Foiled Again

A 2-post collection

Saturday, Called For Rain

Adorable doesn't like walking in wet weather because long history of lung infections and consequential pneumonia. So we didn't parkrun today.

Did enjoy breakfast and did a little running around for the QPP.

I think a day without doing very much writing might actually help me today. We shall see.

Story and the other offering very soon. I shall attempt to commit some literature later on. Depends on my mood.

Upcoming: Planning for Crimbo, talking to the kids about gifts and meals, and seriously unfucking the house.


Tomorrow morning, Stream nonsense.

Challenge #01381-C286: Hell's Rowdy Neighbour

Here in Aussie high school students celebrate end of 12 years education by one week called "Schoolies" often followed by hangovers, regrets, and long explanations to parents. The Media have a field day. -- Anon Guest

The music was so loud that it was incomprehensible. The crowds were so thick that movement was next to impossible. Most of the people present weren't wearing very much at all. The air was thick with a miasma of alcohol, hormones, and a not-so-subtle tincture of

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