Plague Diary

A 1695-post collection

Saturday, Parkrun & Hairdo's

Started the day at 5AM, getting the whole self-maintenance regime done and going to parkrun of course.

Managed the 5K in under an hour, and then it was off to-- SHENANIGANS!

Helping KIABIL get some parcels. Going with Friendo Awesome to get all our hair did. With meals between destinations.

I am a very tired bean because I haven't had my post-walk nap.

Nevertheless, I must to get the daily offerings done. At which point I shall be free to messing around and finding out, or just having a good solid sleep before the extended nonsense tomorrow.

Let's get going on that.

Friday, Unwanted Shenanigans

I have the Dunwannas today.

I dunwanna make The Bikkie.
I dunwanna go fetch the parcel that just arrived via the post.
I dunwanna go fetch olives so I can make The Bikkie with olives like I like it.

Because going out means getting dressed, which means getting out of my comfy clothes and into less comfy clothes and going to place and doing thing.


I barely wanna do my daily tale and meme combo today. I wanna stay at home

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Thursday, Vet Visit and Game Night

Took the expensive cat to the vet's for a pleasant surprise - No huge and looming dental bill. Huzzah!

I'm still figuring out what I'm doing for most of the day, but I will henceforth be focussing my Extras Energy on summarising my gotdang novels because I can't ship them out without the necessary nonsenses collected and collated.


Further, there's a writer's strike going on so that scriptwriters, series writers, and anyone I can't immediately think of GET FUCKING PAID FOR

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Tuesday, Patreon and Vet arrangements

Jolie is overdue to get her teeth checked. That feels kinda doomed to wind up as expensive.

Pippi up and decided to sit on my left arm. Fortunately, typing anyway convinced her I'm not a comfortable pillow.

I expect further delays of the like.

Chapter Count: Just finished Chapter 270, have yet to write the first words of Chapter 271. Uncharted territories are slow going. Difficult writing terrain if you will.

I'll get there.

I know what parts of the story I

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Monday, Labor Day

The Tale Foundry backup reads are on, so any other written progress will be S-L-O-W.

As I have low expectations for myself on Mondays, I shall attempt to at least finish a chapter in the midst of the rest of my messing about.

Chapter count: Still midway through Chapter 270. Hopefully I shall have an increment for you real soon now.

When I hit 365 chapters [very likely] I shall start sharing the first sentence of each chapter per day.

All the

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Sunday, Streamy Shenanigans

Tale Foundry is doing their thing. I have finished dressing a dungeon and begun another. I am pondering doing the meme whilst I wait to stream again...

And then I remembered I should probably blog.

Chapter count: Finally on the second page of Ch 270. Uncharted territory slows me the fuck down. Should be on things I've rehearsed real soon now.


No other plns but messing around on the interwebs today, but I shall force myself to get some raw images

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Saturday, Parkrun and Game PLNs

Looks like I'll be set dressing and Iconifying at 4AM tomorrow.

I did my first parkrun volunteer this week. I was a Park Walker. There to encourage the people who feel like they can't run in Parkrun.

The point of parkrun is to get out there and get some exercise. Even if all you do is parkrun once a week, it makes a difference on your health.

...says the bean who hasn't weighed hirself since the scales went flat...

Anyway. I have

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Friday, Unfuckening

I did the open letter to the kids suffering under asinine laws allegedly "designed to protect children".

It's over here if you want to read it.

I'm still thinking about where to share it for maximum audience reach.

I'm about to go out and secure stuff for the cats. We're out of kitty litter and the catio needs unfuckening.

When I'm done with all of that, I shall be getting back to writing today's tale.

I'm offski. Let's get shit done.

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Thursday, Catching Up?

There's been shenanigans on shenanigans around here and I had a bad case of the DunWannas where I was chasing my endorphin fixes for a while.

I might still be doing that.

There's a lot to do and my digestive system is not helping my inclination to get the thing done.

Things be going right through me these days. Bit of a pain.

Speaking of pain...

I haven't done jack towards my longer-term goals and the more I procrastinate, the deeper my

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Wednesday, Wordpress and Shrink Day

I have what boils down to a phone call today, so you know that that takes care of the rest of plans.

I want to write an open letter to all the trans kids currently suffering under the brutal thumb of Right Wing Rot... but my emotions are gonna get drained enough through the shrinky stuff.

I might do an extra feature tomorrow. Time is of an essence with these kiddos. They need the support and writing is all I can really

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Monday, Little Progress PLNs

Everything cancelled this weekend. Yay.

So I have a little extra energy and may actually make some progress in my usual nonsense.

Chapter Count: Still slogging my way through Chapter 269.

I might get on to writing more of that.

My other plans include slobbing around in my pajamjams and just being kind to myself.

Let's get on with that and see where my mood takes me.

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Sunday, Twofer

I have done Game Night, I have done the Twofer stream. TaleFoundry cancelled because the host has Lurgi. Toasty has cancelled because a need to be kind to themself.

So I have most of Sunday free so I can take a napnap before PathFinder with the rainbow crew. Maybe.

I know what happens when I say I have the rest of the day free. Something comes to EAT that time. So I'm not saying it.

I have nothing further planned than fuckin'

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Saturday, Dominoes

Allow me to draw your attention to the meme blank I have attached to my blog. It illustrates how one little thing can lead to big consequences down the line.

Like... the little one could be labeled, "Emperor Constantine sees a cross in the sunshine" and the large one would have, "President Reagan decides to let millions die of AIDs for moral reasons" That sort of thing.

For me today, it would go thusly: Little event - "Beloved spends a little too

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Friday, Bad Air Day and Unfuckening Grande

I start my narrative to anyone who cares to read about my life with Max the Nebuliser strapped to my face. The cause of that is decluttering the LandBarge and a Great Key Hunt.

Today, the LandBarge is getting detailed. On Monday, it's getting serviced. Therafter, we're getting rid of it in the process of becoming a One Car Household.

Getting rid of the LandBarge and getting rid of the Tesla will save us upwards of $2K/week as I understand the

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