Plague Diary

A 1695-post collection

Sunday, Inactivity PLNs

Tale Foundry cancelled for health reasons, so I'm streaming early. Thereafter, I shall post and then slack off for the remains of the day.


A hot bath may yet be in order.

The downside of going out for Bath Bombs is that I'll also have to wear the Torture Shoes because fucking bone spurs need correcting again. OTOH maybe the place isn't open by the time I'm done with my bullshit.

D&D news: I have technically finished the maps! I have to do some corrections, but the larger part of the work is DONE. Yay.

I also have some minor maps to build, but that should be fine and dandy on a Monday afternoon. I might even do them in DungeonDraft so I don't have to get sweary about the building blocks.

I anticipate a lot of switching for various parts of the game.

Chapter Count: I have written some words into Chapter 276 and may finish that off today. Or I may not. I've been awake since 3AM. I need a napnap.

I need at least one day for flopping around and just chilling, right?

Stream soon. Story later than that.

Saturday, Parkrun and Security Blanket


Beloved and I had a discussion earlier in the week about how long it was taking for the repairs to go ahead. So we agreed to go seeking info today after the parkrun shenanigans. I even asked her to hold my liddle hand while I did all of that.

Fast forward to Friday. My love spends so long with Friendo Awesome and the Rainbow Chatters that she's too tired to drive home.

Leaving me to drive

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Friday, Unfuckening as Usual

My immediate PLNs are small and average for this time of the week.

Clean the Catio, feed the Starters, make and consume the Bikkie. All that jazz.

I may actually have some Literary Zoomies going on because...

Chapter Count: Made a beginning on Chapter 275

That's right, my lovely readers, I wrote a chapter in a day! ZOOOM!

Further in my shenanigannery, I had to do a little remote tech work whilst also debugging my firkin phone. It's battery is misbehaving so

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Thursday, Day of Rest?

Certainly day of the rest. I should be getting on with my WIP, I should spare some time to summarise a chapter at minimum, and maybe even tag a week of fics for the app.

Except the Morbs are giving me the Dunwannas. BLEH.

Beloved is mildly pissed with me since I bullied her stiff arm into pliability with a quick stropping tutorial and a handful of Deep Heat. She despises Deep Heat because it both smells and burns, and she was

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Wednesday, Wordpress and Shenanigans

My love and I have knotted muscles in our shoulders and upper right arms. So my PLN involves getting some bath bombs (and dinner), and then retiring for the evening for a nice hot bath and massage exchange.

I shall be posting yet another episode of the fanficcy variant of "A Devil's Tale" today, working on the daily offerings, and of course the WIP.

Chapter Count: About to launch into chapter 274. I might be heading towards Literary Zoomies? I dunno. I

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Tuesday, Serious Stuff (and Patreon)

A close friend of the family suffered a sexual assault, yesterday.

She's not injured, there was no forced entry, so to speak. What the proper definition might be if it was welcome could be "heavy petting".

She had to say, "No thank you" so many times she lost count before the skeezbag got the fucking hint.

Even if she reports it, nothing will be done. Apart from the usual victim blaming.

"Where did this happen?" Translated: were you in a prostitute hot

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Monday, Progress and Presents

Had a bit of time juggling to get to the place. Had some fun driving what boils down to high-speed lawnmowers through an indoor track.

Chaos kept crashing into the walls because she didn't quite grok braking. Oh dear.

She was still better at driving the dang things than I was. I was bumbling around the track like it was the Dreamworld Fun Cars [the slow lawnmowers].

It was a drifting track. You're supposed to go around sideways. I was lapped like

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Sunday, Meatspace PLNs

We're up to shenanigans, today. Huzzah! Going out with friends and family to drive tiny cars around an indoor racetrack for the afternoon.

With possible option for treats afterwards.

Current detail bothering me: I am driving Miss Chaos to the place and picking up KIABIL along the way. Alas, I know not where the fucking destination is and I kind'a need that for the GPS.

I'm sure it will be sorted before I take off.

Chapter count: Wrote the first words into

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Saturday, Parkrun and Altered PLNs

We got the parkrun done, and I managed to sleep until the early afternoon.

Story finished, and I shall be altering my usual plans. Doing tomorrow's story stream one hour after the game stream. All so we can be ready for the PLNs of the day.

That's right! It's go-carting day tomorrow.

As for today? The remains of today... I post, I've done the meme, I try to write a little bit more of A Devil's Tale. Speaking of...

Chapter count: Just

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Friday, Scrum Time!

So. I have cleaned out the Catio. I have realised that I have the wrong size leggings for my winter activewear. We're also running very low on the tissues supply.

As a direct result, I am watching the clock and plotting to take off somewhere close to 9:30 so I can do Costco and the place where I can actually get activewear leggings in my size.

Pockets are a must.

I shall therefore be absent from my keyboard until I can

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Thursday, Game Night and Dunwannas

The mood is "flop around and whine about everything" today. I took an abundance of time to haul myself out of a nice comfy bed.

I'm feeling "heavy" today and that generally means that I'm having a stealth asthma attack and can't get enough oxygen. Usually, the humidifier is a good option for making that go away.

If that fails, it's up the meds and hope for the best.

Or I figure out where the hair up my butt is and work

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Wednesday, Wordpress, Date Night, and Movie Day

Taking Mayhem out to see the D&D movie. So the usual offerings will be later than normal.

I can hope to get the Wordpress out.

It takes me longer to write a whole story from prompt than it does to copy/pasta stuff.

Updates if necessary, much later. We're going to have some fun rn.

...I also have no idea what we're doing for Date Night, but I am for sure paying for it.

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Tuesday PLNs

I'm doing a support run for MeMum today, so my PLNs are thus:

  • Coffee, soup, and meds (in progress
  • This blog (doy)
  • Nick off across the countryside
  • Help MeMum with thing at place
  • Back home and do all the offerings


I'm bringing the iPad with me for incidental inspirations and the hope that I hit literary zoomies at some point.

Chapter count: still crawling along in chapter 272

All right. I must kiss my Beloved and toddle offski.

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Monday, Tale Foundry Reads

I am on call to read for a friend, so that's going to take up most of the day.

Tomorrow, I go do a Tech Day for MeMum, and the day after that, I'm taking Mayhem to see the D&D movie.

I expect not a lot to get done behind the curtain this week.

Chapter count: Made a start into Chapter 272

We're out of moneys for the meanwhile, so now we're using my cash reserves for frivolous things like.

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Sunday, Streams and Dubious PLNs

Beloved and I were going to go out and acquire activewear that was relatively winter-proof.

Alas, we have run out of moneys. Or rather, Beloved has run out of moneys. So I shall be using my cash funds to do anything until payday.

So I might have to limit myself to just the leggings for the meanwhile.

I do not wish for my knees to freeze.

On the positive side, I now have enough Keto-snacks to keep me happy for quite some

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