Plague Diary

A 1694-post collection

Wednesday, Wordpress and Further Shenanigans

Beloved has work, and I have not received any further bulletins as to when I can expect her lovely company. Guess that happens later.

Looking forward to some delicious carbage and delightful company tonight. All going well.

Heck, I might even find out where books 2 and 3 are. Fingers crossed.

I'm still doing all the other offerings, but my schedule may be interrupted with barely a moment's notice. I anticipated this when I sat down to write today's tale. Still on tenterhooks as I write this.

I've yet to finish the day's recordings, yet to post this week's Wordpress, and yet to take another foray into Stencyl's inner workings.

So I am plotting to get on with that.

Let's go.

Tuesday, Patreon and Continuing On

I had myself a little micro-meltdown last night. Chiefly related to the fact that I can't do anything of merit when it rains because everything requires the internet.

I ended up sleeping twice last night. Finishing off chapter 322 in the middle of the night. Literally.

Thank Grop that my lappy lets me edit offline.

I've done my Patreon stuff, posted the Fediverse meme, and am plotting to take further steps towards learning how Stencyl works before sinking my teeth (haha) into

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Monday, Tale Foundry and PLNs

The Foundry is together once more to share their sordid little tales. I have three more stories to share than usual, so it promises to be fun.

The QPP and I agree that the TMNT movie is very well done and a refreshing change from the Pixar/Disney smooth bug-eyed model.

One nitpick: why is the main storyline badguy Black-Coded? They gave him a "ghetto" accent and the animators had an excuse to use the dreaded 'mushmouf'

This is also a character

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Sunday, Jiggery-pokery, Date Day, and other fun things

If you're reading this, you're probably wondering where the daily tale is[or you're my Mum. Hi, Mum!]. Well. Allow me to show you some weeds that I'm currently facing to explain at least a little bit of that.

  1. The QPP is going to see TMNT today
  2. I have to get ready for that
  3. AND what will probably end up being an entire day of excursion time
  4. I'm already plotting to do as much work "on the run" as possible
  5. Given the
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Saturday, Change of PLNs

Adorable has been incapacitated in the wee small hours, so no parkrun this morning. I had to unriddle some banking nonsense before I commenced the horseshit this morrow.

At least the horseshit is sorted for the meanwhile.

Next problem: Having enough money -_-

I gotta do some effort to amend that nonsense. Including finishing the epic tale so I can get on with summarising all my extant novels so I can get them published on a higher scale.


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Friday, Unfuckening and PLNs

Parkrun tomorrow, and I need to buy some things online and configure some other things so my money is still accessible in all its varied places.

I would also like Beloved to answer a question I asked, but I might have to ask until we share air.

There's also cleaning the catio, creating The Bikkie [once more, I have no desire to mess about with pseudobread] and otherwise getting on with my routine.

I shall record an episode for Adorable, clean the

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Thursday, Back to the Grind

I am only expected to give minimal offerings, today, so the chances are good that I shall complete some significant portions of a tutorial for Stencyl. At last.

I am confident that, once I complete all the tutorials, I should be able to build a passable game to suit my goals.

Discussing this with Beloved, there was some confusion regarding grid sizes. She was referring to the size of the 'patches' within the grid and I was referring to the whole grid.

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Wednesday, Wordpress, Patreon, and a Date

I forgot what I should also have been doing yesterday. Concentrating on the daily tale and the meme.

Also it rained pretty hard and I could not internet easily. On the other hand, I did complete a couple more chapters for the eventual Patreon posts.

I should be picking up my Beloved really soon now. So I'm not investing a lot of time in the usual morning BS.

[One expedition later...]

I'm counter-reviewing all the ppl who reviewed me on the Foundry.

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Tuesday, Patreon, Shrinky Business, and Unriddling

I got a very helpful pointer for my work in Stencyl. The instructions as written didn't include one easily-missed step. Now I know what to do for all the rest.


Further bulletins as events warrant.

I have an interview with my shrink, amongst other business. Which now includes returning to the tutorial for Stencyl.

I'm at least going to try before I lean on Beloved to make the dang app. If I need her to do it.

Who knows? I might

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Monday, Unriddling and Reads

I got some advice about Stencyl's oddities, which I shall be attempting to follow in the fullness of time. Tale Foundry is doing the pseudosocial backup readings.

I've already recorded a couple of chapters for Adorable. I shall be working on another chapter of my WIP during the proceedings, and the offerings shall occur henceforth.

Currently, I am typing with one hand because Jolie needs a pillow/teddy bear.

[Shown here: A white and black cat with a human hand under their

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Sunday, Streams and Sleeps and Stuff

We've just had a very interesting session, with my crew discovering how awful the carnival is. And gathering things that might just help them beat the big bads.

I intended this to be a one-shot intermission on their usual adventures with a side of Plot Vortex. It's now stretched into THREE sessions because my crew have an innate capacity for dicking around.

Tale Foundry is doing the reads as I type this and my immediate plns are: Write story, sleep, publish, then

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Saturday, Parkrun and further PLNs

I got Miss Chaos running to win this week. She really earned her sweet treat.

It looks like the game tomorrow morning might be off. Still consulting with my players about that.

Further bulletins as events warrant.

I might be spending alternate weeks doing book reads for my early morning stream. Stay tuned.

My immediate PLNs include my daily offerings, some chapter recordings, and if I'm still in a mood to stay awake, I'll likely play more BG3.

But I'll probably nap.

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Finally got things up and running thanks to Beloved (bless you love). Hooray!

With good luck and good time, I might get an improvement on the instructions I use to get things back up if this happens again. Fingers crossed on that count.

I'm recording things, I've cleaned the catio, I've created and consumed The Bikkie. AAANNNND it's Mayhem's birthmas.

Happy birthday, kiddo. You got six months to start Adulting before you're effectively forced to do it.

After all, we have PLNs

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Wednesday, Wordpress and PLNs

Beloved surprised me by heading home this morning, so I had to drop everything and scoot. Wheeee.

So now she's here and I've got some lower budget PLNs for fun shared space time together. Which have to wait until I am done with the offerings for the day.

Which are:

  • Wordpress
  • Fediverse meme
  • Tale Foundry entry
  • Daily tale

The prompt got announced sometime whilst I was unconscious, so now I hustle to have a go at someone else's universe for the Foundry.

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Tuesday, Patreon and Owies

I had a cyclone migraine yesterday. Morning dose of the painkiller combo didn't quite work. Evening dose of same also did not quite work. This morning is very much the same. Took the painkillers, still feeling the hurts.


I just spent two hours (interrupted by fam) summarising my adventures in Baldur's Gate 3 as Kosh. I'm about to do the Patreon posts and memeing before I settle into today's tale. Interspersed with recording five chapters for Adorable.

I finished off

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