Realm of the InterNutter

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

Challenge #04194-K176: The Lost Legend of Thebysthenes

We watch as the city burn, as demons from beyond the star descend onto our land. They carve our flesh, devour our young, and dance on our graves. We cried to heavens to bring us salvation. We call upon Zeus to smite the dark ones, we call upon Poseidon to wash away the flames, we call upon Athena for the wisdom to push the hoard back into the sky. All fell on deaf ears.

Except one, Ares. -- Anon Guest

Fire. Sing, O muse, of the fires of Thebysthenes. Sing of the lives lost to the demons from the stars. Sing, O muse, of the gods who did not listen, and sing great praises of the one who did...

Thebysthenes. A relatively small settlement associated with Mycenae... before the Sea People and disruption of order had cut them off. Many who lived there were prone to believe they were the last people left alive on the face of the world. And then... the black boats floated out of the sky.

They should have been struck down for knocking the temple of Zeus into rubble, but no lightning came to smite them. Thus, it was easy to believe that the gods had forsaken them. The people ran to the temples to pray nonetheless.

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Monday, Possibly Patreon and PLNs

Today's agenda includes, in no specific order:

  • Posting to Patreon
  • The daily offerings
  • Working on Pseuducku
  • Attempting to make a place to show off the progress for Pseuducku

I've decided it's going to be a web app and the forum's going to have an arena for update notices, player feedback, Q&A's and so forth. Thus to create interest and to allow ppl like MeMum to test the versions.

Newest versions first. For ease of location. Pretty sure nobody wants to

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Challenge #04193-K175: Pride in Presentation

A toy maker goes to a cavern where a large nest of dragon eggs are about to hatch. The entire village were giving the dragon congratulations gifts, and this person made effigies of knights holding flowers and fireproof, claw-resistant, stuffies. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Considering the semi-feral nature of infant Dragons, they're better off with chew toys]

Legend tells that the world was made for Dragons. They were very upset when other species turned up and made it less for Dragons than

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Sunday, Some Movement

It's a very Monday Sunday, mostly because I couldn't do the VTTRPG sesh, last night. Amazing what an entire night's sleep does to my temporal perception.

Or lack thereof.

I had the extreme Dunwannas this morning, spending a majority of the early hours flopping around in bed and procrastinating. Largely playing games on my phone rather than acknowledge my duties for the diem.

Obviously I gave up on that lack of effort.

I've bitten the bullet and signed up to Reddit, with

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Challenge #04192-K174: Downtime Invention

A: Happy Family!

B: Royal Straight Flush!



E: I activate my credit card. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Changed one part of the prompt to be a completely different game. Pretty sure Nonny gave me two poker wins]

Boredom and captivity does strange things to Humans. As evidenced by Silly Season outbreaks. When it's a salvage vessel crewed by Humans, beset by twists of luck, it can get even stranger.

None on board had

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Saturday, No Parkrun, No Stream PLNs

The post-jab ickies have allowed a minor gastro bug to move in. Huzzah. Not.

So no parkrun for me. No parkrun for the QPP either, since Beloved still has the same tummy bug. Yay. Not.

Aaaannnnd OBS' horseshit is still a mystery to all of us so the game PLNs for early-early tomorrow are off. Woot. Not.

It's been win, win, win over here in Casa Del Nutter. [/sarcasm]

I let myself enjoy a conciliatory Inflatable Pie, and I will be right

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Challenge #04191-K173: One Good Turn...

They helped the poor farmer who, after a time, made a mostly full recovery. In addition to giving them the rock that nearly killed him, he made very sure everyone knew these two were life-savers. He might be poor, but he was well liked by those around that area. -- The New Guy

The operation took most of a day, careful work, and specialised tools to extract the starmetal fragments from Farmer Ansley's head, and all

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Friday, Trying not to feel guilty

I have had zero ideas for the Archive, this week. Just... nothing.

I know I have to clean out the catio, but otherwise my daily nonsense is more or less sorted.

But I don't know if I need another week away from my passion projects. I'll see about how I feel about those next week.

For now, I finish up my daily doses and then focus on the catio. Offerings soonish to now.

As for the WIP... I've reached the point in

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Challenge #04190-K172: Balanced Out

A person with a really strong good luck gene keeps asking questions like "How bad could it possibly be?". And saying things like "Things could never get any worse" just to try to tempt fate. -- Fighting Fit

There is balance in the universe. For every death, there is life. For every darkness, there is a light. For every fortune, there is poverty. And for every good, there is something bad.

The forces of nature are said to dislike certain things, like

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Thursday, Pressure Release

Beloved had a few ideas for my rant blog, this morning. Such as going off about things I like and why you should like them too. Honestly, it's probably a better vibe than yesterday's grousing about the Rona.

Plus I can promote various randos I appreciate on the interwebs. Share the love, et cetera.

Whilst wrangling my offerings, I am working on fixing the issues with OBS. There's an update going on as I type.

There was an idea to interview folks,

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Challenge #04189-K171: To Fight Another Day

A special class was being held for those who are unwanted. Not just combat with hands and feet, but also exercising the tails, making them dexterous and nimble. For those with wings, using the wings like bludgeons in combat, using horns. Using weapons.. people never figured could actually be used as weapons. Expect the unexpected. -- Anon Guest

"I cannot teach you all the same," said the teacher. Battle-scarred and bent with age, they could nevertheless still hold their own in a

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Wednesday: Some Fun Now

Oh man oh boy howdy, I have me a LEYLAND'S TOUR!

I launch after midday to get my Rona Jab update, then take off from there to get Mayhem to APM for his thing. On the way back, there's shopping to do. I pln on hitting Golden Circle Factory Outlet, Aldi, and Woolies. Possibly in that order.

So I only have a couple of hours to get my offerings out.

I'm moving as lickety-darn-split as I can, but the rant will likely

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Challenge #04188-K170: Kill List

The lucker who was a killer meets again with their allies, Sunshine and Jay. The two invited the individual because they did need a third pair of hands. This case was going to take a while. -- Anon Guest

Poetry. Art. Culture. Always held away from the more common throng. Always used as a means by which to point and laugh at those artificially held apart from the more valued media. Ridiculous, considering how often those

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Tuesday, Cyclone Headache and Potentiality

Beloved should be in my arms tonight if all goes well. I'm still halfway prepared for it to be a wash all the same.

My braining difficulties are not helped by a cyclone headache today. Also not helped by an urgent phone call in the middle of my stretchies. MeMum had mislaid her phone and tracing it was literal hell.

I know she won't like it, but maybe adding the voice command and utilising some variant of "where are you" to make

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Challenge #04187-K169: A Destination of Inspiration

May we see the fairgrounds, say, a couple years out after Wraithvine and friends visited to safety-test? -- Anon Guest

Fairs like this tend to travel. Staying in one place tends to make them boring for the locals, and travel is never casual when the journey takes days at best. It was a slow carnival, so the places it visited had up to a week of anticipation before they could attend.

Wraithvine had tested all of

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