Plague Diary

A 1695-post collection

Thursday, Leyland's Tour and a Bad Air Day

I'm having trouble with air. Boo. I might be hauling ass all the way across to MeMum's for the Grand Washing Machine Hunt because her old washer decided to flood a part of her house. Yay.

I've been on the nebuliser and I've taken my preventers. I'm currently in the midst of my coffee and pills.

As soon as I get the go-ahead, I am heading offski on the long journey to go help do the things. Yay.

I'm'a finish my soup and call since it's been ages and I still haven't got a reply from MeMum.

Yoiks and away.

UPDATE: I am not required for that running around today, but I am keeping myself on the starter's blocks. Just in case

Wednesday, Date Night and Wordpress

It's another feast day and I'm hoping that yesterday's Sharts won't interrupt any plans I might have to enjoy with Beloved.

I also have to make some firkin plans.

Already, the Dunwannas are sinking in.

The gotta-gottas are making me feel guilty for having the Dunwannas and I have them worse because of it.

I managed to bork my wrists before I began today and yeah. Crawling back into bed is looking like a valid choice.

I soldier on. I try to

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Tuesday, Patreon and PLNs

It's already half past ten and I really want to go back to sleep.

I might be having a Bad Air Day. It feels like a struggle to breathe but not because my tubes are clogged. It's just... more effort.

Puffer doesn't seem to be making much impact. I'll try the humidifier.

See if it works.

Let's hope for the best.

I should be posting the Patreon offerings, the daily tale, and the Blorbo meme [check my fediverse link] sometime real soon

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Monday, Meatspace Mania

The instant I'm done with the blog, I'm in the car and off to MeMum's to help with assorted nonsense.

Donations, educations, lunch, and fuel money ahoy. Yay.

Hopefully I get MeMum to stop using the goshdang comment button the entire firkin time.

If I get back in time, I shall be doing the Instant Story then. If not, y'all get a twofer tomorrow.

Chapter count: working on Chapter 267.

Let's get going on the stuff. Yoiks and away!

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Sunday, Game Night, Tale Foundry, Nonsense

Tomorrow, I journey to MeMum's to teach her things and help fix stuff. Today, I attempt to focus on assorted nonsense. Tale Foundry is reading stories. I should stream today's tale sometime RSN.

Going out and about without the Lappy is going to be a pain in the bum. Yes, I can manage with the iPad, but I never figured out how to stop doing smart quotes in that thing and going back to amend them into 'dumb' quotes is one extra

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Friday, Complications

There's a crack in the monitor of my Lappy, so it really truly had to go get some repairs. I didn't put it in yesterday because the dang forms took up all of my time and I therefore didn't get to test the lappy.


Because the repair people are in New South Wales, it's two business days' transit there, two more back, and whatever added days for the repair.

I'm going to be without my lappy for a week at the

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Thursday, Stuff and Things

I have a dental appointment today, and I have to turn up early. That will dictate where the rest of my day goes.

I will have either one or two curses to remove during my following nonsense.

Aunt E has some continuing troubles and curse removal seems like a viable option at this point. Fortunately, I know a few places who sell some decent curse removal stuff.

As for the other curse... my laptop has developed some quirk. The mouse pad has

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Wednesday, Wordpress and other things

I'm going to add a completion counter to the fanficcy variant of A Devil's Tale that I'm posting today. Needs to happen.

So I can have rants or samples ready for the next one after I run out of fic to post. So my readers know how much remains. So anyone coming in knows exactly how far I'll take an idea before a novel takes over.

So I can be fair to the peeps following my silly little story.

And just maybe

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Tuesday, Patreon and Head Hurty

I woke up at Fuckoff AM with yet another fucking cyclone migraine drilling through my left eye orbit. Rather than suffer until the daylight hours, I took some of the Mondo Painkillers and the pain kept me up for another hour or so.

...and most of a page of A Devil's Tale so there's some win in all of this horseshit.

My priorities shall be the offerings for today, followed by whatever I can stand to do thereafter. Not easily anticipating going

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Monday, ...ow

The cyclone headache of yesterday is still being a pain in my anatomy. Some low pressure system on a radius between me and Rockhampton is being a real beast.

So my PLNs are therefore very quiet and hoping the painkillers kick in THIS time.

If I get to any behind-the-curtain stuff, it will be pure bonus. Obviously, head hurty things make writing a problem.

I can try, but I'm not going to force it.

Let's get going with the good stuff. Creating

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Sunday, Twofer and Lazy Day

I am currently tucking into some egg-shaped chocolate, having already polished off a hot cross bun.

At some point, I will be setting forth with my Beloved to go fetch the landbarge back to our residence.

I owe y'all a twofer because I missed yesterday's offering. And fetching the car is kind of dominating my agenda processing skills.

It's that thing where you have an appointment at 3PM and end up doing nothing until it's time to go do the thing.


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Good Friday, I Made a Mistake

All through March and April I was thinking, "I really gotta shop for Easter. I really gotta shop for Easter. I REALLY gotta shop for Easter."

The shops were shut this morning.

Firkin WHOOPS.

We managed to wing it anyways. Gonna try to not procrastinate holidays from henceforth.

Not helping is the general inclination to just focus on the stuff that's here and now and less expensive to deal with.

Inertia is my copilot, alas.

I still haven't cleaned the catio or

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Thursday, Behind the Curtain

I didn't tag a week, yesterday, but I did get a chapter summarised, so there is that.

I hope to tag a week, summarise a chapter, and at least draw a dungeon floor map before I play PathFinder with my peeps in the Rainbow Chat Group.

Wish me luck.

I also plan to drip sentences or paragraphs into my working chapter as I go.

Chapter Count: Began working on Chapter 262

Fingers crossed that I get to at least halfway through it

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Wednesday, Worpress and Date PLNs

I'm still dribbling sentences into Chapter 261 where the happy happy fun times begin.

Turns out writing smut is a skill I need to rekindle after years of letting it atrophy. Once I get back into the -haha- swing of things, I'm sure I'll take off into writing two chapters a day again.

Or near enough to it.

I have little idea of WTF I might be doing tonight. Maybe bath snacks and reading to my lovely. Keep it cheap since we

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