Monday, Backup Reads and Anxiety

The writer's group is going over their tales for the week gone past. Two days hence, Beloved enters the hospital for a very "Space Orc" operation.

Reveal icky things here

* Cut open her arm
* Cut off the jagged edges to make them flat
* Insert a piece of a corpse's _leg bone_ so it's all the right length
* Bolt it all together
* Sew her back up

She'll be sore and sorry for herself by next parkrun. And very likely on some really good painkillers.

I have one-paragraph blurbs to write for four novels. Which is much easier than doing all the things for everyone.

Also scarier because I shall be done all the sooner.

But I also need to get a wriggle on if I want to be read and (maybe) loved for what I do.

Onwards, ever onwards.