A 833-post collection

Monday, Offering PLNs

With good luck, I should be done with the Tale Foundry Backup Readings soon. Then I get on with the daily tale and the meme over on the Fediverse.

Thereafter, I shall do more set dressing, summarise a chapter, and tag a week.

Chapter count: Roughly midway through ch 247

I'm almost to the constant, consensual flirting, kissing, and all the other stuff. Looking forward to it.

So is my Beloved. Even though she's certain I'll fake out somehow.

Not a chance.

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Saturday, parkrun and PLNs

I did the parkrun, had a nice brunch, and then a nap. I got to read two chapters to my Beloved and yet I am still racing ahead on the chapter count.

Current working chapter 246.

So now I work on today's offering and nom on Denada carb-free ice cream. Yay.

Tomorrow, I wake up at buttfuck in the morning to stream and talk to myself, belike. Because lots of people will not be present for the thing.


Off I go.

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Sunday, Excursion PLNs

So apparently some aggregious TERF from the United States has come all the way to Australia to stage some bullshit about how genderqueer folks are all dangerous pedos and a danger to womens' sports or whatever the fuck.

Naturally, this should not be allowed to stand.

So everyone in solidarity is poised to counter that bullshit with a show of numbers, including everyone who stands with the genderqueers and their right to live their lives in peace.

First they called gays "pedos"

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Tuesday, Patreon & Output

I have a diet Sarsaparilla waiting for when I have done all my Stuff(tm).

The Stuff(tm):

  • Patreon posts
  • Tag a week
  • Summarise a chapter
  • Dungeon Dressing
  • The Mandatory Story

Chapter count! I am currently working on Chapter 232 of A Devil's Tale. It might be done by this afternoon. Woo.

I'll post the Patreon stuff before I get on with the daily tale. Stay tuned.

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Monday, Mor Progress

I'm working on Map 16 with some genuine ideas of what the hell I'm doing. My aim is to get a chapter summarised, a week tagged, and some jiggery-pokery done for the dungeon.

I also would dearly love to get another chapter done. Keep ahead of the curve.

We get paid tomorrow. Huzzah. Which means we can breathe a little bit easier until next paycheque.

Tale Foundry's doing the backup readings right now, so my story will be happening whenever I can

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Saturday, Parkrun and Further PLNs

I just woke up and I'm ready to write!

I kid, I kid.

Of course, I woke up much earlier. Four thirty in the morning to walk in a park with friendos, then brunch.

We did a spot of shopping and now I have all the essentials necessary so that I can have coffee for the month.

Just the important stuff.

Next week, we're all off to the beach on Sunday, so don't expect a lot out of me then.

Onwards to

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Wednesday, Wordpress and PLNs

It's taking me longer to write the daily tale. I should work on that.

In my feed this morning, people using AI's to write things are flooding publishers with AI-generated horseshit. People creating garbage product with minimal possible effort and maximum possible profit in mind.

Which means that my efforts to prepare for publishers might yet be moot.

Fucking idiots not wanting to put in the effort... grumble grumble bitch and whine.


Anyway. Considering how slow I am at the summarising,

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Friday, A Heads-Up

The PLN today is to take Mayhem over to MeMum's for some heavy lifting before the day gets punishing. So immediately after I publish this blog, I am getting ready and hauling myself and son-of-mine all the way to the other side of Brisbane so we can do that.

And since we're there, we may also be doing some other helpful things. Which may take some time.

So if the story happens today, it shall be happening later. If not, there will

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Thursday, Publishing PLN

I am going to work on the cover art for 2022's Year of Instants. First. After I do the daily tale.

I have stuff getting in the way of other stuff I need to do so wish me luck on that one. I know better than to ask questions with painful answers, so I am just hoping for the best and ready to roll with the worst.

And every time I think about getting the anthology out, I have to fight a

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Wednesday, Wordpress and PLNs

It's Sausage Day tomorrow. The day in which all Australians take a day off to make burned offerings to the Beach Gods.

Well. That's what an alien might think.

It's the day that the Whitefellas ruined everything for all the Blackfellas already living here. Or it's the day in which the Gallant and Brave Captain Cook Discovered our wide brown land for the Glory of Britannia. OR it's the day when communication began between an empire and a stone-age civilisation and things

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Tuesday, Glasses and Patreon

One of the nose-pieces of my glasses has dropped off and I'm unable to find it. So I have to get my shit together and head on up to the shops to get that fixed.

The bit of metal that a nosepiece fits into? Uncomfortable as all shit.

So after I'm done with this, I don clothing and seek the world outside my hermit cave house.

When I get back, that's when the content will flow.

I have a new tactic that

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Wednesday, Wordpress and Sundry

I did it again. I futzed around until it was too late to stream before the 10AM curse.

So my PLN now is to do a bit of shopping with my time. I need to get vegemite and cat food.

After I get back and stream, I think I'll focus my energies on footnote checking and at least one chapter summary.

Once the anthology is fully edited, I can get it out on the interwebs for your reading pleasure.

Once the novel

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Friday, Unfuckening PLNs

Since everyone's doing Top Whatever Lists at this time of year, I have collated one of my own. I'll be keeping tabs on the last few and releasing that thing on New Year's Day.

I have the Catio to tidy, and a literal pile of refuse to reject or recycle but otherwise get out of the house, and more stuff to get on with.

I've almost finished the basic floor plan of the dungeon I'm working on, and my next problem is

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