Realm of the InterNutter

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

Challenge #04309-K291: Oathbound Help

The human made a Heart-Sworn Oath that, as long as they lived, no matter who it was, they would help them. Then came the day one of the ones that cruelly bullied them for being kind to the unwelcome came for aid. But an Oath does not care if the person was a bully. The bully was shocked when this person also refused to break their word. -- Anon Guest

[AN: In my personal experience, bullies tend to crow about taking advantage of their victims. I have begun to believe they don't understand feeling shame for their actions]

Her first patient had been a halfbred the others hated because he was a halfbreed. His genes made him small and slender, and therefore an instant target to the bigger and burlier kids. She patched him up with herbal leaves and helped him to the temple of Lenus, the god of health and healing.

It was there that she got praised for her efforts. It was their that she gave her heartfelt oath to the deity in question.

Every hour she had, Molli devoted herself to learning how to heal. Bandages. Salves. Potions. How to diagnose illness. How to prevent, treat, or cure disease. As she grew, there was one common factor. Molli never turned away a patient in need. No matter what they were.

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Thursday, Ringing Around

I got the call from the Sullage People, and they couldn't do Monday. Rearranged my calendar for Tuesday, which is a day off from driving anyway and then called the Council Guy about the day of that deed.

I got the call from the Friendly Support Person who's sending me a list of people who can help Miss Chaos gain employ and take a first step on independence. Yay.

I have the Bikkie in the oven while I'm on the phone with

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Challenge #04308-K290: Critical Strike

Several older kids send letters to Jay asking him if they will teach them to defend themselves. They have never killed, but each one has used a blade at least once to get away from those that were trying to hurt them. -- Fighting Fit

"This lesson is called: How to hurt them," began Jay. "And I'm going to answer the question you all have right now - What if I make them angry? Let's be

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Other PLNs

At least I remembered my pills with my coffee today. So there's that. The downside is I had the little container full of pills with me for at least a firkin week. Forgotten every single time I was out and needed to take them. Yay.

I need to get back onto the anxiety meds I've run out of. They're non-prescription and specialised so it's a bit of a slog to get them seen to. And, of course, ex$pen$ive.

And speaking

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Challenge #04307-K289: Ancient Nightmares

The child was terrified as storms raged outside the old building they were taking shelter in, the wind rattling the tightly locked windows. Wraithvine got the fire going while others did their best to help the frightened child calm. Including a gentle, cuddly, feline. -- Anon Guest

Rain raged against the old farmhouse's roof. The wind screamed in the trees outside, threatening to extinguish

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Challenge #04306-K288: Shared Words

They were not a deregger escapee, but out on the edge, had suffered almost as much as one, at least psychological abuse. It was hard for them to stand up for themselves, and they wept often. But when it came to helping others? That is where they showed they still had some backbone left. -- The New Guy

Many Deregger escapees are broken birds. Shy to say the least of it. Soft-spoken, frequently terrified of breaking the rules. Even the rules they

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Monday, Extra Day Off Because Lurgi

Mayhem has once again found a Lurgi that loves him. Alas, this news came after the writer's group was done with the share session. Whoops.

Tomorrow, I'm offski to the other side of Brisbane to unriddle MeMum's tech issues. At last. With a freshly-tuned car to do it all with. Yay.

Today, I'm going to attempt to add sounds to my Pseuducku project. Daring.

The good news is that my feet are starting to hate me less and walking is a lot

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Challenge #04305-K287: An Attempt to Learn

Anger, rage, sorrow, betrayal, resentment, these were all they felt. Bound tightly in the enchanted bonds, the young adult looked upon the wizard with hard eyes and said just kill me and be done with it, finish what THEY started.

The wizard looked sadly upon the youth stating they would not die, but it was time they started to heal, and learned there was a gentler path to life. -- Anon Guest

It's easy to be angry, to paraphrase wise sages, at

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Challenge #04304-K286: No Accounting For Taste

These beings were havenworlders, kept hidden by their live suits. When seen outside of them, many humans recoiled at the shock. Cute, they were not, but more like lichen-covered amphibians. -- Lessons

"The suit is not merely to protect me," these Havenworlders recited, "it is also to protect thee." Further enquiry revealed that the Mycophybians gave off spores when they were in season. Many of which were toxic to a significant percentage of the Alliance and further, often evaded a lot of

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Saturday, Parkrun Fail and Fucking Asthma

I thought Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season was finally done with me. I thought wrong.

I got giddy at about the 1/4 mark. Checked my nails... and I was turning blue. So I turned around. First time in about 2 years that I gave up on a parkrun. But... health also important and staying alive is a priority.

I'll put myself back on Max when I get home.

Right now, I am waiting at Adorable's place for Beloved and Adorable to return

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Challenge #04303-K285: Backburning Request

A: Y-you bastard! You played us like a damn fiddle!

B: oh please, Fiddles are intricate instruments that take years to master.

I played you like the kazoo you are. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I've seen variants of this exchange where the kazoo is described as "cheap" too]

I believed it was for the greater good. I thought the things I was doing were necessary evils. Minor harms in the great, grander scheme. I could only see small fragments of the bigger

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Friday, Back on the Routine (ish)

The new regime of foot care involves squishing my arches and heels around on a gel pack. I already have one, but it's still in the process of getting squishy[It was rock-hard in the freezer drawer]. So I kind of rested my feet on that thing and repositioned as appropriate. I also have sports tape on my left foot, but not my right.

The lingering results of sonic heels and laser therapy are an intermittent 'ping' of pain in the spur

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Challenge #04302-K284: Desperate Need

They hated hellkin and others like them, and made it very clear, very publicly. Then the time came they were very sick, almost all healers had given up hope. It was a hellkin who saved their life. Sitting with them, talked with them, caring for them. It was then that the hatred learned at the knee of their parental, began to disappear beneath the weight of understanding. -- Anon Guest

There's many places like it. City-states, nations, minor polities all who made

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