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Challenge #04470-L086: Magical Gifts

A child's birthday wish is to ride on a dragon, just a little ride, maybe?

Bribrid, the gnome that is actually a dragon in disguise, agrees. -- Anon Guest

It's not every day a person turns ten. It's even rarer to turn ten after undoing the plans of a great evil by accident. Wort hadn't meant to break the idol, but their bad foot had turned them off balance and the Master had told them to hurry or get another whipping.

One gnarled root and a loose paving stone sent Wort tumbling. The idol slipped their grip and then...

Wort wasn't sure what happened next, but there was a loud noise and lots of coloured light and then they were out in the sunshine with an Elf and a Gnome. Who were gentle with Wort. Kind. And never angry. They let Wort weep for the loss of the Master and gave them good food and better clothes, and a truth that seemed very strange to Wort. It seemed odd that the Master wanted to open up a hole in the world so he could let a flock of demons in. It sounded strange that smashing a little doll would ruin that.

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Challenge #04469-L085: When in Doubt...

A: are you sure this building is up to spec?

B: trust me I had the best engineers working on this project everything this geometrical perfect to ±0.003 tolerance.

A: I may be a lowly contractor, but the wall is 92° from where I’m standing.

B: I-impossible I had it tripled checked before installation!

A: there’s a mountain goat licking for salt around 90 m above us -- Anon Guest

Architect Blaine looked up. Sure enough, the beast in

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Challenge #04468-L084: Everyone's Related

What happens when you invite everyone who are a part of your family through marriage and birth, invites everyone from THEIR families, for those individuals are your family as well, from marriage and birth, and THOSE individuals invite everyone from THEIR families through marriage and birth, and so forth?

You get everyone in the entire world going to one giant family reunion. Though figuring out all the branches of this family tree can be quite interesting. -- Anon Guest

"Did you know?

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Challenge #04467-L083: Wastenaught

"What are you doing with all that plant waste and old clothing you're shredding?"

I'm going to make homemade paper.

"Paper out of clothing and old plants??"

Yep, it's going to be a very pretty soft green. -- Anon Guest

The thing about space travel is that it's difficult to take everything with you. Since it is the longest possible trip from A to B, taking everything for the trip means even more fuel expended to push it all towards B. Or

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Challenge #04466-L082: Breakable But Better

In the early days, when humans were first officially recognized by the alliance, not a lot was known about them. Imagine the shock, and a little bit of fear, when injuries, including internal bruising, though no bleeding, and broken bones, not only didn't send the human into shock, but also didn't require full sedation or surgeries. And even more surprising was their recovery rate! -- New Guy

First, there were a few incidents. Close encounters, near misses, glimpses in unfamiliar territory. And

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Challenge #04465-L081: For the Greater Good

The planet's population was quarantined due to an illness outbreak. "Pure Life" groups kept trying to stop the Galactics and their allies from going in, even trying to use force, because "adaptation is the only way for a population to become immune." The humans with common sense laugh at them and plow through, saving it from becoming a dead world. -- Anon Guest

For every advance in science, society, and technology, there's at least one band of lunatics willing to oppose it

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Challenge #04464-L080: But My PyxtokGram!

It is a time of peril, so while others are doing preventative measures. Others are wandering in the most dangerous sorts, taking 'selfies' and going where they should not, just to see what it's like. -- She Who Knits

Emergency Response Teams are trained to deal with danger. They have to act quickly, lest the emergency turn into a disaster. On stations and ships, even the passengers know to get out of the way or get to safety. Preferably both.

Planetside is

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Challenge #04463-L079: Sacrifice For Knowledge

And you can add the rest of the Gekk mantra if you like. Eye opener, heart starter, friend in Long nights assignments. Have fun. -- She Who Knits

[AN: Reminder that the titles of prompt posts do not count for the prompt. I have to use what you put inside the post]

"It is said that the Gekk knew a mantra that could restart hearts and open eyes. Friend of the long night. Alas, what is meant by that saying is lost.

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Challenge #04462-L078: Obligate Carnivores

The humans laughed in amusement as the galactic visitors learn of carnivorous plants such as sundews, venus fly traps, and pitcher plants, and giant ones such as the Attenborough's pitcher plant, which is nearly large enough to trap a small human. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I tried to find some size comparisons, but I couldn't find any that would imperil a toddler. A guinea pig, yes. Toddler, no.]

The package was large and in stasis. There were several warnings that alarmingly included

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Challenge #04461-L077: Where it's Safe

From those printed source books that helped Afro American's to safely travel to those real or mental lists of 'I know someone who has'. They are priceless and often weird. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I'm pretty sure the polite term was African American... back in the 1990's]

Resources are more than the base materials used to create something... or many somethings. More often than not, resources are sources of information. Secrets to relative success. Passed along by word of mouth, by sigils

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Challenge #04460-L076: Protecting Dreams

Those that came enmasse were all known as the "unwelcome peoples." Didn't matter the race. They were given warm beds, or rather, sleeping rolls so thick and soft that one did not feel the hard floor, and special blankets enchanted with a magic that chased away bad dreams, and gave gentle ones. And if any came to harm those gathered here, they soon learned where those nightmares went. -- Anon Guest

The sign could be read even by those who did not

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Challenge #04459-L075: The Strength of Hope

Does it really matter what you pick? You sensed it haven’t you, the other choices you made runs parallel to your actions. You haven’t realized you already decided, you already tipped the domino of cause and effect. The multiverse is filled with the corpuses of your failures. -- Anon Guest

It doesn't matter, whispered the voice in the back of the Hellkin's mind. You can try your heart out in proving yourself a hero... they'll still call you a monster.

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Challenge #04458-L074: Methuselah Engineering

A: this is… a hydro-electric plant?

B: yep this brick steel concrete is built to last a century.

A: how old is it?

B: I say 100 years give or take a few decades.

A: wha- so in case of a fire…

B: the only steps I’m taking are [flipping] big ones. -- Anon Guest

It's generally a safe idea to run when one sees a Human running. The only exception being on an approved jogging track. Such cautions definitely hold

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Challenge #04457-L073: They Heal Slowly Too

Humans. Everyone thinks they're indestructible. But most don't see what I've seen. Like the ones here in this hospital recovering. Sure they saved their crews, but their bodies need a lot of repair, and rest. -- Anon Guest

The warning had gone out years ago, that Humans die slowly. When something causes their demise, it is either swift and messy - or clean, slow, and agonising. When the human is too hurt to complain about the pain, they're really in danger.


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Challenge #04456-L072: Arms Race

They played with toy drones, buzzing them through the air. But beware kids with little RC toys, and you're trying to be intimidating. -- Anon Guest

Fun for the whole family! Cosmetic shells sold separately, battery packs and chargers not included. The drones were cheap, easy to use, and could carry weights up to five kilograms as long as they were also aerodynamic. For yet another separate purchase, one could acquire a cargo pod that attached to your unit.

The reason why

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