This group of idiotic deathworlders did not listen when the Alliance warned them not to harass the humans. Why do some people have to learn the hard way? -- Anon Guest
"Listen," said the AI guide. "You're big tough Deathworlders, and wish to prove it. There's other Deathworlders, here, and the temptation is very strong to test how Deathworlder they all are. There's arenas for that."
The tourist group grumbled a little, but seemed to accept the limit on their usual behaviour.
"Also, you have heard or will hear about the Humans. Do not antagonise the humans just to see if they're so much heated excrement. You will lose." The AI paused to examine the tourist's faces. "And I also recognise that this warning has increased the odds of you trying. Listen. If you try, you will be paying for your own medical treatment that results from the attempt."
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