest

There is such a thing as chasing a dream far too hard. Trying one's life away for a single goal despite every failure and roadblock set in one's way. Despite the

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Tuesday, Free? Time?

I got shopping to do, Patreon posts to make [I forgot again], offerings to create and some chapters to record. I also have some mock-ups to create and test.

I also have to re-size my prototype since I've made a mistake regarding the screenie, all so I can create a mock-up for the progress part of my Pseuducku logs.

Kind of feeling a little lucky that Beloved's in crunch time and I have the hours to spare.

I have a knack of

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Challenge #04271-K253: You're With Us

The kobolds' burrows had collapsed in the trembler. They were lucky the entire warren had survived without a single one, nor any egg lost. The nearby adventurers with shovels and magic, helped rebuild the tunnels, and proof them against ever collapsing again no matter how hard the earth shook. -- Anon Guest

Propshore was a mining town, and Kobolds were treasured there. They had a sense for three-dimensional space that few could equal. They could tell the vulnerabilities in stone with a

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Monday, Shenanigans ::Jazz Hands::

I woke tired this morning. Feeling wrung out, strung out, and maybe a smidgeon touch-starved. A hug has helped my emotional 'tanks'.

Started going on Max, and then had Mayhem turn up telling me it was time to take off. I'm back on Max as I speak. JUST ABOUT THREE HOURS LATER.

Because Mayhem applied for flexible hours and got them just as I was half an hour out. Ish. I then had to turn around, fetch Mayhem, and then drive home.

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Challenge #04270-K252: Subtle and Fast Fury

Wraithvine is a very patient being. That patience has been learned over many, many, centuries. But when ze is truly angry, watch out. This brat was NOT listening, kept trying to kick Lilbit, grabbing Bribird and bad-mouthing Gikka. A good chastisement was in order, and a stern lesson to parents who was letting the child become so spoiled. -- Anon Guest

Heaven help the people who think they can get away with anything short of murder. It might have to, in this

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Sunday, Bridge to Brisbane

I have checked the weather and wearing the long excercise pants would boil my thunder thighs. So today is the first day of...

::dramatic sting::

Summer Wear

This in combo with the pure polyputthekettleon branded shirt means that I will be a lather by the time I reach the finish line. Also the world will be mercilessly exposed to my pasty white hairy legs. Deal with it.

And I'm only doing the 5K walk because I know I'm capable. I need to

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Challenge #04269-K251: A Singular Sanctuary

They travelled with Wraithvine for a while, learning to cope with so many years. Though they were very few and far between, they learned there were others like themselves. So they founded the Immortal Village. Where people with same, or similar, condition could live in peace, help others from, and find solace together. Important part, was Waithvine helped found it. -- Anon Guest

Tales are told of a distant mountain valley that holds the secrets of

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Saturday, Health Update and PLNs

After days and days of applying goanna oil heat cream combined with careful stretching, the corks in my calves have vanished. Huzzah.

Just in time for me to cork them again doing the 5K walk in the Bridge to Brisbane tomorrow. Look for my dumb pink hat if you find footage of it.

I'm still finding out how I'm going to get there on time. Travel is going to be "interesting" tomorrow.

Today... I'm dealing with a Cyclone Headache [taken my meds,

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Challenge #04268-K250: New Record For the Longest-Running Experiment

The humans have a plan. It's both a bit frightening, and incredibly exciting. They intend to seek out a solar system with a huge asteroid belt, but no planet in the habitable zone. Their experiment? To create a warm, stable, earth-sized planet, and then terraform it to be a Havenworld. Will it work? -- Anon Guest

They went down to deepest-time wormhole to a system in the midst of formation. They were geologists, biologists, astrophycists, and a whole pack of scientists of

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Friday, Lo Batt Issues

I gotta clean the catio today. I have to go fetch Mayhem at some point. I'm behind on my imaginary progress with Pseuducku because I didn't do jack about making a thing happen for/in it.

And you know what?

Screw it.

If I need a breather, I'm taking a breather. If I want to relax, I'm going to relax. If I need sleep, I'm taking a nap.

If I need hugs... I'll try to arrange more time with the QPP.


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Challenge #04267-K249: Deny, Delay, Distract, Until...

The body is being examined in an autopsy bay. At a glance at the scene it was an open and shut case of [slip and slide] off a roof. But a few blood stains were darker compared to the rest, shards of glass found adjacent to the wound, even though the streets was cleaned and no windows were damaged. finally bruises around the neck indicated strangulation.

The fall was a cover up. -- Anon Guest

The body did fall. There were witnesses

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