Plague Diary

A 1694-post collection

Sunday, Tale Foundry and Tired Bean

Operating on not a lot of sleep today. I will probably have enough energy to do the story stream, but I feel like I'll need a nap before the publishing happens.

We shall see.

Tale Foundry is doing the story reads as I write, and I have not done ONE word in the next prompt.

I also have another prompt to have some fun with. My Patrons will see that before anyone else. As always.

Chapter Count: 2/5ths of Chapter 280 done. Hoping to finish that later today. If I don't trip over some Dwarf Fortress on the way.

Beloved managed to find a source of Sockassins. Alas, she has yet to tell me where it is so I can acquire pairs for everyone.

Story stream soon. Publication somewhere thereafter.

Saturday, Parkrun, Bikkie, and Game Night

I didn't do the Bikkie yesterday because I was offski with the family tech support. So I shall be working on that, later today.

For now, I rest my feet and prepare my offerings for my lovely readers.

Miss Chaos managed to do the whole 5K walk today, so now she's in the system and may even persist in what parkrunners refer to as "the cult".

She doesn't like the pain, but she may yet appreciate the gain.

The game that should

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Friday, Shenanigans Afoot

I managed to wrangle a day for my Beloved to go visit MeMum and thereby sort out some tech issues that I could not unfuck on my own.

The problem with this is that it's also the day that Mum's offski to do shopping thanks to an Elderly Care Transit System.

So I have to be ready to take off at a time of convenience.

Which means that I will likely be working on my Starter on Sunday [Wilson the Wholemeal Starter

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Thursday, Endorphin Chase

Had a wonderful date night with Beloved, had some revealing discussions about where I am on the queer spectrum.

The word is "DemiRo" short for Demisexual with a focus on Romance.

The rest of it is between my partners and I.

...yeah that's not a typo. Beloved and I have formed a Queer Platonic Partnership[QPP] with a third party. Everything else is none of your business. I shall refer to partnership stuff with QPP and generic family stuff that could also

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Wednesday, Wordpress, Date Night, and Snuggle Time

Beloved is home again tonight and it shall be part of my plans to pick her up and then take her out. Powers only know what else I am doing in the evening. Besides cuddling, I mean.

For the day, I make my offerings, and send them forth into the interwebs. I work on my WIP for as long as inspiration strikes and then fuck off and fool about on games.

Chapter Count: Made it past 2/5ths of Chapter 279. Fingers

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Tuesday, Onwards with the Offerings

Yesterday was a marathon.

  • Load the car with the full orange bags ready for a cans run
  • Get ready for the day, including Torture Shoes for the betterment of my train wreck body
  • Do the Tale Foundry backup reads
  • Take off for a long, long drive to the cans place
  • Two trips with the trolley to cash in all the cans, come up $20 shorter than normal because someone didn't crush their containers
  • Offski to Costco to fetch TP and Nori
  • Thereafter
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Monday, Running About

I have to go to Costco to fetch TP, and while I'm there, I might as well do a cans run and pick up some Nori while I'm out.

And since I'm out anyway, I might as well go forth to the shops and fetch a few things for the fam.

But first, there's the Tale Foundry backup reads. Which will take a lot of the morning.

You might not see any story out of me until later in the evening.


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Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

I spent another night alone because Beloved was off helping Friendo Awesome fend off a house inspection yesterday.

I get to cuddle her again when she gets home at noonish.

And that I shall enjoy.

I shall be working on my offerings via stream today. Just as soon as TaleFoundry has finished the reads.

I might even write a little bit of a chapter at a later hour. Speaking of...

Chapter Count: Finished chapter 278 and about to launch 279. Hooray.


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Saturday, Parkrun and Game PLNs

I managed to get Miss Chaos to come with, though she had to sit at the first bench. She gave it a good go and we shall see whether she's amenable next week.

Looks like KIABIL is super un-enthusiastic about doing the parkrun. He's not really scheduling his rest cycles to make sure he can participate.

ANYway. I have offerings to make, and some WIP to write and perhaps some dwarves to micromanage.

Let's see how that goes.

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Friday, Ongoing PLNs

I'm doing my usual Friday nonsense. Unfucked the Catio already, and I'll be shortly prepping The Bikkie(tm).

Thereafter I shall be doing the Starters and such.

The wholemeal starter, known in house as Wilson, will be retiring to the freezer today. I have run out of the wholemeal flour to feed it with. Henceforth, only the "Instructions" starter will be part of my routine. Until I run out of flour.

When I am in a mood to make breads again, I

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Thursday, Assorted Shenanigans

Tonight, I shall be playing D&D on the move. I can do the thing on my lappy, and I shall have to tonight.

Beloved and Friendo Awesome and I are going to have an involved gasbag concerning shared involvements on seemingly random things.

Further bulletins as events warrant. I can't really share until I know what the flip is actually going on

I also have to arrange a Cans Run at some point. Possibly this Monday.

Hooray for I Have

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Wednesday, Wordpress, Patreon, and Date Night

I forgot to do the Patreon stuff. That will be happening very soon. Along with the Wordpress entry for this week.

I really should get myself back into the habit of summarising my firkin novels. On the other hand, I really wanna chase endorphins via game.

I'll focus on doing my offerings first rather than attempting to micromanage Dwarves or work on my farms in Minecraft or work on my Dyson sphere.

...I will find curious ways to procrastinate and I need

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Tuesday, Tech Support Before Patreon

The spending spree has commenced. I have a copy of The Adventure Zone: 11th Hour heading my way from Mssrs Barnes and Noble. I have myself a copy of Dwarf Fortress to mess around in and perhaps build up a resilience against failure. I have yet to buy myself a spare copy of Kosh.

Why Kosh?

Well. The cats knocked him off his perch and his horns fell off. So now I have a prime opportunity to make him anew. Because I

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Monday, Battery Reset Hopes

I am attempting, once more, to reset my phone battery by running it flat and subsequently charging it to full plus an hour.

Last time I tried this, it quit at 47% instead of 30% Last night, it crashed at 47% again, so I did the charge accurately this morning and I'm hoping to wind things down properly before I need it tomorrow.


I'm headed offski to unriddle MeMum's ongoing tech issues to the best of my inability. At least I'm

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Sunday, Inactivity PLNs

Tale Foundry cancelled for health reasons, so I'm streaming early. Thereafter, I shall post and then slack off for the remains of the day.


A hot bath may yet be in order.

The downside of going out for Bath Bombs is that I'll also have to wear the Torture Shoes because fucking bone spurs need correcting again. OTOH maybe the place isn't open by the time I'm done with my bullshit.

D&D news: I have technically finished the maps!

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