Amalgam Universe

A 2197-post collection

Challenge #03641-I353: Communication Barrier

They cannot speak Galactic Standard or Galactic Simple, the translator is broken. Fortunately, the human has learned to speak, and understand, their whistling language. -- Anon Guest

Translator units were never entirely reliable. It was why most of the Alliance relied upon JOATS, polyglots, and stunt linguists to assist in negotiations. Make no mistake, translator units do an excellent job of translating the words. However... idioms, slang, and cultural references often slip through the cracks.

Translation software is always updating in an attempt to keep the metaphorical finger on the pulse of ever-changing language.

And then there's the Rennijym. A species of Avian Havenworlder who communicate exclusively in clicks and whistles. Most species can at least imitate the sounds necessary to handle GalSimple, even with some difficulty, but the Rennijym are not made that way.

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Challenge #03639-I351: Convalescence Telepresence

The human had severe injuries to the point they could not move. Until the body could heal, or if the injuries were too severe, replaced, they had a special, AI-produced, neural net placed on their head, and an android body to move around and do things for them. -- Anon Guest

"I don't want no chips in my head, I don't want no copies made of me. If I'm dying, I'm dying. No implants. I knew what I was doing when I

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Challenge #03637-I349: My Kind of Battle

Former Vorax, they gave up raiding which is all but unheard of in their species, much less their particular sect of their species, still want to fight, have competitions. Then they hear of humans having vicious battles where they choose a foodstuff and try to out-EAT each other. Battle where the losers are the ones that eat the LEAST food?? Now that is THEIR kind of fight! -- Anon Guest

"All I can eat?" repeated Vorax Daiv. They were already dribbling in

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Challenge #03636-I348: A Thousand and One Uses

"Please don't."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know that look, I realize this is a hijacking, but don't do it."

"Aw, but it'll be fun!"

"Do I need to remind you of how many hours you spent in decontamination?"

"Fine! I'll go and stop them in the normal bloody suit. You're no fun!" -- Anon Guest

Humans and their fun. They leaped off of tall things with only special suits and good timing to stop a fatal splat at the other

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Challenge #03634-I346: Incoming!

The lady came by post. -- From Rowean

The cryocoffin was covered in hoarfrost. It had batteries and auxiliary power sources enough to see its occupant safely into the current set of hands. There were also a disturbing number of rerouting stickers visible under the ice.

Thank the Powers that there was also a manual. How to make sure the unit was powered. How to make certain the occupant was still viable. Finally, how to safely thaw and revive once the reader

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Challenge #03633-I345: Really Big Softy

A Human has a pair of massive Maine Coon cats. They're gentle, fluffy, and HUGE. Needless to say, until they get to know the felines, some Havenworlders are terrified. The poor things are rescue cats from a cruel Deregger who had them declawed. -- Anon Guest

The Human had a pair of predators as pets. Because of course a Human saw nothing wrong with keeping predators in their habitat. Deathworlders. They were all the same. Right up to claiming their carnivorous beasts

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Challenge #03628-I340: Safety and Security

The tug is brought back to the station, the owners are told what happened, but are not angry at the kids, like Oz, is only greatly disappointed. However, the kids must face consequences for their behavior, and the parents are going to get a SERIOUS lesson in child-care, and a long talking-to. -- Lessons

It's universally agreed that eight and under is a bit young for Grand Theft Space Tug. There was going to be a

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Challenge #03626-I338: Parcel of Peace

These creatures are DANGEROUS, don't even think of challenging them, are you mad?? They eat POISONS for fun! They drink ACIDS for refreshment! Their bodies are made so they can run for MILES before they even begin to get TIRED! DO NOT FLAKKING CHALLENGE THEM! -- Anon Guest

Who could possibly believe that a rubbery hairless biped with an internal skeleton could also be the most relentless killing machine in the known universe? Certainly not Thrith Wout, who was running for hir

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Challenge #03622-I334: They Foretold You So

A Deregger polity requires people to take Esper tests at a young age. Those found to be of strong talent are forced to go to special compounds where they are only educated enough to be useful, and their abilities are trained to benefit the polity. The problem comes when they start trying to force the Espers to breed to create Esper children, and people rebel in rage at being treated like mere animals. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Eugenics is bad, m'kay?]


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Challenge #03621-I333: Time Enough and Luck

The rather... unhappy Pax Humanis members, after letting the officially diagnosed lucker depart in peace with their winnings, which was legally gotten since the person didn't KNOW they were a lucker until now and, therefore, had not been breaking any rules, went to find the casino owner and teach them a lesson about judging others the wrong way. And about trying to get innocent people harmed. -- Anon Guest

[AN: That first sentence is too long

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Challenge #03620-I332: For Every Action

A Deregger slips a bunch of theobromine into batches of "Havenworlder safe chocolate", tainting them, in rage and jealousy that the person making so much TIME on such an invention is part of the Alliance and refuses to join the Deregger polity. They are caught before it can do much harm, and will NOT like the consequences!

Anon - I thought you might like the link to the story your prompt looks to be from. --

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Challenge #03619-I331: Pointless Action

[AN: Peakd is playing up for me at the moment, so have the whole thing]

Multiple Deregger polities attempt to sue the owners of Respite Station to try to forcefully get it shut down. And scream bloody murder when they fail. Then they try violent attacks to "prove their point." And are shocked, then scream bloody murder, when they fail. -- Lessons

Dereggers love the word 'free' so long as it doesn't factor in the price

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Challenge #03618-I330: Take Your Ease

They invented a life-saving device that causes them to earn Time almost into the centuries. First thing they do? Buy a planet to make it into a paradise retirement place, with all the latest technologies, and offer it as a free place for all who want to settle down and relax in their old age. -- The New Guy

Whatever happened to the smart aleck who invented the Hungry Caterpillar? The expected tale of corporate takeovers, imitators, and undercutting does not happen

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Challenge #03617-I329: And the Winner is...

Just for the fun of it, some Havenworlders, who've grown braver over the last few years, decide to build a small racing track in the station that was built for all species, including humans. Human children LOVE it as the humans call the sport "Gravity Racing". Havenworlders, surprisingly, find it fun, too.

Aka - Soap Box Racing, aka Box Kart Racing. -- DaniAndShali

Humans play games with gravity. The severity of these games depends entirely on the human. This is, after all,

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Challenge #03616-I328: One in Ten Thousand

A person teaches some fellow Deathworlders how to take fruit, and turn them into alcohol. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I'm pretty sure most Deathworlders know how to brew anything capable of fermentation. And frequently will.]

"You guys are only using waste paper for your alcohol?"

"There are other things to make fast-burning fuel with?"

Human Ward glared at their fellow Deathworlders, and briefly thought about geologically-rendered dinosaur fat[1] before blurting, "You guys never drank this?"

"It's fuel, why would we drink

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