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A 4350-post collection

Challenge #04254-K236: Cat Fishing

They were trying to reach into a vent after a lost tool. A skitty ran up and bit their arm. They pushed the skitty away and tried to reach again. The skitty attacked that arm again with teeth and claws. They backed up away from the skitty. Several sparks came from the vent. That skitty saved them from a lot worse injury. -- Anon Guest

Working on an old station has its charms. It has hazards to match, too. There's spaces that haven't had outside air flow in centuries. There's spaces that have their own weather. There's spaces that have their own ecosystems.

We contain viral outbreaks with vaccine drones. It's not just intelligent life that's at risk from those things.

In places like this, it can be dangerous to get complacent. Unfortunately, complacency is stupid-easy to acquire. Such as not really looking when putting tools back in the toolbelt when you're already up a scaffold.

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Challenge #04253-K235: Peas For a Goober

It was as dark green as a soybean pod, but the little "peas" inside tasted ... like terran peanuts. Yet it didn't contain any of the chemicals within that was the cause of the allergy so many had to that legume. A safe peanut that those with allergies could try??

One of the scientists, a being with a nasty allergy to the nuts, threw caution to the wind and tried one, medicine at the ready just in case. There was no reaction. --

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Challenge #04252-K234: In a Prickly Spot

They call themselves Holly, and we're best friends. I know they're a very advanced AI, but to me, they're still a person. They're in a body that looks like a lovely, silvery, mostly-human-shape the bosses chose. Once we're able to, Holly and I are going to escape this place. And we'll be able to choose our lives for ourselves. Holly wants to captain a ship of their own, and I plan on being at their side for as long as I can.

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Challenge #04251-K233: Tiny and Deadly

The Gravity (aka Gravy) Drive pushed itself to its maximum. Its hull was damaged, the family within, several were hurt, and it was not going to let them down! Blaring every alert it could, it raced as fast as it could, perhaps recklessly so, toward the nearest base that could help it, and its loved ones. -- Anon Guest

Of all the critical damage a ship can suffer, one of the worst is debilitating damage to their Hungry Caterpillar object defense system.

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Challenge #04250-K232: So Many Evildoers...

Jay is... "on assignment", as it were. Mr. Sunshine was in a different assignment. Target one was gone, target two? They entered a side room to find four young boys, all taking lessons on being "good CEO's." None of them could be over the age of 9. Jay made sure the kids got to someone who cared for THEM, not just their future prospects. -- Anon Guest

Four kids looked up from their desks. Each desk was bolted to the floor, as

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Challenge #04249-K231: Never Work Alone

I once thought that time was of no concern to me. Distance yourself from others and stay focused on your work. A few years or a few hundred… it’s all the same. But after all this, I’ve realized the perhaps this way of thinking is fundamentally flawed. The passing of time have its own consequences. The answer that I’ve been searching for amongst all those lives…

Perhaps it’s life itself. -- Anon Guest

Time, wise philosophers say, can

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Challenge #04248-K230: Good For What Ails You

An adult and an adopted child. The adult a hellkin, the child, half-giant. The child was sick, very much needing medicine they refused to take. Seeing Lilbit, they ask, politely, to pet the cat. And told only if they allow the adults to give them medicine, and rest a lot. -- Anon Guest

Family is whatever it takes to become one. Many frequently take foundlings into their fold. There's many an Adventurer who asks, "Is nobody going to adopt this urchin/orphan/

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Challenge #04247-K229: Gratitude

Letters, several of them, are sent to Jay. Who sits with Lillicoon reading them. From those he saved, without needing to raise a blade.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04151-k133-flying-free -- Anon Guest

"I've got mail," said Jay, looking in confusion at their datareader. "Why would anyone send me mail?"

Lillicoon had to smirk. "You mean besides my own reasons?"

Jay fumbled and short-circuited for a solid minute before her gentle laughter gave him the clue that she was playing with him.

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Challenge #04246-K228: Critical Perception Failure

They'd come to inspect the dragons forge. Everyone said the dragon was working there of their own will. Everyone said the main smiths were dragons. They didn't believe it. Even when the dragons showed them, they refused to believe it. Why else would they allow HUMANS to work here too? Or make things for others besides other dragons?

There's always ONE of those beings to show up from time to time. That needs a solid kick in the pants before they are

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Challenge #04245-K227: Long Time Learning

He was heavier, had more muscle, and was taller than all the other kids. Yet even the tiniest among them had knocked him flat. This went on for, he was unsure, until the King finally called a halt. Confined to a room with a bathroom "grounded", he was fed, given bed clothes, told to sleep. Next day, again.

Now an adult, he thought of those painful lessons. Grateful for it, It wasn't might, it was the heart, that made a person strong.

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Challenge #04244-K226: Downtrodden Uplifted

It was a havenworld. The inhabitants? Almost all Uplifts, former slaves that had been freed, and their therapists helping them recover. The protectors? Three, 2 - person teams of Pax Humanis members that worked on 8 hour rotations. When dereggers come to try to "claim a prize"... they find that it's not the claws of an Uplift they must worry about, but far deadlier fangs. -- Anon Guest

Gengineering should never be used to make toys. The more you think about that

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Challenge #04243-K225: Why? Why Not!

The cloak they wear is made of carefully tanned thick buffalo hide. Upon it, overlapping, are dragon scales. Oddly enough, each scale has a name etched into it. They buy the scales from the dragons, and dragon kin, fairly, one scale per individual, have it signed using a special metal quill, and use these for the cloak.

Why? Because they love all dragons and dragon-kind. And their life's mission is to make a special shrine where the names of them may forever

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Challenge #04242-K224: Hero of Justice

A sheathed, dusty, blade that was hidden in a thief's lair is stolen by a young hellkin seeking a way to defend themselves.

The blade finds they are able to speak to their new wielder, and helps them learn how to be a true hero. Not a false one wrapped in gold, but a quiet one wrapped in hope.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04155-k137-a-double-edged-blade -- Anon Guest

Justice is an odd thing, beyond an eye for an eye. For example, harming

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Challenge #04241-K223: A Study of the Alien

One of us does not speak, together, we speak as one. They do not recognize us as intelligent, until we work together. We are tiny, but we are strong. Worry not large one, we will save you. Worry not other large ones, the smaller ones were already healed. -- Anon Guest

We did not understand the invaders, when they came. They did not understand us, either. They thought we were animals and, to be honest, we thought the same of them. They

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Challenge #04240-K222: Midwinterfeast Blessings

The child given a small toy, it was such a simple gift. A little dragon-shaped doll. Toys, when deeply loved, can have their own life. This toy fought with a wizard, loved a child, and protected the travelers to help the child, and new parent, find their way past darkness, toward home.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04148-k130-one-link-in-the-chain -- Anon Guest

Midwinterfeast passed in a warm little house in a warm little village in the middle of nowhere. A place eager to

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