Realm of the InterNutter

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

Pseuducku: Button Layout Mockup

Now that decisions have been made about the look of some things, now we're looking at how the buttons go and in which order.

This is not an interactive experience

This exists to make aesthetic choices

I feel like I have to keep putting that up until I have something that's actually interactive.

Some significant time after I made the initial mockups, I realised that I needed way more buttons than I initially created in the BS version. So. Version 1 (immediately below) has the buttons initially described in the BS version.

Shown here: A mockup of a game in the starting state, cribbed from an actual game of Sudoku. The bird buttons are on the bottom and the game interaction buttons are on the right hand side.

From top to bottom, the buttons on THE RIGHT are:

  • Guide
  • Help
  • Undo [not available because the player has not made any moves]
  • Erase
  • Previous
  • Next

Now for Version 2 (immediately below) which features all the game interaction buttons in an order which I believe makes rational sense.

Shown here: A mockup of the same game as above, with more buttons on the right hand side.

From top to bottom, the buttons on THE RIGHT are:

  • Guide
  • Help
  • Undo [not available because the player has not made any moves]
  • Erase
  • Hint
  • Show "sight" lines or Show "forbidden" lines
  • Previous
  • Next

The Questions

  1. Which version (the number of buttons) do you prefer?
  2. Is there an order of buttons that you think would be better?

Challenge #04288-K270: Respected Priorities

Pax Humanis makes a deal with the deadly Lucker. They will not monitor them as they monitor others, and the Lucker only has to wear "the colors" when in Alliance areas. Their life, and travels, are their own. -- Anon Guest

What I don't like about Pax Humanis is their insistence on control. The other killers in there tolerate it. They know they're dangerous and they actually care about the health and wellbeing of the innocent.

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Thursday, I owe, I owe...

I owe y'all a rant entry for Weird Writer Wednesday. I might do a thing about being a very amateur game designer and the journey to create Pseuducku so far. Mostly because I haven't had the time to sit back and think about what else to recommend the larger world.

What has been on my mind is the processes I must go through in order to do the seemingly simplest thing for the game I'm making. My trials and tribulations, the delays,

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Challenge #04287-K269: Truly Heroic

Tell me, my student.... what is the difference between a TRUE Hero, and the person many just call a hero?

"I don't know, sir."

It is their heart. For a True Hero does not seek fame or fortune. They do not seek to harm others, no matter what they appear. Their only desire is to aid others whenever possible, and the knowledge they could help be their only reward.

The ones far too many tend to call 'hero'.... are usually far too

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Wednesday, Working on the Road Again

On Monday, I barely got a story started before Mayhem turned up again. Technical issues prevented work from happening.

Can't work with the system if the system is down.

Yesterday, my plns to help with MeMum's printer were foxed on the starter blocks by another system going down.

Can't unfuck an electrical device without electricity.

I didn't get to sleep until after midnight. It's going to be a fun day today. Guaranteed early bedtime tonight.

But at least I get breakfast and

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Challenge #04286-K268: For the Safety of Others

Those that discriminate against the unwanted races in this nation take a page from the lands of Whitekeep. They are not killed, instead sent to a large school where they are forced to learn about whom it is they hate. And the worst part is? The bracelets they must wear. Until they "graduate", they are no longer capable of telling any lies, especially, not to themselves. Kids are easy to teach lessons of kindness, respect, and diversity, it's the older teens and

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Tuesday, Severe Change of PLNs

Mum's Tech Support Day is going to have to happen next week because this week, the electricity people are blacking out her entire suburb. Yay.

Which means I have time for:

  • Patreon posts
  • Audio recordings
  • At least one Pseuducku mockup
  • And of course the daily nonsense.

I still have to write anything anywhere and I think I'll be going easy on myself and enjoying the slack time. Not stressing. Going with the mood. Maybe not entirely phoning it in, but not going

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Challenge #04285-K267: Mutually Assured Protection

The one I call my friend, no, more like a parental to me, helped me be a better CEO. The people are happy, I've plenty for my family, and they even introduced me to my spouse, we adopted kids, too. I'm so grateful. They're still here for us , them and their friends. They can be scary, but behind their masks, they're really kind. -- Anon Guest

I spent a lot of my life being yelled at

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Monday, the Shenanigans Continueth

Oh boy howdy do I like to pile on the horseshit. Because scheduling stuff, I'm attempting to do my daily offerings whilst roaming. Driving Mayhem to work and turning around when home or almost home is a frustration. It's actually more sensible to hang out at his destination until he's good to go home. Bit of a pain in the butt, but not as painful as spending three to four hours constantly on the road.

Plus I have shopping that needs must

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Challenge #04284-K266: Worth Working up to

They had been dereggers. Though long since rescued, their bodily systems made it hard for them to eat, well, anything very easily. But seeing all that people here enjoyed, made them long for something more than.. blah. They went to the Gyiik temple where they said the people there had magic that could help them. -- Anon Guest

It was a bizarre food allergy, if it could truly qualify as such. The freed former citizens of a now-extinct Greater Deregulation could not

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Challenge #04283-K265: A Start, An End

The burrow of kobolds found a nest of dragon eggs. The nest was still very warm, but the parent was not returning, as a cruel person that other humans were calling a "hero" had killed them. They took in these eggs to care for them, to raise them, those false "heroes" would not get their hands on these children, ever. Not if the borrow had anything to say of it! -- Anon Guest

Heroism is relative. For every victorious vanquisher of an

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Sunday, Footsore and Pained

The best thing I can say is that I had fun and I'm paying for it.

My left foot just GD hates me today. I do not want to walk. I just made it to my compy and, after a little jiggery-pokery because keyboard malfunction.

I plugged it into a different USB port and now all is well.


I have my cane with me for just-in-case, but I am hoping to rely on the kids to get my hands on my

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Challenge #04282-K264: Trust Issues

They wandered the land, traveling mostly at night. When they found those enslaved, or were runaway slaves, they only asked one question. "Will you trust me enough to take you somewhere safe?" They took those willing to follow to a village that shattered the shackles, broke off the collars, and taught those once enslaved how to live free. The first lesson? "Think for yourself, and never let anyone force you to do that which you do not wish to." -- Anon Guest

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Friday, Back-arseward BS

I can at least say that an attempt was made. The attempt: Hanging out in a cafe near Mayhem's work for a bit, so that I didn't spend so much fuel on the back and forth. Alas, the local gremlins heard us plotting and decided to fuck things up for us.

I had a breakfast - defending it from a local pewit (long story) and managed to doodle some good buttons while I waited. Those pictures may be up on or after

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